Chapter 9: Zora's Domain

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A few day's later a convoy containing supplies for the reservoir in Zora's Domain departed from Hyrule. Link was there as a guard with Zelda at his side who was to act as an emissary. Though their presences had been requested by the Zora King, Link and Zelda took on these roles so they could be of use. The trip was slow and long, but thanks to Link's reputation the sight of him turned away all highwayman. As they drew near they were greeted by a Zora soldier who after a few words departed to inform the Zora King of their imminent arrival. On arriving in Zora's Domain everyone in the convoy was greeted by the Zora King. A feast had been prepared to celebrate the construction of the reservoir with Link and Zelda being the guests of honor. After the feast everyone separated to rest but Link and Zelda were restless and spent some time walking around. The next day the Zora King asked to have a word with the both of them. Entering the throne room Link and Zelda were introduced to the Kings advisor and the Zora princess.

Zora King: This is my trusted advisor Numme.
Numme: A pleasure to meet you at last
Zora King: Yes, and this is my daughter Altaira
Altaira: My, your even more dashing in person sir Link
Link: Thank you.

grabs Zelda by her waist
Link: But I'm spoken for.
Altaira: Sorry...I didn't...I mean I was...It's a pleasure to meet you
Zora King: Hahaha, if you wouldn't flirt with every attractive man you wouldn't embarrass yourself so often. Anyways, I have some questions, questions about the future.
Zelda: You know about where we came from?
Altaira: Yes, but it hasn't gone further then us three.
Numme: As members of King Rauru's trusted circle he shared but made it abundantly clear this should be kept quiet.
Link: I see, well what would you like to know.
Zora King: Well primarily I would like to know how Zora's Domain is doing.
Zelda: Though Hyrule has been decimated Zora's Domain has remained untouched.
Zora King: What a relief. 
Altaira: But you said Hyrule was decimated, this we did not know.
Link: In the future their will be an entity called Calamity Ganon that will bring Hyrule to near total destruction.
Zelda: We stop the Calamity, but not after much pain...and loss.
Zora King: Hmm I see those wounds run deep.
Link: Yes. Is there any other questions we can answer?
Zora King: Well, this is a less of a question and more of a request.
Altaira: Your not about to ask about that?
Zora King: I am. Zelda, my daughter is to be my liaison between King Rauru and us here at Zora's Domain. But she is new to this and she could learn much from you, would you consider teaching her?
Altaira: FATHER!? Do you have no faith in me.
Zora King: My dear Altaira, I have endless faith in you. But this is an opportunity to learn and grow.
Altaira: Okay, I see, then if Zelda will have me I would be glade to learn from her.
Zelda: Of course, I'll teach you what I know about diplomacy.
Zora King: Wonderful, Wonderful. 

Throughout the day Altaira asked questions on diplomacy but as the day went on she became more curious about Link. But there were some questions Link was uncomfortable answering, questions about their Zora friend that died In the calamity. At one point Link departed to get the three of them something to eat. Taking the opportunity Altaira asked Zelda the questions Link couldn't answer.

Altaira: So what's the story with the Zora Princess of your time and Link?
Zelda: Well, she is a touchy subject for him, he never got over her death.
Altaira: Is there a reason other than her being a friend? I know it probably not my place to ask, but I need to know. What was her name and what was Link to her?
Zelda: Her name was Mipha, and well, she was in love with Link. Though Link loved me he still cared about her, so her death hurt the most.
Altaira: I see, that's why he was uncomfortable.
Zelda: You remind me of her, that's probably what is affecting him.
Altaira: I do?
Zelda: Yes.
Altaira: In what way?
Zelda: You are timid but have a serious streak when it comes to your task, and you have an eye for Link
Altaira: Sorry about that, that had to be awkward for you.
Zelda: I'm used to it by now, something about Link attracts women. As awkward as it gets at time he always stays by my side. 
Altaira: You two make a cute couple, I can see the love between you. 
Zelda: Thank you, while he's still away, do you have any more questions about him.
Altaira: Are you sure, I mean I don't want to pry?
Zelda: If there's anything I love more then Link its gushing about him.
Altaira: Okay then. Is it true he single handedly stopped a horde of the Gerudo's molduga?
Zelda: Yes and he scarred me to death in the prosses. I know he is strong and capable but he is sometimes too brave for his own good.
Altaira: So it's not the first time he has done something like that?
Zelda: First it was a group of Lynels and an assortment of monsters but made it out with nothing but a scratch. But there was this one time things didn't work out so well.
Altaira: What happened?
Zelda: It was when the Calamity struck, it took control of these ancient weapons called Devine Beasts and Guardians. He was fatally wounded by a guardian, he was dead in my arm. All hope wasn't lost though, there was one way to save him, but it would take some time. For a hundred year I held the Calamity back so Link could be healed and have a chance to avenge us. And despite the odds he succeeded saving me and the rest of Hyrule.

Link walks up with salty grilled fish
Link: And I would do it all again if I had too.
Zelda: Link...uh how long have you been standing there?
Link: I returned when you were talking about the guardian attack. 
Link hands Zelda and Altaira a fish
Link: Hope the fish is fine, they didn't have the seasoning I would normally use.
Altaira: You made this? It's very good, none of the chefs here make fish this good.
Zelda: He's a great cook, don't know how he does it.
Link: So you were talking about me while I was gone.
Zelda: Only good things, well mostly good things.
Link: Heh, your cute when blushed. So you know why I was hesitant to talk about...Mipha.
Altaira: Yes, and I'm sorry for your loss.

The rest of the day Link, Zelda, and Altaira spent talking, becoming friends and learning more of who they were as individuals. Altaira spoke of her desire to make her father proud and to perfect her use of water manipulation. Altaira had the ability to manipulate water to form a protective shell that also enhanced the strength of her spear. Link was impressed with the skill she had over her ability and Zelda hoped to have that same level of control. As night closed in everyone went their ways for a restful night sleep, but not so for Link. His dreams were troubled again but this time things were clearer. Behind the figure in green was Rauru who looked as though he was badly wounded. Next to him was four individuals wearing a mask one of witch looked like Altaira. Behind Ruaur was Mineru who looked dead and Zelda who had a look of fear. It was at the sight of Zelda in fear that Link woke up to reality in a cold sweat again. The next day as the convoy made it's return Link told Zelda what he had seen. Link was shaken and frustrated, he could see the others but he couldn't see the figures in green and red. Zelda held Link tightly as they tried to make since of these dreams. where these dreams simply nightmares, or are they warnings of a coming battle?

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