Chapter XVII

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Hags took me back to his place to get the rest of my clothes and then took me to his opptional practice with him.

It was a silent ride, but Hags held my hand and kissed the back of it occasionally. Finally he broke the silence.

"Emalie, I love you." He mumbled.

"Mmhmm." I smiled slightly as we pulled into the rink.

I carried Hagy's stick so he could carry his bag inside. We walked in an almost awkward silence, but also a nice silence.

"Emalie!" Kunitz said, skating over to me.

"Hey Kuni!" I smiled. He hopped off the ice to high five me.

"Have your skates?" He asked.

"No. I don't own skates." I mumbled.

"But I know where to get some. I'll be right back." Hags said and ran off.

"You okay?" Kuni asked when Hags was out of earshot.

"Uh. Is Hags known as like the lady's man?" I asked.

"I suppose so. Why?" He asked, concerned.

"Can I have your number and Cullen's number? I trust Hags, but I don't trust hoes over there. And you're going to be there for so long and-" Kuni cut me off.

"Of course. I understand. I'll look out for you. You're like a little sister." He smirked and ruffled my hair.

"Hey!" I said in defense and fixed my hair. "But thank you, Kuni, means a lot." I said and he pulled me into a sibling like hug.

"Got your skates!" Hags chirped and came running back. He helped me into him and he helped me on the ice. I was off balance at first but Hags caught me. I started to skate by myself but soon made my way over to the wall, and stayed with it for awhile.

"What's up, buttercup?" Kunitz asked, skating over to me.

"I can't seem to skate today for some reason." I mumbled. He laughed at me.

"Want help back to the bench?" He asked trying not to laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"No. I do not need help. Thank you." I said, independently.

"Alright suit yourself." He shrugged and skated away.

"Wait! Kuni!" I called after him. He stopped and turned around slowly before skating back to me.

"Yes?" He smirked.

"Can you help me?" I begged.

"What's the magic word?" He said, teasing me.

"You'll be out for 4-to-6 weeks with a broken wrist if you don't." I smiled. He pondered this for a few seconds before replying.

"Close enough! C'mon." He said and slowly took my hand and led me to the bench.

"Thanks Kuni!" I smiled after he got me safely to the bench.

"No problem. Now you can watch practice. Don't go anywhere." He laughed before skating off.

"It's not like I gave a choice!" I called after him.

Then Hags skated over and I held my breath.

"What's up with you and Kunitz?" He asked, but he didn't sound mad or upset, he sounded curious.

"I just couldn't skate today and he helped me over. Don't worry about it. There's nothing going on between us." I smiled.

"Alright cool. can you hold my phone for me?" He asked.

"Only if I can take selfies." I smiled.

"Only if I can post them." He smirked.

"Sounds reasonable." I smiled and he handed me his phone before skating off.

I didn't take as many selfies as I thought I would've, instead I snooped around on his phone. I didn't find anything suspicious, so I just turned off his phone and watched the rest of practice, which didn't last long after I decided to pay attention.

"I belive you have to go home, Miss Emalie." Hags said skating over.

"Unfortunately." I frowned and handed him his phone.

"C'mon." He said and motioned for me to follow him to get my shoes and his things.

"I don't wanna go home." I whined once we got to the locker room.

"Well, you don't have a choice. I could get arrested for kidnapping if you don't." Hags joked.

"OR you could move in with me." Kuni yelled across the locker room, I laughed.

"Nah. Hagy's taking good care of me." I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He nodded, but he looked concerned.

It was a quiet walk to the car. And an even quieter ride to my house.

"Hagy, whatever I did to upset you, I'm sorry." I said looking at him.

"Em, it's not you. I'm just upset." He said, not looking at me.

"Can you explain?" I asked, not trying to be nosy.

"I'm going to be gone for about two weeks, without you. What am I suppose to do?" He asked, and looked over at me. I finally realized why he wasn't looking at me before. He was crying.

"You can FaceTime me, snapchat me, text me, call me, we'll survive. I could even give you one of my hoodies." I joked and he laughed as he pulled up to my house.

"Come inside for a few. Please." I begged as I got my things out of his car.

"Only for a few." He smiled and turned off his car.

"Only for a few." I repeated and unlocked the front door. "Everyone's either at school or at work." I said looking at the clock on the wall.


"There's something I wanna give you for when you're over there." I smiled up at Hags.

"Okay." He barely whispered. I started walking up the stairs to my bed room and Hags followed. I walked over to my jewelry box and pulled out an old silver chain.

"This was mine from my first ever soccer game. I got it as a good luck charm, but now I'm thinking you need it so you're not having "Emalie withdrawals"." I laughed and handed it to him.

"Em, I can't take this. This is important to you." He said. I walked slowly over to him and hugged him as tight as I could.

"Hags, so are you." I smiled up at him and he smiled down.

"Thank you, Emalie." He smiled and put it on.

"If you'd rather want a hoodie of mine, just ask." I said, jokingly.

"I think I'm okay, but enjoy my ducks hoodie." He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"And you have those selfies I took at practice today, and our cute selfie. I have some of you. But they're not selfies." I said, pulling out my phone and handing it to him.

"You want me to take selfies?" He asked, sounding like a child at a candy store that just got $20.

"Go crazy." I smiled. He jumped up and down and took selfies in nearly room of my house, adding up to a total of fifty selfies.

"I think that's all I'm going to take today." He smiled, handing me my phone back. "I also belive I have to go back for the next couple weeks." He said and scratched the back of his neck.

"I understand. I'll talk to you later. Want me to walk you out?" I asked politely.

"If you want to." He said nonchantly, but you could tell he did. I walked down with him like those old 90s chic flicks.

"I'll see you later, Em." He said and kissed my cheek.

"See ya Hagy. Thanks for the hoodies!" I called after him. He shook his head and laughed as he got in his car and drove off.

Only did I remember that I had his beanie after he left. And I still didn't ask him what Cologne he wears. I sighed and got ready for school the next day.

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