Chapter 10: A Swordsman's Secret

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It had been a few days since Link and Zelda had returned from Zora's Domain and Link had been diligently working on something. Every time Zelda was around he would hide his journal in a not so smooth fashion. Zelda had begun to get suspicious but didn't want to ruin whatever Link was planning. Though the events of late had made Zelda forget what day was coming up Link remembered and was making preparations. One day Rauru and Zan came to check on Link as he had seemed preoccupied the past few days and had burn marks on his hands. When asked what he had been up to Link quickly checked if Zelda was near before telling them. Link had been working on a special anniversary dish but was having trouble nailing it down. Rauru asked if there was something he or Sonia could do to which Link asked if they could keep Zelda distracted. Seeing Link had something special in mind Rauru agreed, Rauru was also curious as to what Link had planned but reframed from asking. Rauru told Sonia of what Link was up to and what he needed them to do. Sonia was was excited to help and began to formulate a plan to keep Zelda preoccupied. Zan wishing to be of use fallowed Link to the kitchens where the both of them began to experiment with Link's unfinished dish.

Link: It's missing something, but I don't know what.
Zan: Maybe a pepper?
Link: No I've used peppers in the dish already. What to do with mushrooms, what to do?
Zan: Let's see what you have here, Goron spice, an assortment of herbs, a  whole bird, peppers, truffle, Hylian rice and Hylian mushrooms. Wait wouldn't the Goron spice and the spicy pepper overpower the dish.
Link: If you used them only on the bird, yes. But the Goron spice is for the bird, the spicy pepper will go into a sauce for the mushrooms and rice. In case you were wondering the truffle is to be grated over the bird.
Zan: Where did you find these truffles? Normally they are hard to find but you have a more than a few here, good sized ones at that.
Link: On our way back from Zora's Domain I spotted these while we stopped for lunch.
Zan: A lucky find, so any ideas?
Link: Well the bird tastes fine but the sauce is what is tricky.
Zan: Link there is something I...overheard.
Link: What did you hear?
Zan: That you were offered a secret stone but refused it.
Link: That...well I...I don't know why I refused, I guess it just didn't feel like the right time.
Zan: But the power you could wield with one, you would be at your strongest.
Link: No, even if I held every secret stone in existence I wouldn't be at my strongest.
Zan: What do you mean.
Link: I am at my strongest when fighting for my friends, it like an inner strength takes over.
Zan: I see. It's not what you have but why you fight that shows your true strength.
Link: Correct, in the short time I've been your trainer you have learned much.

Zelda, Sonia, and Rauru at a gazebo

Rauru: So, have you gotten closer to how we might be able to return you and Link to your own time.
Zelda: No, we are no closer to uncovering the solution.
Sonia: I'm sure there is a solution.
Zelda: Mineru mentioned a forbidden technique, but its not the solution.
Rauru: Yes, dragonification is not the solution, but still there has to be a way.
Sonia: Perhaps Link and his ability to manipulate the flow of time around him hold the key.
Rauru: It's possible but Link can only do that in combat, so how would it work.
Zelda: Perhaps if he had accepted the secret stone you offered him he might obtain better control.
Sonia: Or, he would awaken a different ability just as yours enhanced your time power instead of your light power.
Zelda: Do you think he has more than one ability?
Sonia: I can't be certain but it feels like Link has a connection to the spirits. You said he could see the koroks and the three dragons.
Zelda: Yes.
Sonia: Normally only children can see them, but Link despite everything he has been through can still see them.
Rauru: How interesting, if he took a stone he could become a sage of time or a sage of spirit.
Zelda: Did Link ever say why he wouldn't take one of the secret stone?
Rauru: No, he didn't give a reason, I have wondered why but I didn't want to push him.
Sonia: Hmm, I could see doubt in him, he doesn't want or crave power, just the strength to protect his friends, this kingdom, the strength to protect you Zelda.
Rauru: Still if the time came that he needed to take one of the stones, would he.
Zelda: I believe he would if the situation called for it.
Sonia: Zelda, have you told Link yet.
Zelda: You mean about the...uhhh
Sonia: It's okay, Rauru knows.
Rauru: Yes. I'm happy for you and Link, and I swear not to tell him.
Zelda: Does anyone else know?
Sonia: We have spoken to no one about it.
Zelda: I see, good. No I haven't told Link he'll be a father yet. Something is bothering him, 
foreboding dreams warning of the near future. He's stressed enough as it is and it feels as if everything is coming to boiling point.
Sonia: What exactly has he been dreaming?

Link and Zan in the kitchen

Link: THAT'S IT!
Zan: what is?
Link: Hylian tomatoes, I should have thought of it sooner.
Zan: Why Hylian tomatoes?
Link: If you cook them they burst and if you mix in a few other ingredients you have a perfect sauce.
Zan: Okay, maybe there are some in the market, or in the storeroom.
Link finds a few bunches of tomatoes in the storeroom
Link: Ah here we go, and I should have enough time to finish everything.
Zan: Is there anything else I can help with?
Link: Well, let me see. I have everything I need for the dish, I have a location picked, there is one thing you could do. Could you pass along a message to the parents to bring Zelda to the gazebo overlooking Hyrule field around sunset.
Zan: I think that is were they are at now, I could ask if they would discreetly leave Zelda there alone.

Zan leaves the kitchen as Link starts to make his new dish to deliver the message to Rauru. Despite everything they had been through Link kept track of the days, this was Link and Zelda's first anniversary and Link wanted it to be memorable. As sunset approaches a guard comes up saying there is a matter that required Rauru and Sonia's attention, though this was untrue and they knew it. Rauru had instructed a guard to say something to give them a reason to separate from Zelda. Confused Zelda sat there till she saw someone walking up with two plates, to her surprise it was Link.

Zelda: Link, when did you?
Link: Well, Rauru, Sonia, and Zan have been helping me keep this a secret. I wanted you to be surprised.
Zelda: And I am, so this is what you have been working on these past few day. But why go to these lengths to keep it secret?
Link: I thought you might have forgotten, we have been busy as of late.
Zelda: Wait...It's our first...
Link: Anniversary, yep.
Zelda: (flustered) Link I'm so sorry, I should have done something or gotten you something.
Link: All I need or want is right here, you

(holding her stomach) Still, I wish I had something to give you.
Link: Don't worry about it. Now lets dig in, no need to let it get cold.
Zelda: Yes, lets. And Link...thank you for everything.

From a distance Rauru and Sonia looked on reminiscing about their first anniversary. Though Link's frightful dreams was unsettling news the sight of Link and Zelda was too sweet to be sullied by such thoughts. After a minute Rauru and Sonia left to give them privacy. As they left Rauru remarked how good the dish Link had prepared smelled and that he would have to get a recipe from Link for their next anniversary.

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