And We Have Only HIS Dad

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everything had to be perfect. Achilles and I bought cheap silk bridesmaid robes to make breakfast in and get reading. Achilles made waffles. Correction, Achilles tried to make waffles so I Doordashed some good ones for when that failed, and it did. The stress was on though. If tonight went well, I would be the sole heir of the estate, and money, and business, and I would have Achilles with me the whole time. We would just have to drag him up until my dad dies. But that wouldn't be too hard, we came up with a story for everything.

For example, after I got kicked out. I got a loan and started sculpting with an old friend I reconnected with from middle school. I was quickly accepted into an art gallery by his grandfather and things went from there. Then I met Daphne, a potential buyer looking to expand her collection. We quickly became friends and she was the daughter of a rich, californian vineyard owner. Coming from similar backgrounds we hit it off and went on a date. Then another, then six other ones. We bought an apartment in the city and continued to move forward from there.

I proposed to her 3 weeks ago in a rose garden, where I blind folded her and led her to a statue of us, her marble figure staring lovingly with her mouth covered by folded hands and me on one knee holding a velvet ring box, with the diamond glistening in the sunset. I then got on my own knee next to the statue and made my speech. She of course accepted and here we are.

Daphne was a bit shy, and would spend most of the night on my arm smiling and giggling, saying her hellos is a hushed voice so as to not give away the voice that was deeper than mine behind it. Her dress showed off a bit of her padded figure and a shall to help hide the god-like muscularity of her arms and back. Her neck is covered by makeup and jewelry. Every inch glowing and dazzling without having to try. And that wasn't even in his natural form.

I was getting too into it.

When the time had arrived, we stepped out of the car and into my fathers garden/patio area. The place was both overly familiar and completely strange; like the ghost of a relative i've never met that haunted me for no reason other than that I existed. There were more heinous acts committed in this place than love, yet that was the only one punished. Despite the boulder in my throat, I led Achilles on. Through the irongate, up the cobblestone, past the gawking stares, and directly to my father. It wasn't hard to get his attention, the whole world seemingly stopped spinning for me and Achilles entrance. Daphne was beautiful, we all know that. I like to think that I had also changed since I left.I could feel it while walking toward my father. I was now less cowardly, more focused,clear, and even if this was not 100% true, it was for tonight. TOnight could make or break my future. If I messed this up, well, I didn't know, I guess I would be in the same position, if tonight went well, would Achilles remain at my side, or would he move on?

I couldn't dwell on it, if he really loved me he would stay, if he didn't it was my bad. But tonight had to be perfect, no matter what.

My father's eyes bore into mine, but I kept eye contact, his gaze grew softer, but more questioning when he met Achilles. He smirked when he saw Achilles' figure(mainly made of padding Achilles stole from the theater department). What a creep! I guess he had always been this way though, waiters, teachers, friend's moms. Achilles leaned further into me, it would work better if he wasn't already taller then me plus heels. By time we were in talking distance of my father, Achilles was practically wrapped around me trying not to be protective. I kinda wish he was.

'Ahem," my father cleared his throat," Who's this?"

"My finance', Daphne," I said curtly.

"Hmm, does she know your situation?"


"How much did you have to pay her to come here and lie with you?"

"Nothing, because she is in fact my fiance, we met at an art gallery, she was one of my potential buyers," I replied.

" Your son here is a wonderful sculpter, I think my eyes fell in love with his work before I even met him. By time we met I was already thinking I wanted about 8 of them, turns out I wanted the man behind them too!", Achilles said in his sweetest, most feminine voice; careful not to sound like a valley girl.

" How much are you sculptures going for usually?" My father questioned.
"They generally start at 1,000 some go up to 8,000."

"Wow, you must be pretty good, anyway where can I see these for myself?", father said almost sarcastically.

Achilles turned to me," you have that art show coming up in the museum soon right dear?"

"Yeah, why don't you come to that Dad?"

"That sounds great, I'd love to," my father said, clapping me on the back when he noticed people had begun to crowd.

The rest of the night was filled with storytelling, making up details me, and Achilles hadn't even thought people would ask. The lying became pretty natural, and Achilles was good with going along with it. Until his uncle, a recent friend of my father's walked up.

"Achilles? What are you doing here! You disgraceful idiot! I knew your father was hiding something about your plans for the night! Helping this failure get back his money! Did he offer you some! Such greed! What would your mother say?!!", he said, snatching Achilles wig.

" I am here because I love him, and he deserves to have family and his life back," Achilles said, completely throwing out all hope," even if they don't deserve him," he muttered.

"Leave. Leave Patroclus. Leave Achilles. If I ever even see you within a mile of MY estate, you're dead. My liar son, my disappointment personified. " my father said.

"I may be a liar, but at least I'm not a coward," I spit back at him.

Achilles and I left, not a tear shed, but eyes stinging.

Sorry it took me so long to update. Classes started, and life's been chaotic.

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