Chapter VIII

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After I dropped Easton off at her house, I went back home and went to bed. Not long until the Penguins game. I had one more full week of school.

"Okay Emalie. Five more days then it's Thanksgiving break. You can do it." I told myself. I sighed, shook my head, and walked back inside my house.

I found a note on the counter. It read: "went to the store. Text me if you want/need anything. Be back later xoxo mom, dad, and Jackson"

I pulled out a soda from the fridge and walked up to my room.

"Flower!" I yelled down the stairs. He came running up. I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed with Flower at my side. I forgot to plug my phone in, and do my homework.

Sunday went back without warning. I spent half the day doing my homework after church. I did part of my history project, and I worked on my questions for my Socratic Circle in my English class. I didn't stop to eat. Jackson came up and brought me a sandwich Mom had made. I shook him away. He would grunt and take it back to Mom, who then would come up and make me take the sandwich.

Once I had everything done, and most of the stress off my chest, it was nearly eight thirty in the evening. I stood up, stretched my back and walked over to my bathroom. Flower followed.

I turned the the shower nozzle to bath and put a vanilla bath bomb in. My mom was right, I definitely stressed myself out way too much. I slowly stepped into my hot, vanilla bath and laid my head against the back of the tub and took a few deep breaths in. Flower laid beside me on the floor.

Once I thought I got my life together, I got out of the tub and dried off before getting dressed in my cute penguin pajamas. I walked down to the kitchen and made some coffee. My mom walked in.

"What are you doing, Pumpkin?" She asked.

"Making coffee. There's a Penguins game tonight vs LA and I wanna watch it tonight. It doesn't start until ten." I yawned and poured some coffee into my favorite coffee mug, poured in some coffee creamer, hugged my mom 'goodnight' and walked back up to my room.

I rearranged my bed, making it more like a Fort. By the time I was done, and happy with the outcome, it was time for the game. I had drank nearly a whole pot of coffee during the whole game, including the intermissions. I couldn't sleep after the game. The final score was 3-1 Penguins. I finally fell sleep around 3:30am and my school alarm goes off at 6:30am.

My alarm woke me and I realized I was laying upside down, half on and half off my bed, surrounded by classic novels. I laughed at myself and got ready for the day.

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