Chapter XXII

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Emalie's POV 

I had no idea where Easton went, she wasn't answering her phone and I knew Hampus had to go back with his team soon. I tried calling again.

No answer.

"Dammit Easton," I mumbled under my breath.

"Okay, okay. Umm maybe she went to the locker room? Who would she be with?" Hampus asked. I only told him because I didn't want the whole team to be worried about her if she was just lost somewhere.

"Maybe. She's uh," I didn't finish the last part.

"Emalie, who is she with?" He asked more sternly.

"Auston Matthews." I mumbled so he couldn't quite understand.

"Auston Matthews?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Okay, let's go inside and see where she is okay?" He asked and gave me a friendly hug. I nodded. 

I followed Hampus into the arena, which was strange because I had never been here before. We followed signs leading to the Leafs locker room.

"I wish I had Auston's number right now." I groaned.

Hampus stopped to face me and rubbed my arms up and down, "We'll find her." 

"You're right, I shouldn't be stressing." I took a deep breath. 

Once we started walking again we ran right into the devil himself.

"There you are!" I yelled, "Where is she?!" He looked taken back.

"Who are you talking about?" He asked, he looked scared.

"Easton!" I yelled.

"I don't know! Okay! I texted her to meet me at the locker room but she never came and she's not answering her phone." he said, keeping his distance from me. I sank to the floor and started crying. This was supposed to be a relaxing trip, but then the next thing I know, my boyfriend cheats on me and my best friend is missing.

"She hasn't answered Emalie either." Hampus said for me.

"Okay, I'll call around and ask. We're supposed to be in our locker room in an hour so maybe we'll see then who is or isn't there." Auston said with a heartbroken look on his face.

"We'll find her." Hampus said apologetically. 

"I wanna go home." I cried into my hands. Then my phone started ringing.


I answered.

"Hello?" I cried into the phone.

"Oh Em, thank god you- are you crying?" He asked.

"Easton is missing," I cried, I didn't even care that he had just cheated on me the night before.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, she's gone and no one can find her and she's not answering her phone." I said, kind of pissed off.

"Where is she?" 

"Didn't you hear me? We can't find her." I nearly screamed.

"Yes, I got that but where are you?" He asked.

"Air Canada Centre." 


"Because Easton and I are supposed to go to the Anaheim vs Toronto game tonight, I told you that." I cried.

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