Chapter XXVII

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My trip to the spa was luxurious and relaxing. I got a back massage and my fingernails and toenails painted. I didn't want to stay at the pool because there were too many people there and I just didn't feel comfortable. 

I made my short trip back to the room longer so Easton would have more time to sleep, or do whatever with Auston. I took the stairs and walked as slow as I could without driving myself insane. I knocked on the door quietly and then let myself in. Surely enough I found Easton and Auston laying together on the bed all snuggled up. I smiled and started packing since we're leaving tonight. I quietly cleaned up any piece of trash that was left on the floor and threw it Easton. 

"Trash," I mumbled, giggling before walking to get a nice hot bath. I ran the water but I was worried it would wake them. I poured some body wash into the tub to create some bubbles. I gently stepped in and covered myself with bubbles and relaxed. The thought of going home tonight bothered me. Going home meant going back to school and more stressful days. I sighed and put my head back and closed my eyes. 

Dream Sequence 

I looked around, I was in a pool with a bunch of guys that I can't remember. They all looked very familiar. 

"Hey, Beau, throw the ball!" One guy yelled, he was tall and really tan with dark hair and amazing eyebrows. 

"I got you bro!" the other guy yelled back, he had dark hair and resembled a gnome. He threw the the ball and it landed right beside me, and splashed me completely. 

"Beau!" Another guy yelled, "You splashed her!" He was really tall, almost treelike, he had chocolaty brown hair and a nice smile. "Are you okay?" he asked. 

"I, uh, yeah." I stuttered. He laughed. 

"I'm Jamie, and that over there is Beau and Rome," He motioned to the two guys. "And sitting in the shade, is Ezra and Ty." The last two guys waved. 

"Nice to meet you?" I questioned. "I'm Emalie." 

"Tu sei così carina." Rome said swimming over to me.

"I uh- don't speak Italian." I blushed.

"It means, you are so pretty." He smiled and inched closer until our lips were about to touch and then-

End Dream Sequence

"Emalie!" Easton banged on the door, starling me.

"Yes? I'm up, I'm up!" I yelled back. 

"It's three thirty! Wanna go get something to eat?" She yelled through the door.

"Uh, sure give me like ten minutes and I'll meet you in the lobby." I yelled back.

"Okay!" she yelled and walked off with Auston. 

I sighed and got out of the tub and quickly dried off and got dressed before throwing my hair up and draining the tub. I threw my shoes on and raced down to meet Easton and Auston.

"Look who decided to show up," Auston smirked. I playfully hit him. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"Somewhere quick so I have time to pack before we head out," Easton looked up at Auston.

"So how about Tacos 101? They have tacos and stuff, a good friend of mine works there." Auston shrugged.

"Sounds good, I love tacos." Easton smiled. I nodded. 

"Sounds good." I agreed. 

We started walking downtown. There were people everywhere, I had to make sure I stayed close behind Auston and Easton. Finally, after walking what felt like forever, we got to Tacos 101.

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