Chapter 6: A Moment of Healing

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When Link met up with Rauru he was eager to hear how his son was doing. Link told him exactly what he said he would, pleasing Rauru. Link also told Rauru that he would be taking on Zan's friend Lue as a student to give Zan someone to grow with. Rauru seeing the logic behind this trusted in Link's plan. Taking Link into the temple of time to give them some privacy, Rauru begins the prosses of purging the gloom from Link. Surprisingly it felt painless, almost soothing, as though a dull ache was evaporating. During this Rauru informed Link that the Zora King had sent word that the reservoir's construction had begun. In his letter the Zora King expressed his wish to meet Link and Zelda as he had heard rumors and wanted to see them for himself. Rauru also updated Link on the situation with the Gerudo.

Rauru: Thing have not improved, they could attack any day now.
Link: I assume you have increased the number of soldiers on the Gerudo border, there's not much we can do but wait.
Rauru: Agreed, but I want to bring this to a peaceful conclusion.
Link: I would like to as well, I'm good friend with the Gerudo Chief in my era and harbor no ill will, but it may not be possible. There's something unsettling about all this. It feels like there's a connection between this Ganondorf and the mummy that attacked us in the future. Tell me, if Ganondorf attacks how do you plan to defend?
Rauru: If he attacks with foot soldiers I plan to use our elite soldier, if he uses his beasts I intend to use...
Link: An attack with light energy?
Rauru: Yes, how could you tell?
Link: From what I have seen, even light power has an offensive use.
Rauru: Very perceptive of you.
Link: I would bet he will unleash a powerful attack to test you, it would be wise to not use your full strength to counter it.
Rauru: Why would that be?
Link: He wants to see what you can do so he can adjust his strategy, with that in mind it would be best not to show your full strength.
Rauru: Again, very perceptive of you. But this kingdoms strength come from it's people, as I'm sure you would agree, and more importantly we have you.

Link: Well I haven't been idle, I've been experimenting with auto build, coming up with defenses and air based weapons.
Rauru: I hope we do not need them, but it is good you have done so in these dire times. 

As Rauru continued to purge the gloom, he and Link continued to discuses strategy. It was decided if Ganondorf used foot soldiers to attack Hyrule Link would stop them, but if he used beasts then Rauau would handle it. Fearing the darness of the conversation Rauru changed the direction of the conversation, asking what Link knew of the Zora people. Link mentioned how he was friends with the Zora people especially the King and Prince. Rauru could tell there was something else Link wasn't saying and asked him about it. Link told Rauru of Mipha, her story, what happened to her, and what she meant to him. Though Link's heart belonged to Zelda, Mipha would always be special to him. Thinking of his era had changed Links demeanor, opening old wounds, reminding Link of what was happening in the future. 

Rauru: Is something on your mind, you seem preoccupied?
Link: I was thinking about what is happening in my era, if my friends are okay.
Rauru: Zelda has spoken with Mineru about possible ways to return the both of you to your time, for now there is no known way. But believe me when I say we will find a way to get the two of you back to your time, and you will be there to help your friends.
Link: I worry about history repeating itself, I can't lose them. But there is no use dwelling on what was or what will be, I can only act in the moment that is what I should focus on.
Rauru: A wise decision, and there has been something I have been meaning to ask you? How would you like to have a secret stone, with how much power you have without a secret stone, one can only imagine the power you would posses with one.
Link: A generous offer, but I can't accept, you and Sonia have done so much for me and Zelda already.
Rauru: (chuckles) I forget how modest you are, content with a sword and shield, still if you should need one or want one, all you need do is ask. Though the reason I offer, apart from you being a skilled warrior, is Sonia and I have begun to see you as family. Sonia and I will  pass our stones down to our child and his future spouse, and as Zelda has one already we wanted to offer one to you. 

Astonished, Link could barely respond, he never expected to be taken in as family by the first King of Hyrule, or be offered a secret stone. In Link's mind he was still just a knight, he didn't believe there was anything special about him despite what Rauru and Sonia had said. And yet here he was, being told he was family by the first King of Hyrule. Rauru explained he saw much of himself in Link and sympathized with happened to him. Though Rauru and Sonia knew they couldn't replace the family Link and Zelda had lost, they hoped they could ease the pain in their hearts and strengthen the loving bond between them. Later that day Zelda found Link in their room with evidence of tears on his face, still getting over his shock. At first Zelda was concerned till she heard what had Link so disturbed. Link wasn't surprised by Rauru and Sonia taking Zelda in as family as she was family, but Link never expected himself to be accepted in such a way. Zelda sat next to Link holding his hand, her presence being a comfort to him. Zelda knew it would take time for Link to prosses what Rauru had said to him, she simply had to be there for him just as Link was there for her. 

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