Chapter 4: A Prince Returns

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The next day Link and Zelda met with Rauru, Sonia, and Mineru in the throne room to greet Prince Zan. While they waited Sonia explained Zan had been at Mount Lanayru for a few months doing survival training, getting in touch with nature. When Zan arrived he was embraced first by his parents then by his aunt Mineru. Zan had a Hylian build like his mother with the dark grey skin and long white hair of his father. After a moment Zan noticed Zelda and Link and asked who they were.

Sonia: This is Zelda who is a distant relative.
Zelda: Nice to met you:
Rauru: And this is a good friend and Zelda's protector Link, He is also going to be your combat trainer.
Link: I look forward to seeing what you can do.
Rauru: I'm sure you are tired after your long trip.
Zan: Yes, but I would like to get to know our guests, especially if I'm going to be learning form them.
Sonia: A wise idea, how about you see what Link and Zelda have done since they arrived.
Zan: I would love to see.
Rauru: Then I leave him in your hands.
Link: So where to first?
Zelda: How about the flower.

Zelda and Link walked with Zan to were they had been testing the hearty stam flowers, answering all his questions. Apart from Rauru, Sonia and Mineru, Zan was the only other person they told who they really were and how they ended up in there. At first he was confused till he noticed the secret stone Zelda had. Link and Zelda asked that he not tell everyone else as his parents believed it was best not everyone knew, Zan agreed understanding the motives behind the decision. It wasn't long before the three arrived at the building were constructs were doing experiments with the Hearty Stam Flowers. During the night the constructs had found a means to cultivate the flowers. It seems as though the flowers mature quick after taking root but expire fast after being harvested. Zan had many questions about theses flowers but little was known about them so most of his answers went unanswered. Leaving the lab, Zan was lead to the stables where he saw the horse taming. Though they didn't have Link's ability they were making progress, but they were still having problems.

Stable worker: Prince Zan, it's an honor and a relief to see you have returned. Sir Link could I trouble you for a moment
Link: Sure, I see you've made progress on learning how to tame these horses.
Stable worker: Yes, but something isn't right, you made it look so easy.
Link: Let me see what I can do. Prince Zan, if you will wait a moment I will introduce you to the first solid coat horse to be tamed.
Link leaves Zan with Zelda
Zan: He figured out how to tame the solid coat horses?
Zelda: Yes, though it seems like they are having a few problems with replicating his technique.
Zan: How did he do it.
Zelda: Watch and see.

As Link walked up he got a salute from the guard who began questioning what they were doing wrong. Link took stock of the situation and began to show what they were missing. Though the shouting and kicking of the horses had stopped they had forgotten to offer the horse an apple. Link explained the importance of this was that it challenged the horse in a friendly way so that when you tried to mount the horse, it's resolve was at its lowest. Grabbing an apple Link walked up to the horse and replicated what he had done the day prior. On Links return Zan began asking questions, but instead of getting few answers Link had a satisfying response to everything.

Link: Now, how would you like to meet Barren?
Zan: Who is Barren?
Link: He is the first solid coat horse to be tamed here and he's mine.
With a whistle Barren came to Link
Zan: I must ask how did you do it? What I mean is, I saw how, but how did you build a bond so quickly. Even the gentle spotted horses don't take so fast.
Link: Well I was told you had gotten "in touch" with nature, what do you think?
Zan: Well...I know horses react to your emotions so you approached him calmly, and by offering an apple you plant a seed of trust.
Link: Correct. Would you like to ride him, despite his temperamental nature he listens to me.
Zan: Are you sure he'll let me?
Link: He'll carry anyone I command him, but if your still worried give him an apple.

Link hand Zan an apple to he feeds Barren who eagerly ate it. Zan climbs onto Barren with Link's help and begins to slowly ride him about. Though Zan was nervous at first he began to grow more confidante and by the time Zan returned to Link he was gleaming with joy. Though he had a horse of his own, he had not been atop a horse as powerful as Barren. While Zan was talking with Link and Zelda a guard ran up franticly shouting about a Lynel attack.

