The Assault Begins

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Conflict is all around! Despite the efforts of Republic forces to push Separatist forces back into the Outer-Rim, small pockets of Separatist planets still resist in the Core and Mid-Rim. The Jedi continue to deploy Jedi and Clones to stomp out all Separatist forces. Such as on the planet of New Plympto, where Jedi Knight Dass Jennir and his forces prepare to do just that, against the native Nosaurians of the planet that have joined Dooku's Confederacy.

Two Republic Venator Cruisers and one Republic Acclimater Assult Ship began to approach the planet of New Plympto. Onboard the bridge of the Acclimater, the Human male, with long white hair, Jedi Knight Dass Jennir spoke with the Clone Commander in green armor next to him, "We're approaching the planet, Doom. Let's get the troops in position."

The Clone nodded, "Yes, general."

Sometime later, multiple Gunships deployed from the Cruisers and Acclimater, with one Cruiser following them into the atmosphere. The Republic ships soon came under fire from the Anti-Air Crate Turrets that fired at them from the trees below, causing explosions around the sky. The Gunships fired back with the lasers on the pods on their sides, each manned by a Clone, while also trying to dodge the shots. Inside the ships, many of the Clones, all in green armor, were jumbled around by the turbulence. A Gunship carrying was shot on the left, completely obliterating that side of the ship, causing the ship to crash and explode. A Gunship to the right of the one Dass and his squad was on was hit and destroyed. Luckily, the pod gunner on the left, on Dass's Gunship fired its laser straight down, slicing one of the Turrets apart. Celebrations were cut short, as the remaining Turrets kept firing and destroyed another Gunship, along with the AT-TE a Gunship was carrying, before blasting the Gunship itself apart. Then another Turret fired at Dass's Gunship, damaging it's left-wing and causing it to be set on fire. Dass told his men, "Hang on! We're going down!" The ship soon began to fall, with a ship on its right also getting obliterated as they did. They crashed into the forest, with the damaged wing being torn right off. In the down Gunship, Dass, Doom, and the rest of the Clones were on the floor and were getting up, all except two Clones were killed in the crash. Explosions could be heard echoing throughout the area. Dass told his troops, "Get up, we gotta keep moving." The Clones nodded, as Dass pushed the now broken Gunship door off the rest of the way, and he and his troops rushed out, with Dass activating his green Lightsaber. With their Jedi on top of the Gunship and them using it for cover while they could, the Clones fired at a nearby squad of three Nosaurians and seven B1 Battle Droids. Dass deflected shots away, with one hitting a B1 in the chest and killing it. The Clones kept shooting and killed another B1 with a headshot and a Nosaurian took a shot to the chest. However, a Clone on the far right was shot in the head and killed, surprising the others. Dass looked ahead and noticed in the trees, two more Nosaurians had set up sniper rifles and were shooting at them. Seeing more shots coming, Dass jumped in front of his troops and started protecting them from shots, even using a deflected shot to kill a nearby B1 with a shot to the chest. He told them, "There are snipers in the trees."

Doom turned to two Clones, one with a rocket launcher and another with a Gatling Gun, and said, "Boys, take care of them."

They both saluted and replied, "Yes sir!" The Clone with the launcher took the launcher off his back and got it ready, aiming at a ninety-degree angle, while the Gatling Gun Clone and Doom rolled out of Dass's cover, and started shooting at the enemy. The Gatling Gun Clone downed three B1s, while Doom shot a Nosaurian several times with his dual pistols.

The Clone with the launcher then fired the shot into the air, it sailed across the sky before it started careening down right at the trees.

Seeing it coming, the Nosaurian on the right pointed up and shouted, "INCOMING!" The pair jumped off the trees, but the blast hit the tree and shocks blasted the two away.

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