The Scare

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Lily's POV

Javi: I'm sorry come again.

Drew: We wanna get married.

Lily: Where are you gonna live?

Asia: We can find an apartment.

Javi: Who's gonna pay the rent.

Drew opens his mouth to speak.

Javi: Don't you dare try to tell me that your four dollar an hour job scooping cones at the Coldstone Creamery is gonna pay any bills because it won't.

Lily: So are you gonna take his last name?

Asia: Yeah that's the plan.

Javi: What do y'all's parents think of this?

Drew: We haven't told them yet.

Lily: At least wait until your old enough to drive.

Javi: And if you do this Drew you probably won't be able to get a basketball scholarship for college.

Drew: I can have a wife and go to college.

Javi: If you're married by fifteen you'll probably have kids by seventeen.

Lily: If we were in senior year I probably would have said go for it but we're going into sophmore year and you guys have your whole life ahead of you.

Asia: Lily I know you guys probably won't understand because you guys don't love each other us much as Drew and I love each other-

Javi: Hold up, why do you say that?

Drew: We figured if y'all really loved each other y'all would have fucked by now.

Javi: Lily and I ain't ready for that yet but that doesn't mean our love is any weaker than yours.

Drew: Alright I'm sorry man. Just like you two both respect each other enough to wait we respect each other so much that we want to give ourselves to each other both emotionally and physically.

Lily: Drew Asia listen to me, I don't want you to rush into this because you have no money and no way of supporting yourselves. I don't think marriage is as fun as you think it'll be.

Asia: How do you know?

Lily: My parents married young and look at them now. My real Mum has a new boyfriend every week, my dad is pretty much married to his job and their only daughter lives half way across the world with her half brother and mother's sister who adopted her as her own child.

Javi: My parents married young too. They had financial problems so bad my Dad sold drugs to support and ended up in jail. It messed me and Juan up so badly.

Drew: Guys that's sad and all but we're not y'all's parents-

Javi: But you could be. It's ok at first but when my Mom got pregnant with Juan-

Lily: Pregnant. Asia are you pregnant?

Drew: No she's not pregnant we're always safe when we do it and we're looking into birth control so we don't have to use condoms any more. Right A?

Asia: I threw up this morning.

Lily: Oh God.

Javi: Y'all really need to lay off the sex.

Lily: Asia where's the nearest gas station?

Asia: Like a mile and a half out the only way to get there is to drive.

None of us start taking lessons until next month.

Javi: Who can we call?

Asia: My brother?

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