Chapter V

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Flower woke me by licking my face. I rolled over and laughed. I sat up and scratched his mangly fur and got out of bed.
"Wanna go to Starbucks?" I asked him excitedly. He howled in response. I quickly got up and grabbed my Malkin jersey and some blue jeans before getting ready and getting Flower ready to head to Starbucks. I put his lease and some dog treats in my purse and put my phone in my back pocket and leading Flower to my car. I opened the passenger door for him to jump in and I gently shut the door.
"Let's go get coffee Buddy." I smiled when I got into the driver's seat. Flower loves car rides so he sat patiently and waited for me to roll down his window. I called Easton through my phone's Bluetooth.
"Hello Em," she said while yawning.
"Wanna go to Starbucks with me and Flower?" I questioned her.
"Of course! I'll be ready in five minuets!" She exclaimed. I laughed.
"Alright. I'll be there soon," I said before hanging up. She only lived roughly three miles away.
Once I got to her house, Easton was outside waiting on her porch. She hopped into the backseat because she knows Flower gets first priority.
"Ready to go?" I questioned Easton.
"Of course. Hi Flower!" She laughed petting him.
Once we got on the innerstate, I rolled down the passenger window so Flower could stick his head out and feel the cold, Pennsylvania breeze. His golden fur reminded me of Hagelin's hair when he skates. I laughed at the thought and shook my head. Easton rolled her window down too and put her hand out and moved her hand around to make different sounds with the wind. It was a calming sound like when you listen to ocean waves.
"What do you want East?" I asked when we pulled up to Starbucks.
"Double chocolaty chip Frappuccino please. Medium." I hard her say from the backseat And I saw a five dollar bill making its way up to me.
"Nope. It's on me." I replied. I heard her grunt in response.
"Welcome to Starbucks. How can I help you?" The microphone voice asked.
"Hi. Can I get a medium pumpkin spice latte and a mini vanilla bean Frappuccino and a medium double chocolaty chip Frappuccino?" I asked.
"Sure. That'll be $12.56." The voice said. I pulled up to the window and paid for our coffees. I handed Easton her coffee and Flower's Frappuccino.
"Can you feed this to him?" I asked her.
"Of course," she replied and started feeding Flower.
By the time we got to Petco, Flower had all of his gone. I had East put on his collar and I helped him out of the car.
"Hey Em," I heard Easton say when we were in the middle of the dog toys aisle.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I got my letters from Penn State and Robert Morris last night." She whispered.
"And?" I egged on. She looked down at the floor.
"I got into both." She looked up and smiled with a tear running down her face.

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