Chapter XXIX

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              Sleeping with Hagy was relaxing, just like when you walk into the ice rink and the smell relives stress, being with Hagy has the same feeling. I looked at my phone, 6:59 am. Of course one minute before my alarm. goes off. I sighed and sat up. Flower was sleeping at Hagy's feet and Hagy's hair was covering his face. Mouth slightly open, so handsome. This is the true him, not a famous hockey player, but asleep Carl Hagelin. I slowly got out of bed and threw on some sweatpants. I suddenly remember our conversation about rings. I laugh out loud but quickly stop myself as Hags starts moving around. A ring? For me, from Hagy. I'm only 18, I really like him, but what if he lets other girls hang all over him again? I can't think about this, I need to get ready. 

I finish brushing my teeth and put my shoes on ready to go right at 6:55, I kiss Hags on the head softly and head to the kitchen. My mom hands me a cup of coffee to go. 

"Have a good day, honey," She smiles as I walk out the door. 

"I will. Love you!" I yell back. I sit in the car for a solid minute before I start driving. I really hope Easton isn't late today, I have so much to tell her. 

The drive to school only seems to take five minutes, but I know it's more of a fifteen-minute drive, I think I just zoned out. There are not that many cars in the lot when I pull in, but I think there's a huge tournament or something for basketball that students get excused from class for, but that's really not my thing. I head inside around 7:20 and walk to math class. To my surprise, Easton is already in her seat. 

"Wow. I was worried about you being late," I laughed as I took my seat behind her. 

"Nope, I've been awake since 4 this morning so I already had some coffee and I'm drinking this Redbull. But I've been here since like I dunno early." She blabbers on. 

"More like before seven. I let her in," Our teacher looks up from her book and chuckles. 

"I hope you don't have a heart attack," I half-joke but also mean seriously. 

"Nah. I'm totally fine. I probably have a high tolerance by now." She shrugs and smiles. 

"Well, I have some sort of exciting news, but also it gives me butterflies," I start. 

"Good butterflies?" Easton buts in. I sigh. 

"Sorta," I look away from her. 

"Hey, what's up?" She asks, her voice softer now. 

"Carl wants to go get a promise ring after school today," I say quietly. 

"What? That's awesome!" She smiles. 

"I don't know, East. He's amazing, he makes me happy, but we've only been together like what? Two months? Maybe a little more. I don't want to rush into anything." I shake my head. I hear Easton sigh. 

"Look, I know I'm the one who told you originally to not rush anything, but since then, you've gone on what? Like ten dates, slept in his bed, he's stayed at your house how many times? He seems to be seriously open with you. He doesn't seem to be cocky, he seems to be himself. From what I've seen anyway. And Flower loves him, and your parents are fond of him. It's a promise ring, not really an engagement ring. See how it plays out? And I'll be here with a baseball bat when he breaks your heart." Easton smiles. 

I shake my head as she turns around to start taking notes. She's right, I know she's right, but I'm so worried about rushing into this. Maybe I do love him. Do I? 

At the end of class, Easton is talking about how Auston is doing, but I can't stop thinking about Hagy and this ring. I continue to only focus on a ring for the rest of the day, but I haven't heard from him all day. At two I texted him. 

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