Chapter II

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The best part of Jackson's practices and games is the smell of the ice as soon as you walk in. It's a peaceful smell and feeling like all the weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 

I sat my backpack on a bleacher and helped my mom put Jackson's gear on him. Finally, after a while of Jackson not paying attention to what he was doing, we finally got him into his gear and out on the ice. 

I sighed before sitting on the bleacher beside my mom.
"What's wrong, Em?" She asked me.
"Nothing. I just have a big test coming up and I need to get a good grade on." I replied working on my homework.
"You work way too hard." She shook her head.
"Mom, I need to do well in order to go to college for sports physical training. I can't slack off." I said firmly.
"I know. I know. But you need a break." She said quietly.
"When?" I snapped but immediately felt bad about it afterward.
"Well, thanksgiving break is in a few weeks." She barely whispered. She was right. Thanksgiving would be here before I knew it.
"Yeah. You're right." I said and continued with my homework.
At the end of practice, and the end of my stressful homework, Jackson's coach asked us all to come over so he could talk to us.
"So, as we all know, thanksgiving week is coming up. And the Penguins have a game that week. And we've been asked to playing during the intermission of that game!" Coach Johns said. Everyone cheered and the team hit their sticks off the ice and I just stood there in shock. I was filled with excitement.
In the car I bombarded my mom with a thousand questions.
"Are we going? Please tell me we're going. Hags will be there! We have to go!" I practically cried. She just laughed at me.
"Yes we're going. They'll play during the intermissions. They'll be down near the locker rooms-" I cut her off.
"THE LOCKER ROOMS!" I nearly screamed, "So Jackson will be down with the team while they're playing soccer just like they do every day. That's not fair!" I pouted.
"Emalie, you'll be down there too. Just calm down!" My mom said annoyingly.
I shut up for the rest of the ride home and the rest of the night. I smiled until I went to bed. What if I met Carl Hagelin?

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