Chapter XXX

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I woke up with a killer headache - it felt as if I was beat with a bat. I managed to roll over and face Hagy. He looked so peaceful with his hair messy and half covering his face and mouth open and a tiny bit of drool. I didn't even think to look at the time. 


SHIT! I'm late for class and I'm almost an hour away. I groaned and rush to get ready while holding my head and stumbling around. Stumbling around? That's not like me. How much did we drink last night? I heard Hagy shuffle around. 

"Hags. I'm super late for class I have to go," I said, I didn't even bother to whisper. 

"Don't go. Stay with me." He pleaded. I ignored him and kept getting ready. I was brushing my hair when Easton called. 

"Hey," I answered weakly, I have got to manage this headache. 

"Dude. Where are you?" She asked, she sounded frantic. 

"I'm still in Pittsburgh. I stayed here last night and I really don't remember much," I shook my head. 

"You couldn't have told me this BEFORE I decided to show up for class?" She exclaimed. I felt at ease, I knew there wasn't anything serious.

"I didn't plan on being hungover and feeling like my head's been bashed in but here we are." I closed my eyes and began to sit on the bathroom floor. 

"Hungover? Emalie, that's not like you at all." She got quiet.

"Yeah I know. I-I don't know what happened. But uh I'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. 

"Yeah sure you will," She replied before hanging up. I don't know if she was being funny or not but I didn't care.

 I sat my phone on the sink and gently began to move towards the toilet. I was not feeling good. I started gagging and I guess Hags heard me because he came running to me. 

"Hey! Hey, Are you okay?" He asked. I know he was trying to be nice but I didn't want nice. 

"Does it look or sound like I'm okay?" I snapped at him before throwing up. At least it's in the toilet I thought. 

"I-I'm sorry I just thought I'd help you." He said softly before standing up and walking out. 

"Hags. No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound like that. Please come back!" I called after him. He didn't respond. I started crying which made me throw up more. After about five minutes, he did come back

"Here. Drink this, it'll make you feel better," He said before sitting beside me with a fizzy drink.

"I'm so sorry Hagy," I cried. He put his arm around me and kissed my head.

"Do not apologize. You're just fine." He whispered. We sat in silence while I drink my concoction. 

"How much and what did we drink last night?" I asked as I began to stand up. 

"Uh, too much." He said flatly. "You alone drink three bottles of wine after your champagne."

"What?" I asked dumbfounded. 

"Yeah. So uh you were trashed." He chuckled. "We uh did some stuff too, but looking now I don't think that was the right thing to do." He scratched the back of my head. 

I was speechless. "Did we use protection?" I whispered. He laughed. 

"We didn't go all the way, Emalie, don't worry." He wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head against his chest. "Whenever you're ready." He kissed my head again. 

"Hags?" I looked up at him.


"I'm ready." I smiled. He looked speechless so I made the first move. 

I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him and tangled my fingers in his hair. He slowly kissed back before trailing his hands down my body. We carefully started walking back to his room - our room - tripping over piles of clothes and wine bottles. 

"I'm sorry if I taste like puke," I giggled and continued. He gently laid me on the bed. 

"Are you sure?" he asked, I nodded, "Positive?" he asked again. 

"110%" I smiled at him. He nodded and continued. 


He was so gentle. It could not have been better. 

"How was it?" He asked as I laid in his arms. 

"It was magical. It couldn't have been any better." I smiled. 

We laid in bed for awhile while Hagy rubbed my back and kissed me all over. 

" I love you." He whispered. 

"I love you too." I smiled. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. 

All of a sudden Hags sat up. 

"Hey your mom's calling you," He said and handed me my phone. I moaned before answering it.


"Where are you?" she asked. 

"I'm with Hags. I'm okay." I rolled my eyes. 

"Well your dad's not. Meet us at UPMC." 

"What? Why?" I sat up causing Hags to look worried. 

"He had a heart attack. Just hurry." She said before she hung up. I sat speechless. 

"What's wrong?" Hags asked. 

"My dad. He had a heart attack and he's at UPMC." I said disassociating. He jumped up and got clothes together for me. 

"Here throw this on and I'll drive."  He was frantic and I was I in denial.  

Hagy had to physically help me get dressed and situated, but my entire body was numb. 

Light the Lamp {c. hagelin}Where stories live. Discover now