Chapter 3: Horses and Flowers

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The Next couple of days went by fast with Link and Zelda talking about their friends and what Hyrules future looks like, though the topic of the calamity was a sore subject that Rauru and Sonia didn't press. A day came that Rauru and Sonia left to met with the King of the Zora in regards to the construction of a reservoir to stop the flooding of Hyrule field. Link and Zelda had stayed behind because Zelda had discovered something of interest, a plant that had incredible recuperative properties. Where Link had training to calm his mind, Zelda had research. And it was for that reason Rauru and Sonia insisted Link and Zelda stay. It was the first morning since Rauru and Sonia had left and Zelda was sitting under a tree examining a flower she called hearty stam flower while Link was trying to get use to the new arm by going through drills.

Zelda: Early test suggest this plant greatly effects health and stamina recovery. After enough of these are grown we should do further tests.
Link: This isn't like that time with the frog is it.
Zelda: Tempting but no.
Link: So, what do you plan to do?
Zelda: Well, for a start I want to see how it affects animals, perhaps on an injured deer or fox.
Link: I hate the idea of injuring an animal just to test on it. We might be able to find one that has been injured.
Zelda: What about a horse? The metabolism would be different but it would be a start.

Mineru walking up mid conversation
Mineru: I see you are still getting used to the arm, let me know if it gives you any problem.
Zelda: Oh, good morning Mineru, what brings you here?
Mineru: I heard you had discovered a flower with interesting medical properties, I thought you could use this book, its a collection of plants and their effects that might be useful.
Zelda: Thanks, this will defiantly help.
Mineru: So, have you uncovered anything?

Zelda: As I was telling Link, the early test show promising results. Thing is, we don't have much of these plants and we're not sure what method of further testing would be best.
Mineru: You were suggesting using an injured horse, there is one in the stables now. It had been attacked by a wolf and their not sure how to treat the wound.
Link: Well, I can handle the wound, and it would be a opportunity to see the plant affects on a larger scale.
Mineru: Do you think we have enough to test?
Zelda: No, but we could find some more. 

Link: Were did we first find these flowers? Wasn't it around satori mountain, or was it in the shrine cave?
Zelda: I think it was the cave, let me check my notes. Yes, it was the shrine cave.
Mineru: Shrine cave?
Zelda: Sorry, it's the cave just north of here, it sits over the spring of revival. In the future a shrine that heals people will be built there.
Mineru: I know the cave, but I don't remember seeing these plants. Although...did you find these all the way in the back?
Link: Yes, in back of the cave there is a hole in the floor and we found them there.
Mineru: That would explain it, I didn't venture all the way in, I'm ashamed to say I'm a little claustrophobic.
Zelda: That's okay, Link and I can go see.

They quickly made their way to the cave were they found more of these flowers. Being carful to only take a few, Link and Zelda make their way to the stables with Mineru's guidance. Once there Link takes a look at the bite on and using herbs makes a medicinal salve covers the area with a bandage. After that Zelda feeds the horse the flowers they had gathered, the reaction was almost instant. The horse perked up and began to move around, the only thing wrong was a slight limp. Early the next day Link checked the wound and was surprised to find it had healed over night with just a faint scar showing it had been attacked. When Zelda woke up she was excited to see the results for herself. On her way to the stable she ran into Mineru who was curious about how the horse faired. When they arrived they saw Link brushing the horse and feeding it an apple. 

Link: Ah though I'd see you both here, the horse seems to be doing much better
Zelda: That's promising, how bad was the scaring?
Link: Barely visible, and the limp has vanished altogether.
Zelda: A complete recovery, that's reassuring to hear.

A loud neighing comes from behind the stable
Zelda: What's that?
Guard: The stable workers are trying to tame a stubborn solid coat horse. The spotted horses don't give any trouble, but those solid colored ones have a lot of fight. they haven't
 been able to tame one yet, I think there's a bounty out for one.
Zelda: A bounty?
Mineru: If someone can tame one of those horses and show how to do it they can keep it. I've even seen the guards try but no one has been able to do it. 
Link: I need to see how they are doing this, I've tamed multiple horses, most with solid coats.

Link, Zelda, And Mineru go around back to find a large pin and a dark black horse with white hair around its snout and hoofs. There was an assortment of guards and stable workers each taking turns trying to stay mounted one right after the other. This deeply deturbed Zelda and frustrated Link, this wasn't the way. In Links experience you need to reduce the stimuli affecting the horse, surrounding it with people shouting will only make these horses fight harder. 

Stable worker: We're going to have to let this one go to, not a hint of cracking.
Guard: A shame, it's a beautiful horse.
Stable worker: Indeed, but if we push the horse any further it could collapse.

Link walks up a jumps the fence
Guard: Hey you can't just...wait, your that guy from the colosseum, the one the King is friendly with.
Stable worker: That's the guy who beat the champion, your good. But do you think you can tame that horse, he's one of those solid coats.
Link: Yes, you have been going about this wrong, if you keep everyone quiet I'll show you what I mean.

After everyone quieted down Link slowly approached the horse who in turn began to rear up trying to keep Link away. Link stopped a short distance and reached into his pocket pulling out an apple. At first the horse kept rearing but as Link drew closer it began to stop. In this moment of confusion Link quickly mounted, the horse bucked in response, but this was different. As requested everyone stayed silent and watched as Link resisted the horses attempts to throw him off. Link didn't shout or kick, he held on tight and slowly but surly the horse started to calm. What the guards and stable workers where unable to do in weeks Link was able to do in a matter of minutes.

Stable worker: How did you...?
Link: You gave the horse to much of a reason to fight.

Link dismounts and starts feeding the horse apples
Link: The shouting and kicking only encouraged him to fight. These horses are strong and proud, you need to show them you are not a threat and then mount them. They will still fight, but by approaching calmly and friendly you weaken their resolve.
Guard: That's why you asked for silence and offered the horse an apple.
Link: Correct. Tell me, where did you find this horse.
Stable worker: I'm not sure, but I think it was from the Taobab Grasslands.
Link: I know the place well, strong horses reside there.
Stable worker: If we can get a few more we can start breading them, will make taming a lot easier.
Link mounts the horse again
Link: All that's left is to get the horse use to following commands.
Zelda: So, what do you plan on naming him?
Link: I think I'll name him Barren.

Link spent most of the day testing the horse with Mineru and Zelda watching on. Mineru was starting to have questions as to why Link was so good at the things he could do. Zelda didn't have an answer, even she didn't know how Link could meet any challenge. When word was received that Rauru and Sonia have almost returned so Mineru, Zelda, and Link decided to great them upon their return. Rauru relayed the good news that the Zora would build and maintain a reservoir that would prevent flooding. When Rauru finished speaking, Sonia asked how Link and Zelda were holding up to which they responded with what they had done in their absence. Rauru and Sonia were impressed with how much they accomplished in a short time.

Rauru: Well done, both of you.
Sonia: Yes and I'm relieved to hear you both are doing better.
Zelda: It's all because of your help.
Sonia: Give yourselves some credit, even though we provided the means the two of you put in the effort.
Rauru: Link I have a favor to ask.
Link: How can I be of service?
Rauru: Our son Zan will be returning from training at Mount Lanayru, and we would like you to train him how to fight.
Sonia: We don't expect him to be as good as you, but we want him to learn from the best. 
Link: It would be an honor.

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