Chapter IX

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My last week of school before break went by fast. Finally, it was the day before Jackson played during the intermissions of the Penguins game. I called Easton.

"Hey! Wanna go to the mall?" I asked.

"It's literally two am. Why are you up?" She yawned. I looked at my clock. It really was 2am.

"I'm just so excited! Jackson plays his game in Pittsburgh tomorrow. Are you sure you can't go?" I asked.

"I have to work," I could almost hear her smile through the phone, "And besides, you'll have more fun without me. Just take pictures. I'll officially be up and ready for the day around 9am." She yawned again, "Can you call me later?

I scratched my neck, "Yeah. I'll call you around 10:30am." I said.

"Alright. Now, to go sleep, Em, or you'll be asleep for Jackson's game." She laughed and hung up.

I finally fell asleep around 4:30, and got back up around 9am. I rolled over and off the bed.

I got up and grabbed whatever out of my closet, which happened to be a Hagelin shirt and blue jeans. I threw my hair up in a bun, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I don't put makeup on because what's the point? I'm not going to portray someone I'm not. Finally, I called Easton.

"Are you ready?" I asked. We stopped saying the typical 'hi' and 'hello' a couple years ago 

"I'm putting on my eyeliner. I'll be ready in five minuets." She replied. I rolled my eyes. I also don't wear makeup because Easton wears enough for the both of us, but her makeup always looks nice and it's never too much.

"Okay. I'll leave now." I said before hanging up. I slipped my shoes on, told my parents where I was going and left.

I pulled up in front of Easton's house and there she was. On her phone, with her winged eyeliner that could fly her to Paris, but she stays behind with me. She laughed before getting in the car.

"Hey Em," she said laughing.

"Hmm?" I questioned, scared of what was going to come out of her mouth.

"Phil Kessel looks like a potato." She laughed until she cried for a good solid twenty minuets, the whole ride to the mall.

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