Chapter VII

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Neither of us could stay awake during Jackson's game. Easton would stand up and cheer every time she heard the goal horn, only to realize that the other team scored on Jackson. She slowly sat back down and tried ro stay awake. I could focus. All I could see were objects moving swiftly across something and a circular black object moving around. A couple times, Mom had to push me to stay awake.

"Go take a walk outside or something. You're driving me crazy." My mom said, finally. I nudged Easton and motioned to the door. She slowly got up, stretched and followed me.
"Why?" She whined.
"Because my mom said we need to wake up." I yawned. We walked outside and circled the building a couple times.

About the third time around, Easton ran into someone. I laughed and kept walking, but soon stopped when I realized she wasn't with me. I turned and saw her with the college hockey player that she always stares at during his games. I started to walk back to them.

"Hey Matt," she smiled vaguely. He laughed.

"Hey Easton. How are you?" He rubbed the back of his neck like most guys do.

"Exhausted. What are you doing?" She asked, almost innocently. I made a gagging noise.
"I've got practice after the game right now. You wanna stay and watch?" He quickly answer.

"Of course!" Easton blurted out.

"Sorry. Matt. She's going home with me and she has to work later. And determine which college she's going to." I shot her a dirty look. "Maybe some other time?" I asked. He nodded.

"I understand. I'll talk to you later, Easton, okay?" He smiled at her. I rolled my eyes. She nodded.

"Okay." She barley whispered. I yanked her away from her fantasy.

"You are insane. You know that?" I punched her in the arm.

"But he's cuuuuuute," she whined. I shook my head.

"I think Carl Hagelin's cute but I don't fantasize over him all the time." I said, before realizing what I said. She stopped and gave me the "Easton" look. The "Easton" look is where she stops and stares at you for roughly a minuet without blinking. It's pretty terrifying. I sighed.

"You read Fanfiction about him. Hypocrite." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Thanks for writing them!" I smiled. She rolled her eyes. Finally we went back into the ice rink and sat by my mom.

"Feeling better?" She asked.

"Yes! One hundred and ten percent yes! Thank you for sending us out!" Easton exclaimed. My mom had a confusing look on her face.

"Matt," I replied vaguely. My mom chuckled and nodded her head.

"No problem, East. Glad I could help with your love life." My mom said and high fived Easton. I rolled my eyes for, probably the millionth time. If I rolled my eyes any more, they'd probably roll out of my head.

The game was over at 11am. Jackson's team won 7-6 in overtime. He was being pretty harsh to himself for letting in six goals. Easton tried to make him feel better.

"Hey little dude. It's okay. Everyone has their good days and their bad days. But you still won. That's good." She smiled at him, but he just rolled his eyes. Yup, he's definitely my brother.

"You sound like Emalie. She told me the exact thing the other day." He sighed. No one else said anything to him.

"So, Mom," I started, changing the subject, "I'm going to take Easton back to her house at around noon so she can get ready for work."

"Oh yeah. How is your job?" She asked Easton.

"Eh, I mean, I'm getting paid. And I'm at a book store. It's like I'm Belle from Beauty and the Beast." She laughed, and so did it.

When we finally got home, Easton and I decided to give Flower a bath. We took him to the basement bath tub and ran some warm water for him. He got in by himself and sat, patiently waiting for his bath. I had such a weird dog. He loved car rides, and coffee, and baths, and he loved to cuddle with cats.

I washed his fur while Easton cleaned his paws. He looked so happy. Once he was all done and cleaned, he got out of the tub and waited for me and Easton to leave the room so he could shake off the extra water. Then, like the good dog he is, barked to tell us he's ready.

"You're dog is like Einstein but in dog form." East said walking back into the bathroom.

"I know. I didn't teach him that." I laughed. We dried him off, best we could and then we pulled out two hair dryers to try to dry him off more. Eventually, we used so much electricity, we blew a fuse and some of the lights in the house went out. I heard my dad curse before storming down the stairs into the garage and turned it back on.

Finally, we had Flower was completely dry and in his hockey jersey, it was time to take Easton home. She ran up to my room and grabbed her clothes and ran back down.

"Bye second Mom, and dad, and Jackson, and Flower!" She yelled running out the door. I sighed before Hopping in the car and driving off to Easton's.

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