Chapter 11: Tragedy

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It was late one night when a mysterious figure made it's way into town slowly approaching the castle. This figured killed any guard that confronted it and make their body disappear. Link and Zelda felt a foreboding presence as did Sonia. Rauru was off dealing with captains and was to preoccupied to notice the doom approaching. As the figure drew closer Link recognized the same aura he felt before, it was Ganondorf. Link told the others of his suspicions and they instantly came up with a plan. As Ganondorf approached the castle he ducked into the shadows and sent forward a puppet disguised as Zelda. The puppet approached Sonia and Link asking to speak with Sonia alone. Sonia giving a knowing look to Link guided the puppet Zelda to a balcony. As they made their way there the real Zelda and Link took their places ready to ambush the puppet. Arriving at the balcony the puppet broke character throwing a knife only for it to be stop by the real Zelda. Laughing mockingly the puppet faded away worrying Sonia and Zelda. Swooping in last second Link threw himself between Ganondorf and Sonia taking the punch that was meant to kill her.

Ganondorf: Impressive, you should be dead now yet you still stand...barely.
(cough) It won't be enough to stop me. (draws his sword)
Ganondorf: Foolish boy, now you will die here with your precious queen.
(cough) Not going to happen, I will not fall to you. Zelda get Sonia out of here and tell Rauru of the traitor!
Ganondorf: They won't make it to the door.

Forming a new phantom, Ganondorf blocked the path to the door stopping Zelda and Sonia from escaping. Though Link was in pain and could hardly breath he kept fighting, but every move began to get harder. Link's normal flawless movements began to falter ending with him lifted off his feet. Ganondorf picked Link up by the neck and threw him into the wall where he fell ,unmoving. With a cold blooded laugh Ganondorf rushed forward shoving Zelda out of the way and running Sonia through with Link's fallen sword before throwing her next to Link. Ganondorf with the widest grin took the power he had been fighting for. Zelda unable to see clearly through tears, slowly crawled next to Sonia and Link's unmoving bodies.

Ganondorf: Finally, the ultimate power is mine! Do not look away child, you bare witness to the rise of the Demon King and his new kingdom.
Zelda: for this!!

Ganondorf: You and every one in this kingdom will end up like your friend in time, so who will make me.
Rauru bursting in
Rauru: What is going...SONIA!...LINK! This was your doing Ganondorf, how dare you!!
Ganondorf: You could have stopped me, but your inaction lead to this. Now you will die here, with you wife and the one you trusted to protect your kingdom, fitting you die next to a failure.

Rauru blocks Ganondorfs gloom attack
Rauru: I will not fall, not here, not now, not to you!
Zelda: We need to retreat to safety!

Rauru growls as his shield begins to crack
Ganondorf: (mockingly) Any last words your highness.
Rauru: This isn't over.

Zelda using the modified Purah Pad teleports everyone out just as Rauru's shield gave way. Ganondorf's burst of power did not go unnoticed, the entire town evacuated being lead out by prince Zan. In times of conflict the people of Hyrule take shelter in a temple older than Rauru's kingdom, much older. As the people approach the temple they fall under attack by Ganondorfs hoards. Link had trained Zan and Lue well and their combined strength were able to shield the retreat, but just barely. Calling out to his son, Rauru told them the people were safe and to get back. After Zan and Lue were out of his line of fire, Rauru unleashed his power of light decimating the attacking forces. It didn't take long for everyone to find out what happened to their queen and protector. Zan knelt down in tears holding Sonia's cold hand as Zelda and Rauru came up to him. Together they told everyone what had happened at the castle and who was responsible. The people found a patch of dirt and dug a grave for Sonai and Link but before lowing him in Link's hand moved, he was still alive. Link was rushed to a bed and bandaged while healing herbs where gathered. Under any other circumstance Link would be taken to the Spring of Revival, but that was not an option this time. While Link was unconscious the best warriors from the other races rived in support of Rauru. Every one was surprised when Gerudo warriors arrived declaring they have turned away from Ganondorf and his power hungry ways. The new Chief explained Ganondorf had betrayed his people and so they owe him now loyalty, but they had sworn fealty Rauru and they would honor that. Though skeptical, Rauru let them in giving them a chance to prove their word and prove it they did. It had been a week since Ganondorfs attack when Link finally woke up with his head in Zelda's lap.

Link: Zelda, is that you?
Zelda: Who else would be holding you.
Link: What happened, where are we, and where is Rauru and Sonia?
Zelda: We are in what will become the forgotten temple, it's real name is the Sealed Temple, not sure why it's called that. As for Rauru and Sonia...well.
Rauru: I'm here and relieved you are still with us, but Sonia is...dead.
Link: What...No no no no, this has to be another nightmare.

Link winces in pain
Rauru: I'm afraid not. You should meet our allies, because of their strength and abilities they have been dubbed sages.
Link: Okay, just give me a minute to get moving.
Altaira: No need, we came to you.
Link: Altaira, your a sage?
Altaira: Indeed, this is Dirk the Goron sage of fire, Tarvy the Rito sage of wind, and Nieru the Gerudo sage of lighting.
Zelda: Mineru was named sage of spirit and I was named sage of time.
Link: This is feeling familiar, reminds me of the champions.

Rauru: Link, things are far worse then you suspect.
Link: Every settlement is under siege with the Gerudo on the brink of defeat.
Nieru: How did you?
Link: Ganondorf would see your actions against him as betrayal and would focus much of his strength against the Gerudo.
Rauru: It's exactly what you think, but there is something I would like to discuss with you in privet.

Everyone leaves to give them privacy
Rauru: As you can see the sages carry secret stones, the last I possessed, I would ask you again, would you take one for yourself.
Link: Without a doubt I would accept one now, but you said they all have already been given.
Rauru: Indeed, all I possessed, but there was stories of a secret stone hidden away by another of the Zonai.

Rauru told Link of the story of a forgotten Zonai seer who hid a stone somewhere leaving behind only a riddle. "When the moon turns red and the day darkens a chosen hero will rise. He will posses a sword blessed by a goddess and a unbreakable will. To him I bequeath this stone so that he may have the strength to conquer the darkness. Search the ever shrouded forest where your sword lies, there you will find my secret stone." Hearing this Link knew exactly were to search, but it was far from where they were. When Link's wounds healed he would make his way the the Lost Woods to reclaim the Master Sword and the secret stone that had been left for him, but he would have to do it alone.

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