Chapter 8: Gerudo Onslaught

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A few day's latter Zelda had joined Rauru and Sonia in watching Zan's training. Every one was impressed with Zan's growth and how capable Lue turned out to be. Today Link was teaching them archery and best use of fusing. Where Zan was better with a sword, Lue was a natural with a bow. It was mid day when a soldier ran up to Rauru in a panic, a platoon of Gerudo foot soldiers were approaching the Hyrule end of Gerudo Canyon heavily armed. Hearing this Link grabs his gear and rushes to intercept them. Rauru, Sonia and Zelda rush to the cliffside facing the canyon to oversee the defense. On his way to the canyon Link grouped up with a handful of soldiers who fell in line behind him. But as they were about to meet with the Gerudo  forces an explosion went off raining down boulders separating Link from the others. Backed into a corner Link still didn't wish to kill any Gerudo thinking perhaps it was for the best he got separated from the soldiers as they wouldn't show mercy. With their trap sprung the Gerudo rush forward mistakenly thinking they had pinned the best warrior in Hyrule into a corner. Though the Gerudo towered over Link they were no match for his strength and speed. Weaving in between soldiers Link forces them to retreat, giving Link an odd feeling. He didn't think the Gerudo would give way with so little fight something wasn't right, then he felt it, the ground began to rumble. This was Ganondorfs real plan, to trap Hyrules best in a canyon with multiple molduga. Ganondorf wanted to see if Rauru would attack with his secret stone sacrificing his best or would he leave him to fight alone.

Rauru: Link get out of there!
Zelda: Link!!
Sonia: He can't hear us.
Sonia: What is he doing, why isn't he running?
Rauru: He can't turn his back to the molduga.
Zelda: LINK RUN!!
Rauru: This wasn't the plan, if I use my light powers now I would hit Link. Ganondorf, this is what he wanted.
Sonia: We have to do something...wait what is Link doing.

Link, raising his hand creates, a flying machine equipped with many cannons. Activating his creation Link stands his ground waiting for the optimum moment to strike. With the molduga stopped and surfaced Link ruses forward leaving a bloody trail through the molduga. First one falls, then two, then three, Link finishing off one molduga after the next. The flying platform Link had made came crashing down with one molduga still charging. But Link still had one trick left, his ultimate creation, his magnum opus. With swirling energy a towering machine formed with Link atop it. For days Link had been tinkering with auto build coming up with weapons, eventually creating the mech he was piloting now. Raising it's arm Link fired canon ball after canon ball but it didn't stop the molduga from colliding. Link falling through the air was swallowed up by the molduga before it crashes back down. For a minute Rauru, Sonia and Zelda's breath was stolen away by what they just witnessed. Ganondorf stood atop the opposite cliff smiling believing he had just crushed Hyrules morale. But to Ganondorfs surprise the molduga began rolling in pain, Link wasn't done yet. Though Link had been swallowed he did not give up the fight, carving his way out. Emerging Link was covered in blood and mucus, but he had vanquised the last of the Gerudo forces. Returning to town Link was rushed to the infirmary were Rauru, Sonia, and Zelda meet him. Link's clothes were all but destroyed and were replaced with set more reminiscent to the tunic he wore when he first appeared. In most ways it was similar to the standard soldiers garb, to respect Link's humility, but the usual green sleeve was changed to blue and a sword emblem down the sleeve.

Zelda: LINK!! I thought I lost you.
Link: (cough) You should know by now (cough)
Zelda: Link?
Link: I always come back.
Zelda: I'm to relived to lecture you again.
Link: Well, it's not like that time at death mountain with the lynels
Zelda: No, this was worse, but you did it.

Zelda lightly hugs Link as to not pain him
Rauru: I apologize, I wasn't able to help, but it seems you could handle it.
Link: No need to apologize, it's been a while since I've had to try so hard, I guess I'm a bit rusty.
Sonia: If that is rusty your prime must be quite something indeed.
Link: I was pushed to my limits (cough), but after a brief rest I'll return to Zan's training.
Rauru: You just faced down the might of the Gerudo and your worried about continuing Zan's training, you continue to amaze me.
Sonia: Rest now, you needn't worry. Take all the time you need to recover.
Link: Okay then. 

Link stares off thoughtfully
Rauru: Is something bothering you?
Link: I was thinking about Ganondorfs next move. I don't think he will make another attack, I suspect he will call for peace to cover some scheme. 
Rauru: I agree, I expect to see his envoy soon.
Link: When Gaonodorf arrives, I want to be there.
Rauru: Fair enough, I would appreciate your insight on what he'll have to say. 
Sonia: Rauru and I will leave you two alone, though I suspect Zan and Lue will come by soon.

Rauru and Sonia leave the room
Zelda: Your so reckless, but I guess I should expect it.
Link: Yes, but I'll do whatever it takes to protect you, no matter how reckless.
Zelda: Link, there's something...
Link: Yes?
Zelda: mind, forgot what I was going to say.
Link: Well we have had a stressful day, I'm sure you will remember it.

Later that day Zan and Lue came by as Sonia predicted. They didn't see the whole fight and begged Link for details. Link told them most of what happened leaving out the brutal parts. The next day Ganondorf's envoy arrived with a message from Ganondorf. He wished to meet in person to agree to a peace settlement and to personally apologize. A few days later Link was up and present at the meeting between Rauru and Ganondorf along side Zelda and Sonia. Link stood to Rauru's right and Zelda to Sonia's left, listening to everything being said. To Link and Zelda, Ganondorf gave off a familiar and threatening aura, something they had felt before. Ganondorf traded diplomatic words with Rauru apologizing for his previous actions and swearing loyalty to Hyrule. Rauru in turn spoke with kind words hiding his suspicions, but Ganondorf had one last thing to say.

Ganondorf: It must be quite...reassuring to have such a capable warrior as the one who stand to your right.
Rauru: Indeed, but there is more to him, even I have not seen his fullest potential. If that is all you may return to your people.
Ganondorf: Again, it has been an honor.
Ganondorf leaves with his kings guard
Rauru: Link, Zelda, what do you think about him?
Zelda: There is something evil about him.
Rauru: Yes I felt it too.
Link: He's going to try and take a secret stone.
Sonia: What drew you to that conclusion?
Link: Ganondorf looked to each secret stone present with a look of hunger in his eyes, I've seen that look before. Also, I suspect he will go after you Queen Sonia for his gaze lingered on you.
Rauru: Why would he target Sonia?
Link: Because of what she means to you, he doesn't think he can directly attack you.
Rauru: Though your presence seems to be an obstacle for him.
Link: Yes, but he is cleaver, he will come up with a new plan. Not that it will do him any good.
Sonia: I have complete faith in you Link.
Rauru: As do I.

It was dusk when Link and Zelda went for a walk trying to get over the feeling of dread. Link asked Zelda if she had remembered what she wanted to tell him the other day but she sheepishly said no. Link and Zelda decided they should make plans to see the Zora King who had requested to meet them a few days prior. They mentioned this to Rauru who agreed this was the time to follow through with the Zora King's request as it would be to early for Ganondorf to strike. As the last light fell and everyone had retired to their beds Link's sleep was troubled with images of doom and destruction. In his dreams he saw two figures one dark and foreboding the other bathed in green light. With a jolt he woke up in a cold sweat, waking Zelda in the prosses. She asked Link if something was wrong to which he said it was just a dream, but secretly he wondered if it was.

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