Chapter 1: Lost in the Past

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Link and Zelda venture under Hyrule castle were they find a mummy that unleashes a powerful attack. With a sudden earthquake the ground begins to crumble beneath the feet of the swordsman Link and Princess Zelda. They had gone to investigate the source of the gloom that had been leaking from the castle, but now find themselves in a dangerous situation. With a shake the stone beneath Zelda gives way and she falls into the abyss. As she falls Link jumps down desperately trying to reach her despite his own injuries, leaving the master sword behind. A bright light begins to engulf Zelda and at the last second Link grabs her hand. As they continue to fall it feels like ages are passing and both Link and Zelda pass out. Link is the first to regain his senses and hears someone approaching.
Unknown person: Oh dear, what happened to them.
The unknown individual reaches out to Zelda who awakens rapidly and in fear. Link, feeling Zelda jump back, puts himself in front of her reaching for a stick. The two individuals step back not out of fear but to giving Link and Zelda their space.
Unknown person: You're safe now, we didn't mean to startle you. How about introductions, I'm Sonia and this is my husband Rauru.
Zelda confidently: I am Princess Zelda of Hyrule and this is...LINK!
Link passes out from the injuries he received when protecting Zelda from the mummies attack. Sonia reaches out catching Link before he hits the ground and proceeds to check his damaged arm. Link's right arm was badly damaged, appearing to have been drained of life.
Sonai: Rauru, we need to get him the the spring of revival, immediately.
Zelda: Spring of revival?
Rauru: We will explain on the way.

The spring of revival is a mysterious pond underground that possess healing properties. Some say it could even heal the dead. But Link's arm was too badly damaged, It was as if it had been cursed, and as a result had to be amputated. Zelda stayed by Link's side waiting for him to wake up. During this time Rauru and Sonia came up to her to ask some questions and confirm suspicions.

Rauru: You said you are princess of Hyrule, is that correct.
Zelda: Yes. 
Rauru: Well this is very strange, see we are the first King and Queen of Hyrule.
Zelda: Wait what? But that would mean? We time traveled!
Sonia: The stone you carry, may I see it?
Zelda in shock: Yes, sure...uh here.
Sonia: As I suspected, you poses the power to influence time like I can.
Zelda: What?
Sonia: I sense you possess light power that turns back evil, as well as a blood relation.
Rauru: If you possess a secret stone that would explain how you ended up in the past.
Zelda: This is all so much. It's bad enough we are so far from home, but Link, he's always getting hurt in my defense.

Link having woken up during the conversation.
Link: And I would do it all over again.
Zelda: LINK your alive!
Sonia: Impressive, we have never seen an injury more deadly or gruesome as yours yet you are awake and well.
Rauru: Judging by your scars you have had a storied life.
Link: your highnesses, I apologize for my rude behavior before.
Sonia: Nonsense, you were frightened, tying to keep you friend safe, it's understandable.
Rauru: And when we are in private, such as we are now, please refer to us by our names, there is no need for formalities between us.

Rauru and Sonia bring Link and Zelda back to the surface. Zelda is introduced as a distant relative and Link as her friend and protector, thought Rauru and Sonia could tell there was much more between Link and Zelda than that. For Zelda, Sonia gave one of her dresses and had it fitted to her. As for Link, he graciously turned down something of Rauru's, instead Link chose the standard soldiers garb. And Rauru seeing Link's humility obliged his request having a set of soldiers clothing brought to them. While Link is getting dressed Rauru asks Link about his past.

Rauru: Zelda has said much about her past, but what of you, what's your story.
Link: I wish I knew. Most of my memories are gone, vanished because of my injuries sustaned during the calamity. The memories of my friends is a fractured mess and any family is forgotten. I guess that's the result of dieing and being revived a hundred years later.
Rauru: You were dead, for a hundred years. You have had an interesting life.
Link: That's not the worst of it. I had just began rebuilding my life, making new friends. (sigh) And now they are in danger and there's not a thing I can do about it!
Rauru: Is there something you do to calm yourself, clear your mind?
Link: I train, hard, put myself though drills. It's the only time I feel in touch with my past other then when I'm with Zelda.
Rauru: I know this is sudden, but we're hosting a gladiatorial competition. Weapons are limited to staffs and hand to hand, the best of our soldiers will be participating. Would you be interested in joining in.
Link: I would, suppose I need to see how far I've been set back.

Rauru introduces Link to the captain overseeing the competition saying Link would like to test his metal. The captain looked Link up and down with a disapproving scowl. Rauru glances to the captain with a look saying "This isn't a request". The captain takes Link by the shoulder forcefully and takes him to the armory adjacent to the colosseum.

Captain: Look if it wasn't for the king I wouldn't let you in,. It takes years before someone is accepted into these competition. But here you are a stranger, a weakling, and missing an arm at that. I don't know you, and I don't care too, just grab a staff and ready yourself. Not that you'll get much use out of the staff, you won't make it past the first rounds. If you're smart you will bow out the minute you get out there.
Link: Then it's good I'm not smart. You have tried (Link revealing his scars), but you can't intimidate me.

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