Chapter XXV

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Dinner with Easton, Perry, and Kesler was nice. It was fun being able to relax, even after Hags called me I was still able to focus on something else. We went to a small ice cream shop closer to the hotel. The woman said it was all homemade and that it was a family restaurant.

"Wow, I'm really impressed." Easton said after getting a chocolate ice cream cup with rainbow sprinkles. 

"You got something boring." Perry rolled his eyes as he ate his strange mixture of rocky road with caramel sauce and oreo pieces crumpled on top. 

"Yours literally looks disgusting. If you were Buddy the Elf then yeah that;s probably what he eats for breakfast." Easton laughed mocking Perry. 

"Mine's not too bad either," Kesler shrugged. 

"You also have a boring thing." Perry rolled his eyes.

"I got a cookie dough milkshake." 

"It's still not as extravagant as my concoction." Perry boasted, I couldn't help but laugh. "Alright Miss. Oreo ice cream with oreos on top, your turn. I uh, you- uh. Well, yours actually isn't too boring so I'll let it slide for now." Perry smirked. I just rolled my eyes. 

We talked for what felt like forever until I soon realized that they'd be heading off tomorrow while Easton and I stayed a few more days.

"What time are you guys leaving tomorrow?" I asked taking a bite of my ice cream. 

"Probably fairly early, like 9 or 10 am. Why?" Kesler asked. 

"Because tonight might be the last night we'll get to hang out together." I said, Perry frowned. 

"You have our numbers right?" Perry asked, Easton and I both nodded, "Okay good, so whenever you want to hang out just facetime us while you're at dinner or something."

"Or call me and I'll get you flights to us, don't worry, this won't be the last time, I can promise you that." Kesler rubbed my shoulder.

"Thanks Kes." I smiled. 

"Guys," Easton yawned, "It's literally almost midnight. And I think this woman is trying to close." If Easton's tired then you know it's been a long day. 

"Yeah, come on, we can talk more in the morning." Kesler said getting up and walking to the door. Perry, Easton, and I followed soon after. 

Kes and Perry walked us to our room to make sure we'd make it back safely. 

"Thanks for dinner and the ice cream," Easton smiled and hugged both guys. 

"Yeah thanks for tonight, I'll see you in the morning, bright and early." I hugged Perry and then Kesler.

"Call him." Kesler whispered into my ear before he pulled away. I was confused at first but them I quickly understood and nodded. "See you tomorrow, Em." He said before walking away. I shut the door behind me and slumped against it. 

"I'm gonna take a bath if you need me, okay?" Easton said walking to the bathroom. I nodded. 

"Okay, I'm gonna call Hags." I replied. 

"That's a good idea, maybe I should call Auston," she looked sad before she shrugged before walking into the bathroom. 

I pulled my phone out and pressed his name. It rang twice. 

"Hello?" A groggy voice answered. 

"Hagy?" I asked, with tears starting to form. 

"Yeah. Emalie?" He asked. 

"Yeah, it's me. Hagy?" I asked. 

"Yes my dear?" 

"I miss you. Not the i haven't seen you in awhile miss you but the I wish you were here at this very moment miss you." I said as I felt tears roll down my face. The line was quiet for a moment.

"I miss you too Em. I've worn your chain and I haven't taken it off. It's the only thing I have right now that reminds me of you." he whispered. 

"And Hagy?"


"I'm sorry I got upset with you, I don't understand why I did that. I'm so sorry." I  cried. Hags tried to calm me. 

"Shhh, no don't be sorry it was my fault. You should have been able to trust me and I ruined that I'm the one that's sorry, and it won't happen again. It hurt me knowing that I hurt you my dear." he hushed me. "When are you coming home?" 

"In a few days, we'll see how it goes. And if Easton and Auston start evolving into something serious." I shrugged. 

"Auston? Like Auston Matthews?" He asked. 


"Easton is dating Auston Matthews?" He asked sounding distraught. 


"That's nice. They'd make a nice couple," he said awkwardly. 

"What's up, Hags?" 

"It's just, he plays for Toronto, not Pittsburgh or Anaheim even. It's strange." 

"Oh well, if she;s happy, I'm happy. I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed, gotta be up early to eat breakfast with the team before they head out." I yawned and stretched as I flopped into my bed. 

"Okay, goodnight, and sweet dreams. I love you Emalie." Hags said. I hesitated for a moment. 

"I love you too Hagy." I smiled before hanging up. 

"Ohhh, someone used the L-word!!" I heart Easton yell from the bathroom. 

"You use it all the time!" I yelled back. 

"Yeah but it's different with you," I could almost feel her smirk. A few seconds later she came out with her hair up in a towel and her Matthews shirsy. "So, uh, would you be okay by yourself for a littler bit tomorrow? From like noon to one or two?" 

"Easton, I'm not ten." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I know, but Auston wants to tale me on a date before we have to leave and he has another game." I looked at me with pleading eyes. 

"Of course I'll be fine, East. I'll watch movies here or something." I laughed before walking to the bathroom to get ready for bed. 

"Yay! Thank you Em! This means a lot! Now unfortunately it is fairly late and I need my beauty sleep so I can look nice tomorrow." Easton snuggled up in her bed. I scoffed. 

"You don't need to look good for any guy, you're already perfect without makeup." I said. 

"There's a difference between beauty sleep and makeup. No beauty sleep makes me look like a zombie and makeup makes me look less zombie like." She said in a duh tone. I laughed. 

"Okay buddy, whatever floats your goats," I laughed, "Goodnight." 

"Goodnight, Em." 

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