Chapter 13: Into the Pit

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It was six days since Link left and thing's had gone quiet, no raid, no onslaught. The quiet was unsettling to the point of disturbing Rauru's planning. Suddenly the silence broke with a loud horn blast startling everyone, but no attack came. When soldiers investigated they found a note in a bottle. The note was a challenge from Ganondorf to Rauru, a challenge of combat. "I extend to you, King Rauru, a chance to end this now. Come face me in the pit of the large island where the Regencia River and Hylia River meet. Bring whoever you wish it matters not. Come take vengeance for your dead wife and friend." This filled Rauru with anger, the man who threw his kingdom into disarray and worse of all killed his wife was taunting him. But Rauru regained his calm and consulted with the sages on the best move forward.

Zelda: This is a trap, it has to be.
Rauru: I agree, but this could be an opportunity to destroy him.
Zelda: Or for him to destroy us.
Dirk: I agree with King Rauru, lets smash this Demon King.
Altaira: Yes, but we can't rush in blindly, we need a plan.
Rauru: With our combined strength we should be able to overpower him, we will have the numbers. I know this chasm, there is a long path that leads to a open room covered with stalactites.
Nieru: But what of Link, if we leave now he will not know where we went and we will need his strength.
Rauru: Yes, we need to contact him some how, we need his strength. And I'm sure he has a vendetta too, it wouldn't be right to go without him.
Altaira: We know were Link went, we could send word and have him meet us there.
Rauru: And leave it up to chance that word reaches him in time, no there has to be a better way. Zelda you mentioned in the past you were able to telepathically speak to him, can you still do it?
Zelda: I'm not sure, I can try but it will take immense concertation.
Rauru: If we wait to long Ganondorf will just come to us putting everyone here at risk. We could go to this pit and contact Link before entering.
Tarvy: This has to be the worst plan, but it might just work.
Zelda: Rauru, I felt it before but wasn't sure. The mummy that attacked us was in this spot, and mentioned you by name. I can't help but feel we will fail despite having the number.
Rauru: Hmm, it is concerning that he lives into the future, but as King I have do whatever I must to protect my people.

Readying themselves the sages leave with Rauru to confront Ganondorf. As they left a short figure chased after them silently. Link had told Zan to remain behind, but Zan was determined to do something, to take vengeance for his mothers death. Running off Rauru was taken aback by the destruction that his kingdom had suffered, spurring him onward. Arriving at the Island Zelda focused trying to reach out but was unable to speak to him. However she was able to see his mind, his thoughts, she could tell Link was already making his way there. She felt a change in him, a deep change, like a power had awakened in him. Coming out of her meditation Zelda told everyone what she had seen and felt. Knowing Link would soon be here Rauru and the sages made there way into the pit to confront Ganondorf. Entering the pit they fallowed a long winding path filled with monsters finally coming to a large room where Ganondorf sat waiting for them to show.

Ganondorf: So you accepted my challenge, excellent.
Rarur: You will pay for every life you stole, every life you ruined.
Ganondorf: Yes I may have killed a few, but their blood is on your hands too, King Rauru.
Nieru: Shut it traitor and face justice!
Ganondorf: Hmm I seem to be at a numerical disadvantage, how about I even things out.

Ganondorf forms six phantoms
Ganondorf: Enjoy playing with my puppets.
Dirk: Bring it on!

While Rauru and Ganondorf trade blows the sages contended with the phantoms. Every strike from the phantoms infected the sages with gloom. Even Rauru was struggling against Ganondorf, it was as if every strike was healed only moments later. It was in this moment that Zan reveled  himself striking out at the phantom in front of Zelda. Though Zelda was shocked and worried Zan was here she was relieved to have help dealing with these phantoms. After a struggle the phantoms were vanquished but the sages were left spent, weakened so much they could barely move. Though Rauru was badly wounded he was still fighting driven forward by anger and duty. With a blast of gloom Ganondorf pushes everyone back flying through the air. But before colliding with the wall everyone was caught in a green aura that enveloped them. After the aura disappeared a figure bathed in green light stepped forward, Link had arrived. Ganondorf was surprised to see that the warrior he thought he killed stand before him with a new power.

Ganondord: So you still live.
Link stare with an angry expression but remains silent
Ganondorf: What's wrong, monster got your tongue.
Link's speaks with multiple voices at once 
Link: I told you, I would not fall to you, now you will pay for all the pain you have caused!
Ganondorf: What are you, another sage?
Link: I am no sage, not as you know it. I am the sage of heroes and I embody the many heroes who have turned the darkness back time and again.
Ganondorf: Interesting, interesting, now you will feel my anger!
Ganondorf sends out a beam of gloom
Link: And you will feel my wrath!

Link raised the Master Sword channeling the strength of his past lives, counters Ganondorfs gloom with a beam of energy from the Master Sword. When the two energies clashed they stopped each other, but only for a moment. The beam from the Master Sword prove to be stronger and cut through the gloom colliding with Ganondorf who for the first time felt doubt. Quickly Ganondorf formed phantoms to which Link responded by forming phantoms of his own. But Link's were different, they were like the manifestations of his previous lives. Instead of using them to attack Link kept them back to shield Rauru and the sages, if Ganondorf wanted to see Links power he would get a full show. Rushing forward Link brought down the phantoms using techniques taught to him by his previous incarnations. Where Ganondorf had power Link had courage, strength and knowledge from collective experiences and he was showing all of it. Dodging every strike Link stood his ground against Ganondorf, striking anywhere he could. It felt like hours for those watching, not even Zelda suspected Link processed this kind of strength. Eventually Link drove Ganondorf to his knees leaving him a bloody mess. Ganondorf reached for his stone intending to turn himself into a dragon but Link reached out first pulling the secret stone from Ganondorf's head. Weakly Ganondorf reached out trying to take back the stone but it to was no avail. The last thing Ganondorf saw before he was struck down was the face of Link staring down at with a look of disgust.

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