Chapter XVI

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Since I had stayed the night with Hags, school was the last thing on my mind. I'd woken up around 9:30am with nearly one hundred texts from Easton.

From East:
Where are you
Don't leave me alone

I laughed and rolled over to face Hags. He was still asleep. His hair was all over the place and he slept with his mouth slightly open. I smiled, he looked younger. I moved my hand up slowly to push his hair out of his face. Maybe if he had a hair thing his hair wouldn't be a mess. He didn't budge, he was out cold.

I smiled slightly, kissed his cheek, and tried to get out of his bed. As soon as I got one foot planted on the floor something grabbed me back onto the bed.

"Where are you going?" I heard Hags say in a husky, morning voice. I turned over, his eyes were still closed.

"I was gonna make breakfast or something." I said sheepishly. After a few seconds, a small smile formed at the corner of his mouth and he opened his eyes.

"Let me take you out to breakfast." He smiled.

"I can't let you do that." I shook my head. He looked hurt.

"Why not?" His voice sounded like a mix of sadness and anger.

"I can't let you pay for everything."

"Well ma'am. You don't have a choice." He smirked. I grunted in acceptance.

"But I don't have any clothes here other than from last night." I argued.

"Umm, you could wear your pants from last night and one of my hoodies? But I might want it back depending on which one you pick out." He smiled, I nodded and went to look throw his hoodies.

After looking through what seemed like a million hoodies, I found an old Anaheim hoodie with his name on the back and the laces on the front.

"Can I wear this one?" I asked.

"Oh! I didn't think you'd pick an older one. But uh yeah of course." He said surprised.

"I don't wanna take any of your good ones. And I like hoodies with the hockey laces. And it has your name on the back." I smiled and walked to the bathroom to get dressed.

I slid my pants from the night before back on, and threw Hags's hoodie on over my bra. His hoodie smelled like him for being an old one. I'd have to ask him what kind of Cologne he uses so I can get at least a sample for when he goes on long trips. I laughed and walked out of the bathroom to meet a handsome, lazy day Hagelin.

"Beautiful." He barely got out. I blushed.

"Do you have a beanie I could wear?" I questioned looking at the one he was wearing. He smirked.

"Of course. But I do want my beanie back. My beanies are like my babies." He said and went to get a me beanie.

"So they're your beanie babies?" I laughed at my own pun. Why does he like me? I don't understand.

He was laughing when he came back and handed me a black beanie. I pulled half of my hair up and threw the beanie on top to cover my ears.

"Let's go shall we?" I smiled and grabbed my phone before I slid my shoes on.

"Do you want to walk somewhere?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It would be more relaxing to walk, why don't we walk?" I smiled.

"Then walking we shall do." He smiled and motioned out the door. Once he locked it we started walking down the cold, Pittsburgh street. Once I familiarized myself with the location, I realized that Hags lived on Fifth Avenue and within walking distance to Walnut Street.

Once we got across the highway, Hags and I interlocked hands. We were hit with frigid air, but it was something out of a Disney movie.

"Want to go to Pamela's?" He asked.

"Where?" I questioned, confused.

"It's a nice, small, nostalgic diner." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sounds lovely." I smiled brightly. I nodded and we continued walking.

As soon as we got to our destination, I phone started ringing.


I sighed and answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Did you call the school? They should excuse you because you were getting experience for college. If not I'll call them." She said frantically.

"No I didn't call them. I'll be home later sometime." I yawned.

"Alright. Don't do anything bad and you'd regret later." She said before hanging up.

"Your mum?" Hags asked, opening the door for me. I nodded.

"Yup. She wanted to see if I called the school to tell them I won't be there today." I rubbed my eyes.

"Ah. Did you?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Nope. Didn't even think about it." I shrugged, as we walked up to the counter to order our food.

"Can I get a stack of maple pancakes? And a black coffee?" Hags asked the lady behind the counter.

"Uh can I get a plan wheat bagel and French Vanilla coffee?" I smiled slightly. The lady nodded and I followed Hags to a window seat. It seemed nostalgic and 90s ish. 

"So," Hags started once we got our food, "I'm going to be away for awhile." I looked down. I nodded.

"I know. I just didn't realize. And I can't go with you." I whispered. He had a handful of games on the west coast that he would be leaving for the following day.

"We have each other's numbers, I can give you some of the other guys' if you want." He replied sheepishly.

"That would be nice. Maybe Kunitz and Cullen? I feel like they're mature and fatherly." I smirked.

"Sounds good. I'll text them and tell them the plan. Don't do anything bad while I'm gone." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"I literally get up, go to school, and come home. Occasionally I'll hang out with Easton. I don't think about doing bad things. Unless you count pulling an all nighter and crying because I don't think I deserve my boyfriend." I said taking a drink of my coffee.

"I'm just saying." He smiled before digging into his pancakes. I took small bites of my bagel. I never really liked nor had the time to eat breakfast. Normally coffee would be my first meal of the day.

"What are you thinking about?" Hags asked after finishing his pancakes and noticing I had only eaten barely half my bagel.

"Oh. Uh," I stammered, "Just the usual." I tried to fake a smile, but Hags wouldn't buy it.

"Emalie. What's up?" He said, with concern in his eyes.

"Don't do anything bad while you're away." I whispered, not looking him in the eyes.

"Emalie, look at me," he said firmly, I did. My green eyes matched his blue eyes. "I promise."

I wanted to say it's easier said than done because he's the most attractive human in the world, but I just faked another smile and said okay, even though I had a strange feeling in my chest.

Light the Lamp {c. hagelin}Where stories live. Discover now