Chapter III

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I woke up by the sound of my goal alarm. I sighed, angrily, and rolled over to turn it off. My face was greeted by Flower, our golden retriever.
"Hey Buddy!" I laughed, petting him, "what's up?" He jumped up on my bed and crawled under my blankets.
"No buddy. I have to get up. I'll be back after school." He gave me a "sad-puppy-dog" eyes looked which made me sad, then I got out of bed and got ready for the day.
"Anything quick before I go to school?" I asked my dad walking down the stairs.
"Well, Em, as a matter of fact. I got you some pumpkin bread and some banana nut bread last night.
"Really? You are the best, you know that?" I hugged him, excitedly.
"Yes, Em, I'm aware." He laughed. He cut me a couple pieces of each loaf, put them in cute Disney baggies, and handed them to me.
I made myself some coffee and finished getting ready. By the time my coffee was done I was ready to walk out the door, thankfully.
I hopped in my car and turned on the heat. It was freezing in South Hills. Of course it's November.
It was a short drive to school but a living hell to find a parking spot.
Once I finally parked at the end of the parking lot, I sighed before grabbing my backpack and coffee and made the long walk to to main building. I walked to math class right before the bell rang. I say in my seat behind my friend, Easton.
"What's up, Em? Did you do the math homework?" She said, taking a drink of her coffee.
"Oh man. I completely forgot. I was busy with AP." I cried.
"Don't worry I got you." She laughed.
"So, hey East, Jackson is playing during the intermission of the Penguins game during thanksgiving break." I said. She slowly turned around.
"You mean. Like. THE Pittsburgh Penguins? Like Matt Murray and Conor Sheary?" I blurted out, I laughed.
"Yes those ones. The ones who just won the Stanley Cup. Ring a bell?" I replied sarcastically.
"You have to take pictures!"
"Don't worry I will."
"What if you faint right before you meet Hags?" I smirked.
"I won't pass out." I said taking a drink of my coffee.
"Mmhmm. Okay. We'll see. But I don't ask for anything but pictures." I smiled.
"Real deal James Neal." We laughed.
"Alrighty guys. Let's work on..." I didn't hear what my math teacher said for the rest of the period. I was too busy day dreaming, and drinking coffee.

"Em? Emalie!" I heard Easton yell and shake me, "The period's over."
"Oh. Oops. Let's go to home room, eh?" I said putting all my things in my backpack.
"You were day dreaming weren't you?" She laughed.
"What? Psh. No. What gave you that idea?" I tried to lie, but I'm just a horrible liar.
"Well, I've known you side the 6th grade and I know you really like hockey because I do too. And you talk about hockey players and fan fiction all the time." It's true. I couldn't argue that.
"Yeah, well I wouldn't read so much fan fiction if you'd stop writing it." I barked back.
She shrugged, "gotta have something to do. Not everyone is captain of the soccer team, Em." She nudged me with her fist.
The rest of the school day went pretty fast and for the most part, stress free. I was excited to finally get in my car to head home for the night.
I drove through Starbucks to get my favorite, pumpkin spice latte, and I ran up to Petco to get Flower some treats. He was an old dog, so we weren't really sure how much longer he had to live. We treated everyday like it were his last.

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