Chapter 14: A Way Home

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The next few days Link and the other sages cleared out the monsters infesting the kingdom. During this time Zelda was doing more investigating on how She and Link could return to their time. But there was no solution, at least none that that she could find. After returning the Master Sword, Link came to check on Zelda only to find her slumped over a desk. When Zelda woke up she began to vent her frustrations about not knowing what to do. Link held her closely and bounced ideas off her trying to help. Eventually it struck Link, thanks to his connection to his past lives Link had a vast collection of knowledge. Focusing Link entered his subconscious feeling the knowledge and experiences of his past lives. Throughout the ages different Links had traveled across time but by means that would not work for the current Link. Feeling as though there was no answer Link was about to return to reality but was stopped by the voice of the first hero.

First Hero: Link, heed my word. Go to a statue if Hylia and let me speak to her.
Link: Why, how would that help.
First Hero: We, or rather the spirit of the hero, have a special connection to Hylia, after all she started what would be the royal family with me.
Link: Wait, I know Zelda is descended from Hylia, but the first hero too.
First Hero: Yes, to stop the first demon king Hylia took a mortal form, I knew her as Zelda.
Link: This part I know, Fi told me about the fight against the first demon king. So you and Hylia were a couple, how does that help us now?
First Hero: As a rule Hylia doesn't interact much with the mortal world lest her people become too dependent on her. But she might be willing to intervene if called on by you or me.
Link: Why wouldn't she respond to Zelda, she is her blood relative.
First Hero: That is something I am unsure about, but I do have a theory. The spirit of the hero has a deep connection to Hylia and when not in use exists on the edge of time with Hylia. While Zelda may be descended from Hylia, you possess the spirit of the hero, in a since you are me.
Link: Wait, Hylia has a crush on me, the goddess is in love with us?
First Hero: In a way yes, like I said you are me, or rather you poses my spirit and the love she had for me persisted even after she took back he role as the goddess.
Link: Still, Zelda is my one love and I would still chose her over Hylia.
Past Hero: And Hylia would have it no other way. You may possess my spirit but you are still your own person and deserve to have your own life. Now it's time for us to go and see if Hylia will help.
Link: Okay, there is a statue close by in the temple of time.
Past Hero: Oh one more thing, my name is Link as well but you can call me Sky.

Coming out of his meditation Link told Zelda everything he had learned. And though she was a little disappointed the goddess was more likely to listen to Link she understood the line of thought. Naturally Rauru had questions and Link answered best he could as they walked to the Temple of Time. Arriving at the statue Link went into meditation allowing Sky and Link to speak to the goddess Hylia. During this Rauru and Zelda talked about what would happen next.

Rauru: If you two manage to make it back to your time, what will you do?
Zelda: We will continue to do as we always have, fight to protect our people.
Rauru: I had no doubt, I know the future will be in safe hands. Have you...told him yet, about the pregnancy?
Zelda: When we have sorted out away home, if we can, I'll tell him. He's had...
Rauru: So much on his mind...You have said that before. I know why you hesitate, but I think I've figured Link out and I know he will be overjoyed. If you don't he will find out eventually, it's not something you can hide forever.
Zelda: I know, and I will tell him.
Rauru: I'm not going to force you to, but I will give you some space, let you tell him in privacy.
Zelda: Thank you.

In Link's Mind

Sky: Hello my love.
Hylia: So you have taken form, it is good to see you again.
Sky: It's only temporary, we need or rather Link here needs your help.
Hylia: Oh is that so?
Link: Yes, your grace.
Hylia: Oh, how formal, but formality is not needed between us, and I know of your problem.
Link: I see, is there any way for us to return to our time?
Hylia: You already possess the key. Zelda can reveres an object through time and you have the innate ability to control the flow of time around you, these two powers will aid you in your goal. But a word of caution, though you have destroyed the evil plaguing this era, your era is still in disarray. The Demon King has been destroyed in your time but the monsters he left behind still exist, the greatest of which are threatening your friends. You have fought for much, if you stay in this era you and Zelda will be able to enjoy the peace you have fought for. But if you return you will have a long hard road ahead of you.
Link: I understand. You present it as choice, but you already know what we will choose.
Hylia: Indeed. Regardless I will ensure you land in the right place and time. Now go make your preparations, and give my love to Zelda.

Link Returns to Consciousness

Zelda: You're awake, so what did the goddess Hylia say.
Link: Well first she sends her love.
Zelda: She does, so she hasn't forgotten me.
Link: And Hylia said we already possess the key to returning, your time reversal and my influence on how I, or in this case we interact with it. We have a choice though, we could stay or return. The Demon King has been destroyed in our time but everyone is still in danger.
Zelda: Well then we don't really have a choice.
Link: Exactly what I said.
Zelda: Link...there is something I need to tell you. I've tried to tell you before but I could never find the words and the timing just felt off.
Link: What is it?
Zelda: I'm...I'm pregnant, I found out right before we left to investigate the gloom under the castle.
Link: Pregnant...that means...I'm going to be a father!
Zelda: I know I should have told you sooner but I...
Link hugs Zelda tightly
Link: It doesn't matter how long it took you to tell me, this news is so joyous I don't know if I should cry or shout for joy.
Zelda: So you are not upset with me.
Link: Upset, I would never be upset with you. 
The sages appear
Altaira: Sorry, we couldn't help but over hear.
Zelda: Oh, you are all here, how much did you...
Nieru: Everything, congratulations to the both of you.
Tarvy: Yes, but now you are leaving us, this is sad news to us.
Zelda: We would like to stay but our time is still not safe and now that we know the way we can't ignore it.
Rauru: We understand, you have saved this era now it's time for your own.
Dirk: But you won't have to do it alone.
Four Sages: Here, before King Rauru and the goddess Hylia we vow that your decedents will awaken as sages and aid you in freeing all of Hyrule.
Zelda: Thank you all of you. Wait were is Mineru?
Mineru: Putting the last touches on a parting gift. Link you are the closest thing to a sage of spirit, as such I want to pass my knowledge of constructs to you.
Mineru hands Link autobuild schematics
Link: Thank you, I will put these to good use.
Rauru: You both will be remembered for your deeds and I know you will be able to turn the tides in your time.
Zan and Lue run up
Zan: Link your leaving?
Lue: But there was so much more we could have learned from you.
Link: You two have learned all you could from me, now it's time to learn from each other. Spar together and in time you will become masters.
Zan: Really, thank you for everything you have taught us.
Link: Zelda, are you ready?
Zelda: Yes.

With their finale goodbyes said Link and Zelda took each others hands and began to concentrate. A bright yellow glow enveloped them and with a flash they were gone, returned to their era. Link and Zelda could feel time flow past them and the approach of their own time. Together they heard a voice telling them to stop, and stop they did, landing right in the middle of Lookout Landing, they had finally made it back to their era.

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