Chapter XIV

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I knew the next day was a school day, but I just didn't want to go. So many beautiful memories filled my head from last night. The zoo. The cute kiss beside the penguins. The cute Tigers he got us. The selfie. His hoodie. HIS HOODIE.

Quickly jumped up and threw on a pair of sweatpants and and tank top to wear under Hagy's hoodie. It still smelled like him. I sighed and threw my hair into a bun, brushed my teeth and washed my face, grabbed ny backpack, and walked down the stairs to make some coffee. It seemed to take forever to make it. I sat there and watched each droplet fall from the coffee maker.

Finally, I put some creamer in my coffee, told my parents "g'bye" and hopped in my car to go to school.

Since I got to school early, I parked close to the front doors, which was a good thing because it started to snow. I grabbed my bag and hustled inside.

I took my usual seat in math behind Easton, only to realize I forgot my phone.

"Since it is so close to christmas break, and we don't have enough people to move on with any lessons due to Band, we'll just be watching movies in this class." My teacher smiled, you could feel all the stress fly off everyone. Some people cheered and clapped, Easton just turned around and asked about the night before.

"So.... how'd it go?" She smirked.

"... and this is his hoodie." I smiled proudly, and blushed, after I told her everything.

"Awe! The zoo is so romantic! Even if it was less than 40º outside," she laughed, "But I'm starting to wonder." She mumbled.

"Wonder what?" I quickly asked.

"Don't ya think that your relationship is moving kind of, swiftly?

"Swiftly? What do you mean?" I questioned worriedly.

"Like, your going too fast with Hags. He is still ten years older than you, Em. Like I still think you have a cute relationship going on, but I don't want you to do anything you'll regret later. Ya know?" She gave a smile smile.

"Yeah I know." I returned the smile back.

"Look, I don't wanna be the one to play 'mom' here because that's your job, but I don't wanna be a Debbie downer either. I'm just looking out for you." She smiled proudly and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I know. Thanks, Easton." I smiled. She waved it off.

"No problem. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to take a nap." She laid her head down.

"Wait! Hey East? Can I borrow your phone?" I asked, biting my lip nervously. She handed it back.

"Forget your again?" She smirked. I nodded and texted my mom. I got an instant reply.

From Em's mom aka second Mom:
Already here. They should call you to get it soon

And ps, you've gotta text ;)

As soon as I read it, the office called for me.

"Hi, can we see Emalie in the office for a minuet? She'll be right back."

"She'll be right there." My teacher responded and motioned for me to go. I quickly got up and nearly ran to the office. It wasn't too far away but when you're retrieving your phone, it seems like miles.

I walked in and ran into Mrs. Röle. I gave a slight smile and I apologized before one of the secretaries handed me my phone.

3 Twitter notifications
2 Instagram notifications
6 snapchats
2 messages

I was blown away by all the notifications I had. I opened my messages first.

From Hags♡:
Hey Em! Just wanted to tell you to have a good day at school and I'll see you tomorrow!

From Hags♡:
You didn't respond earlier so I didn't know if you were feeling okay or not

I laughed and texted him back.

To Hags♡:
Yeah I'm okay. I just forgot my phone at home so my mom had to bring it to me  :)

I laughed again and checked my snapchats.
Easton (3)
Morgan (3)

Gezz these people wanna know my love life. 

I got back to math class just before I opened my Instagram.

"Any cute texts?" Easton smirked.

"One. Well two texts." I smiled, not telling her what they were.

My two Instagram notifications were from one follow request and one tagged photo.

@62hagsoffical wants to follow you.
@62hagsoffical tagged you in a photo.

I laughed and accepted his follow and looked at his picture. It was the picture from the night before.

He captioned it: had an amazing night with an amazing girl ♡

Awe so cute. I smiled. And liked it. Easton was nearly asleep by the time of the class ended.

"Easton. EASTON!" I yelled. She wouldn't budge. "LOOK IT'S A POTATO!"

"PHIL KESSEL!" She yelled and sat up. I laughed until I cried and our teacher looked at us like we were insane.

"Easton, we have to go to homeroom. Come on." I smiled. She sighed and followed me.

I knew Easton was right, my relationship was moving way too fast, and it did feel a little too Disney like, but I didn't really think anything by it. Well, I wasn't thinking about it.

Hags had practice because he had a game the following night, so I didn't expect him to text me. I hadn't heard from him since he texted me that morning. I sighed and hoped everything was okay.

The day had went by do fast. I barely remember anything after math and my last class. I hopped in my car and started to drive home. Easton had drama rehersal so I didn't have to worry about her being obnoxious.

I was excited when I got home. I ran up to my bed and crashed. Nearly literally. I pulled out my Bio homework and studied my butt off. 

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