Chapter 2: Vindicated

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Apon Rauru's return to Zelda and Sonia, Zelda immediately asked were Link was. Rauru informed her that he was taking part in a competition. Zelda expressed her concerns but was comforted by Rauru who told Zelda and Sonia everything he and Link discussed. 

Rauru: I had intended to ask if Link wanted to watch, but when he said he trained to clear his mind I knew it would be good for him to participate. Link needs a clear head, and he needs a little vindication.
Sonia: He's worried about what is happening in your era, just as you are. We will get you back and you will save your friends, but to do it you two need a clear mind.
Zelda: He is strong, his heart is good and true, but he doesn't always think things through and...
Rauru: Acts hastily when challenged. I can feel your concern for him and I understand. If I didn't think Link could handle it I wouldn't let him participate. But there's something about him, despite what he has been through, that exudes ability.
Sonia: You peaked my interest in Link, I can't wait to see how he fights. Come, Zelda has told us about him, let us see his skill for ourselves.

When Zelda arrives at the colosseum she began to get worried for Link. She still believed it was to soon for Link to be exerting himself and his sword arm was gone, how could he fight. But her faith in Link spoke up challenging all her worries. Link had always stayed strong, no matter the obstacle, he would overcome this too. After everyone had taken their seats the competition began and Link was up first. even though he was using his off hands he easily dispatched his opponents. With speed that took everyone but Zelda by surprise, Link worked his way up to the captain that had antagonized him who was the current champion. Link took his time with him, like a cat playing with it prey. Once Link had enough he stopped holding back and with one rush he had beaten his last opponent. The crowd called for one more fight, Link vs everyone he had beaten. Rauru look to Link to see how he would respond, if he would take the challenge. To Zelda's dismay, Link took a defensive stance accepting the challenge. A minute latter twenty combatants emerged from the armory surrounding Link. Link closed his eyes taking in every sound, waiting for their approach. Even though they out number Link, the soldiers were apprehensive. Link sensing their doubt attacked first forcing his way out of the ring. From here Link circled his way around the group taking them down systematically. It took Link five minuets to finish them off, but his confidence had been restored. When Link reentered to armory Zelda was the first to meet him, hugging him tightly.

Zelda: Are you okay, are you hurt?
Link: I'm uninjured, I can't say the same for the others.
Zelda: Don't worry me like that. You've only just woke up and your sword arm is gone, you could  have made your injuries worse.
Link: Guess I shouldn't ask if you enjoyed the fight?
Zelda blushing: You fought great, it was nice to see you get recognized for your skill.
Sonia: Oh it's more than skill, you posses a special ability.
Rauru: When you fight, does it feel like the world slows down, that you can move faster than normal?
Link: Well...yes, but I always thought it was because of adrenaline. I'm not special, I'm just good with a sword.
Sonia: When we first met I could sense great powers within you, and this competition has confirmed my suspicions. You can control the flow of time around you granting you with great speed. This combined with your incredible perception make for quite the combo.
Zelda: See, you are special, I always knew you were.

The captain who antagonized Link approaches
Captain: I would like to apologize for my earlier comments, I was out of line.
Link: No harm done and a lesson was learned, though your apology is unneeded I accept it.

The captain bows to the King and Queen before rejoining his men
Rauru: It would seem you have earned the respect of our solders.
Sonia: Rauru, has Mineru finished the replacement arm for Link?
Link and Zelda: Mineru?
Rauru: Mineru is my sister. She should be done by now, it's why she didn't come to watch the fighting. Although she probably preferred working on a prosthetic arm, she always preferred tinkering and studying.
Link looking at Zelda: Reminds me of someone.

Rauru introduced Link and Zelda to Mineru who was putting the final touches to Link's prosthetic. Mineru was surprised to see what Link looked like, she expected a older man from the stories Rauru had relayed to her. She was perplexed how someone so young had such a storied life. Regardless, Mineru was almost done with the arm, all that remained was putting on the protective plating. In the meantime Mineru described all Link would be able to do with the arm.

Mineru: Apart from an enhanced grip strength you will also be able to use some of our abilities, you will probably find the fuse ability the most useful. Luckily I was able to incorporate one already, it's called auto build. But to obtain the others you will have to visit four shrines of light where you will obtain and be tested on how to use them.
Link: Four shrines, I've had to do similar, hundred and twenty to be specific.
Mineru: Though you need to go to these four specifically, you could visit the others to further test your abilities. There are a hundred and fifty two to be exact.
Link: That's...a lot.
Rauru: The light power in these shrines could restore some of your life force that was stolen from you.
Sonia: Unless? Dear I have an idea, if light power could restore his essence what if you pour some of your light power into him. 
Rauru: That could work, but it will take some time. 
Sonia: Well, until we can find a way to return them to their era Link and Zelda are stuck here. So there should be plenty of time.
Rauru: Link, are you up for trying it.
Link: Yes, though I don't know how I could repay such kindness
Rauru: Zelda wasn't kidding when she said your heart was good and true. There is no need to repay, but I get the feeling you will through your actions at some point.
Mineru: When that time comes you will have this, all that's left is to actually connect it to you.

The procedure was slow and painful, but in the end was successful. The next item of business was to obtain those abilities Mineru mentioned. Rauru pointed out their location and Link left to complete them. It was only a few hours latter when Link returned triumphantly and as he suspected Zelda was curious what the abilities were. Link explained each one and how they functioned, or at least how he though they functioned. Link would have gone into more details but it was getting late and everyone was feeling the affects of a long day. 

Sonai: And here is the guest room, I hope you are comfortable sharing a bed. Then again, perhaps it's not the first time (Winks knowingly)
Zelda: How did she...?
Link: Well, we haven't exactly been discrete. But you know...I like it that way.
Zelda: As do I.

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