Hollaback Yonce

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                                                                            Lily's POV

                                                                         Cheer Practice 

The captain Cassie, walks in with the glass bowl, containing folded up pieces of paper.

Cassie: Ok girls, this year the panthers are bringing back on old tradition... We're being assigned to football players!

Most of the team squeals in excitement, I lean over to Asia.

Lily: Um... isn't that a little sexist?

Asia: Lily, enough with the feminist crap, it's just a little fun and it strengthens the bond between us and the boys.

Cassie: Ok girls, settle down. Now as captain I'll go first.

She places the bowl down on a table and picks a piece of paper out. She unfolds it and reads out the name.

Cassie: Chresanto!

She shows us all the name written in cursive.

One by one we pick names out the bowl, Asia and I line up for our turn.

Asia: Oh I hope I get my baby.

She crosses her fingers and picks a name out the bowl. 

Lily: Aren't you gonna open it?

Asia: I'm too nervous you do it.

She hands me the paper and I open it.

Lily: Jacob L.

Asia's face drops.

Asia: This tradition stupid anyway, it's built on misogynist morals designed to keep women in domestic roles.

She goes and sits with Eunice who is a little upset about her partner too, she got Javi.

Cassie: Lily your turn.

There's two names left in the bowl now and I stopped keeping track of which girl got assigned to what boy. I swirl my hand around the bowl for a minute and picked one out, I remember that no one had gotten Jojo yet. Wait? What if I'm holding Jojo's name? I drop the paper and pick out the other one.

Cassie: Want me to read it?

Lily: Sure.

She opens it.

Cassie: Jojo!

Lily: What?

Eunice: It's ok, you can trade with me if you want Lily.

Cassie: Um no you can't, player assignments are non-negotiable. In my freshman year, there was a girl assigned to her own brother.

Eunice: Wow, this is weird. I got assigned to your boyfriend and you got assigned to our ex?

Lily: Our ex? When did you guys break up?

Eunice: Oh last night, he texted me. I wanted to tell you at lunch but I didn't want to ruin the mood.

Asia: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry.

Eunice: It's ok, I'll get over it.

The gym door opens,a boy wearing a muscle tee holding a gym bag and a water bottle enters the gym.

Cassie: Um excuse me, this is a closed practice.

Boy: Oh I know I'm here for practice.

Cassie: Basketball was cancelled today.

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