Chapter 12: The Lost Woods

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As Link was preparing the gear he would need Zan approached him carrying bags of his own. Zan wished to go with Link but to his dismay Link told him to stay here. Link would have to travel a long distance with little protection, this worried Zan as Link had just recovered from his injuries. Link was concerned, not for himself but for the people in the temple, he didn't want to leave, but he needed to. Zan pleaded to go with him but Link told him the same, he needed to stay here to protect his people and his father. And with well wished from every one Link slipped out promising to return as fast as he could. After many hours of slow sneaking Link finally arrived at the Lost Woods. Not knowing where to go Link took a deep breath and walked in letting himself be guided by a force he didn't understand. It wasn't long before Link was lost but the woods felt different.

Mysterious Voice: What brings you to these hallowed woods.
Link: I come in search of a special stone and a sacred sword.
Mysterious Voice: Why do you search?
Link: So that I have the strength to protect those important to me.
Mysterious Voice: Interesting, but why do you fight a loosing war, do you expect to stand against the Demon King?
Link: I do what I'm call too, I can't stand idly by while people suffer.
Mysterious Voice: Good, you are exactly what I was expecting.
The mysterious voice takes the form of a Zonai
Link: Are you the seer who hid a secret stone
Seer: Indeed, though I must admit you are shorter then what I expected but that's no matter. What matters is what's in you and what you will do. You possess a spirit older than mine, older then this kingdom, older then the Great Deku Tree. If you take my stone you will gain access to the countless knowledge and strength of your past lives.
Link: Past lives, older then the Deku Tree? I'm not that special, I don't have the blood of the goddess like Zelda nor do I have the power of light like Rauru.
Seer: Dear boy, you are special. Why do you think the legendary sword you call the master sword only accepts you, you carry the same spirit as its first wielder. This is a lot to take in but you need to understand you true strength before taking my stone. Sit here and search yourself, come to an understanding of your fears but do not let them control you, connect and learn from your past lives.
Link: Okay, but how do you know my spirit is that old.
Seer: As a seer I see more than the future, I can see into people, feel their thoughts and emotions, I can feel their spirit. I can feel your grief and anger, but I can also feel your determination and kindness. You hate what has happened but are content with what had to be.
Link: It seems you know me better then I do.
Seer: After you leave here you will know yourself and be master not only over yourself but over the greatest power in this world.

Doing as the seer said Link sat down and began to search himself. With the insight of the seer Link felt it, the presence of his past lives. Sat there Link fell into a deep meditation hearing the knowledge and advice of each one. Before he knew it five days had passed yet he had no hunger or thirst. Waking from his meditation Link was greeted by the spirit of the seer who congratulated him for completing the first stage of his training. The seer told him that the Great Deku Tree would oversee the last of his trials. But before he went to meet with the Deku Tree the seer revealed the location of the secret stone. A faint light began to emit from the tree Link had been under and through a crack Link could see the secret stone. Reaching in Link grabbed it feeling a surge of energy course through him. The small stone raised into the air taking a deep green tint before coming down on Link's forehead forming a circlet. The spirit of the seer accompanied Link to the Great Deku Tree who she had spoken to about Link.

Deku Tree: So you are the one she spoke of. Though I do not recognize your face your eyes have the glint of familiarity, you know me.
Link: Yes Great Deku Tree, I am very familiar with you and the koroks.
Deku Tree: So you can see them, good. It is as the seer said, you indeed possess the spirit of the hero.
Link: For the longest time I believed I was nothing special, but now my eye's are opened and I see clearly at last. 
Deku Tree: Humility is an admirable thing but it can be blinding, but you have over come it.
Link: The seer spoke of a final trial, when do we begin as time is short.
Deku Tree: The final trial rest right before you, a trial you are familiar with.
Link: The Master Sword, it is the final trial. 
Deku Tree: Why do you hesitate?
Link: It's just that the evil I am to face was able to shatter this sword in the future, I worry it will not hold up against it now.
Deku Tree: A real concern, but you are stronger now and the sword's strength is derived from you. Your spirit and the sword are one, when one grows both grow. Does it have the strength now, that all depends on you, that is the purpose of this test. The spirit that rests in the Master Sword will test you, and it will know everything you have been through.
Link: I thought the sword could only heal and improve with light energy.
Deku Tree: That is how the sword normally recovers, but there are other ways. But it has always been linked to the spirit of the hero, your spirit. Now cast away doubt and take hold of the Master Sword again.

Link with reinvigorated confidence took hold of the Master Sword with both hands. To Link's surprise the Master Sword didn't try to sap his strength instead Link was cast into his own mind. An otherworldly voice spoke to him, questioning his motives testing his conviction, confirming Link was who he said he was. The voice being satisfied with Link gave it's name, the spirit's name was Fi. She was confused why she had awakened as she was to remain unconscious for all time. But after learning what she could from Link she made a guess that the presence of a new demon king reawakened her. Link was confused as Fi seemed familiar with the Demon King and his strength. Fi explained in brief the conflict with the first Demon King and what happened with the first hero and the goddess Hylia. Being satisfied with Link's strength both physical and of character, awakens Link who easily drew the blade. Link thanked the seer and the Great Deku Tree for their help but before leaving the seer told Link not to return to the temple but to hasten to a chasm on a large island just south of the forest. In his mine Link could see the island, though faintly. With that Link rushed off feeling as though everything was on the edge of disaster.  

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