Chapter XIII

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It didn't fully kick it that I would be hanging out with Hags until last period. Easton met me in one of the bathrooms to help me get ready. I threw on a pair of jeans and a big, long grey sweater. Easton did a nice, perfect bun on the top of my head and gave me some vague lip gloss.

"Thanks Easton." I smiled. She shrugged.

"I'm only doing this in exchange for an invitation to your wedding."

"Of course." I laughed. Then the bell rang signalling the end of school. "Well, I better go. I'll come by later and get ny backpack. Thank you Easton!" I laughed.

"Wait! Can I at least say hi?" She begged. I sighed.

"Come on." I laughed. She squealed and quickly followed.

It wasn't hard to find Hags's car. He was right in front of the school with his windows down in twenty degree weather. I laughed and walked to his car. He quickly got out and opened the passenger door for me.

"Emalie!" He smiled and gave me a hug, "And?"

"This is my friend Easton. She's the one that called me yesterday." I introduced them. They shook hands.

"Look. I know you're a hockey player. A really good hockey player. But if you hurt my best friend, I will hurt you. Got it?" Easton threatened. I laughed. Hags looked a little taken back.

"Yes ma'am." He said frightened.

"Good. Nice to meet you. Huge fan. Emalie, have fun. See you later!" She smiled and walked off to her bus.

"Don't be too afraid of her." I shrugged and got in, after I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"She's intimidating." He said and got in the driver's seat. I just shook my head and laughed.

"So," I started, changing the subject, "How was you're day?"

"It was okay. It felt like forever until I left to come over here. Oh, I got you a coffee too. I kind of changed our plans." He mumbled the last part and motioned to a Starbucks cup in the cup holder.

"Thanks Hagy. Where are we going?" I asked taking a drink. I was kind of glad we weren't going to a cafe but I was also bummed.

"The zoo. I thought the zoo would be a nicer date area." He smirked. That word. He said that word. Date. It sounded beautifully coming out of his mouth.

"I guess we'll find out." I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back.

The whole ride was relaxing. We asked each other questions and joked around. It was nice. I really liked it.

"Well here we are." He smiled before pulling into the PPG aquarium parking lot. I smiled. When he shut the car off, he quickly jumped out and ran around to open my door.

"Thank you kind sir." I laughed.

"Have to keep chivalry still alive." He said and kissed my hand. We walked part of the way to the entrance awkwardly. Until I took his hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. At first he was surprised but he soon smiled and kissed my cheek.

After he bought our tickets, I was excited to see all the animals. I was a little chilly but it wasn't too bad.

"Where do you wanna go first?" He asked me.

"Can we just follow the path? See every animal and not skip around?" I asked like a small child. He looked down at me and laughed.

"Of course." He smiled. We saw all the big cats and alligators. I started to shiver around when we saw the elephants.

Light the Lamp {c. hagelin}Where stories live. Discover now