Chapter 5: A Warrior's Instinct

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It was early in the morning when Zan arrived at the meting point but Link was nowhere to be seen. Zan looked around trying to find Link but all he found was a note stuck to a tree. Link wanted Zan to use his instincts to find him, this was Link's first test. High and low Zan looked, but he couldn't find him. After hours of searching Zan decided to stop and wait for Link to show himself, and show himself he did. Spooking Zan, Link descending from the tree Zan was resting at. After Zan calmed down Link explained the purpose of this test was to test his warrior's instinct. Link didn't expect Zan to find him first try but he needed to see how sharp his instincts were. With the first test over it was time to move to the next test, combat capabilities. Walking over to a rack of staffs Link tosses one to Zan ordering him to take a fighting stance. Link told Zan to strike out and try to land a clean hit. Zan put his full strength behind his attacks to no avail as Link would block each one. Zan kept trying till his staff broke from consecutive blows and a improper grip.

Link: I was waiting for that to happen. I had hoped you would notice your attacks weren't working and that your grip was off.
Zan: Well I haven't done this before.
Link: That's okay, in time you will learn. Your skills will sharpen and you will develop a warrior's instinct.
Zan: You have said that before, but what do you mean by warrior's instinct?
Link: A warrior's instinct is ones ability to take in the battle field in an instant, to read your opponent and your comrades movements, to know when to strike and when to retreat.
Zan: I see what you mean now.
Link: It helps to hold your weapon correctly too, but that is an easier fix. For a staff find the center and move your hands out from there so they are equal distant from the center. Also, do not put your full strength behind every attack you will exert to much energy and are slower. Remember every strike has some kind of trade off and at times you might have to take a hit to land a finishing strike.
Zan: is that how you got all your scars, taking a hit to end a fight?
Link: Some yes, others are from training, by the end of your training you might have a few scars of your own. But lets focus on what we are doing now.

Link tossed Zan a new staff before taking up a new one for himself. Zan taking to heart what Link said made adjustments and struck out at Link. Around mid day Link decided it was time to change things up so he took Zan into town. In the center of the market was a watch tower that Link and Zan scaled to the top of where they would braked for lunch, and another lesson. Link asked Zan to look around and tell him what the people were thinking. Zan was confused, he knew he took after his mother but he lacked her skill at reading people, telling Link as much. To Zan's surprise, Link starts describing what people were thinking and what they were about to do. Link explained if you take into account someone's facial expression, body movements, even their clothes, you could predict their next action as if you were reading their mind. With this in mind Zan tried again with a little more success. After a few more attempts and a little lunch Link and Zan make their way back to the training area but get stopped by an old friend.

Distant person: Zan!
Zan: Lue, my friend it has been a while
Lue: It has, I just got back myself from soldier training. Who is this?
Zan: This is Link, he is a friend.
Link: A pleasure to meet you, so you're training to be a soldier.
Lue: Technically no, I'm to young to officially start but I watch them and replicate what they do, I've gotten good at it to.
Zan: Well Link has been training me.
Lue: Really, he doesn't look like much.
Zan: Believe me he's good, like really good.
Lue: But he's so skinny and doesn't have any muscles, I could probably take him
Link: You think so, care to test that.

Link brought Lue to where he and Zan had been training and handed him a staff. As expected Lue did as Zan had done before, but Link wasn't just blocking attacks this time. Link was dodging Lue's attacks, toying with him like he did with the disrespectful captain. Eventually Link had enough and disarmed Lue stunning him. Lue began to believe what Zan had said but wonted more proof, to which Link showed him the silver Lynel horn attached to his Mighty Zonaite Sword. Zan told Lue about the Lynel attack and how Link defeated it single handedly. Lue began to get excited and asked if Link would train him too and Link agreed to it if his parents are fine with it. After Lue left Link told Zan his reasoning for taking Lue on as another student.

Link: It helps to grow alongside a friend, a rivalry can go a long way in improving your abilities. And my instincts tell me he will be a great soldier if trained right. 
Zan: I see, he told me at one time he wanted to be a soldier so he could protect me.
Link: The wish to protect a friend is a strong driving force, with that he will grow quickly.
Zan: You sound as though you are speaking from experience. If it's not to intrusive, I have a question of a more personal nature.
Link: Go ahead ask and I will share what I can.
Zan: How is it a princess and a knight get together?
Link: Come again?
Zan: It's just the way you interact with Zelda, your more than her knight.
Link: Well yes you could say that, she is my shining light in the darkness.
Zan: She's your driving force, gives you a reason to fight!
Link: I have many reasons to fight, but she is a big reason.
Zan: How did you two get together?
Link: That's a long story, but I'll try to shorten it. At first she couldn't stand the sight of me, to her I represented her perceived shortcomings. It got to the point she shouted at me for doing my job, but it didn't bother me. I knew what she was going through, and I understood the frustration, the pressure. But things changed when a group of assassins almost killed her. After I saved her she apologized and began to be friendly to me. Sadly life was unkind and we lost much, but in the end we had each other and that's all we needed.
Link: I need to be leaving, your father is helping to purge the gloom that has infected me.
Zan: gloom?
Link: Yes, shortly before arriving here we where attacked and I took the brunt of it, this is the reason I lost my arm.
Zan: I see, well what should I do now and what will you tell my father about today?
Link: Train your body and mind, put yourself through the drill I showed you, we will meet here tomorrow. And worry not, you did great for your first day and I will tell your father as much.
Zan: Okay I'll do that, and thank you.

With that settled Link was off to meet Rauru at the Temple of Time. Along the way Link thought about the day and what had happened in the past week. Though Link and Zelda had only been in the past for a short while, they were beginning to feel at home. On his way to the stables he meet with Lue's parents who jumped at the opportunity of Link training their child along side the Prince. Link told Lue to meet him in the same spot tomorrow where he would catch him up to Zan. Lue bowed to Link thanking him for doing this, promising to make Link proud. Retrieving Barren, Link rode off ready to rid himself of the remaining gloom within him.

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