Guard: Prince Zan I need you to follow me, a Lynel is attacking the lower markets and is heading this way.
Zelda: Why would Lynel attack so brazenly, normally they stick to their own territory.
Guard: Reason is unknown but it badly injured eleven guards while the others evacuated the civilians, It would be best if the three of you fallowed me.
Link: what color was the Lynel's mane?
Guard: Silver I think, why.
Link grabbing the guards bow mounts Barren
Guard: What do you think you're doing.
Link: Stopping that Lynel.
Zan: Lynels are ferocious, it would not be wise to engage it alone.
Link: This isn't my first fight, I promise to return and train you as I said I would.
Link rides off in a rush
Zan: LINK!!
Zelda: He'll be okay.
Guard: What make you think that?
Zelda: I know in my heart.

Charging forward on Barren, Link blew past a group of retreating guards, and into the center of town. Link dismounted and began searching for the Lynel any easy task given the trail of destruction. It appeared as thought the Lynel had turned away from the palace and towards the fleeing civilians. Picking up a fallen shield Link ran off fallowing the trail till he saw the Lynel tossing guards around as if they were weightless. As the Lynel was about to skewer a guard, Link jumped between them parrying the Lynel's strike. Grabbing the guard's sword Link rushed in dodging and countering every attack forcing the Lynel back. Striking the Lynel in the head with a an arrow, Link mounts it unleashing a flurry of attacks. The Lynel jumps back and prepares to charge Link full speed. Nimbly Link jumps forward and up over sinking his sword in the Lynels head using its own speed and force against it. When the dust settled Link was swarmed by the people he just protected, civilians and guards alike. Minutes latter Zan ran up to him having watched the battle from a safe distance.

Zan: That was amazing, the way you moved, it was as if time stopped at your command. I want to be as good as you, as strong as you.
Link: I can't guarantee you will be as strong as me.
Zan looking at Link disappointed
Link: But I will make you as strong as you can be, let this be your first lesson. A warrior must rely on his instincts, my instincts say you will be a strong and capable warrior and leader. But that will take time and work, we will begin the work tomorrow. 
Link: I should let the King and Queen know the Lynel is defeated. Where did Zelda go?
Zan: She went to the lab to gather some of those healing flowers.
Link to the guards how borrow weapons from
Link: Here, you will need these back.
Guards: May your strike always be true.

After returning to the palace Link relayed all that had happened during the fight. Accompanied with glowing reports from the guards and soldiers who saw the incident, Rauru and Sonia were beyond grateful. Rauru and Sonia dismissed the guards and soldiers so they could speak to Link in privet.

Rauru: So even as a guest you fight to protect the kingdom and it's people.
Link: I couldn't simply stand by, it's not in my blood. 
Rauru: There's something more to you then influence over time, something that runs deeper. It's become more and more evident that both you and Zelda were sent here for a reason and not by accident.
Sonia: We won't lie to you tensions are high right now between us and the Gerudo King Ganondorf.
Rauru: He's a stubborn man who wields great power. If he were to attack we have little doubt you would rise to the challenge. To that end we have commissioned weapons for you, a Mighty Zonaite Sword, Might Zonaite Shield, and Zonaite Bow.
Sonia: We know you will use these well. You took the Lynel's horn yes, a Zonaite Sword and a Silver Lynel's horn would make for quite a formidable weapon.

Link took the weapons thanking Rauru and Sonia. First a new arm, now strong weapons, Rauru and Sonia's generosity and kindness was overwhelming. Link was loyal at first out of duty, but now it was so much more. When Link returned, Zelda immediately embraced Link holding him tightly, forgetting Zan was there. Zan waited a moment before speaking up about the condition of the guards which had improved. Eager to begin his training, Zan asked when and where they would start to which Link told him they would start early in the morning at the field behind the palace. Zan thanked Link before running off to get some rest. Link and Zelda decided to do the same, walking off hand in hand. 

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