A Clone Rescue

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Hours had passed on New Plympto since the battle had ended. The planet was shrouded in night, as Dass, Doom, and Bomo regained consciousness in their hole. Bomo asked, "Ug, what happened?"

Doom replied, "I think that blast knocked us into a hole and covered it up."

Dass shrugged, "I guess we got lucky." He recovered his Lightsaber, as Doom and Bomo did the same with their blasters, "Let's get out of here." After a moment of concentration, Dass Force Pushed the debris away, and the trio began to climb out of the hole.

The three had walked back to the base at Haijial Chase Forest, only to be horrified by all the destruction and dead bodies. Bomo knelt down at Rootrock's corpse and could only mutter in sadness, "No."

Dass put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Bomo, I'm so sorry."

Doom could only sign, as he took off his helmet to show his own sadness, "I just can't believe this is how far the new Empire would go."

The trio then heard some rustling in the bushes and readied their weapons, only to lower them when they saw R5 and IM-6 walk through them. Dass gave a joyful expression, "Oh, R5, IM-6. I'm at least happy to see you guys survived."

R5 gave a few happy beeps as he rolled over to Dass who started petting him. Bomo then asked, "Did the Shuttles at least getaway?"

IM-6 lowered his head in shame, "No. They caught them and shipped them off to Zygerria to be turned into slaves."

Bomo held his head in grief, "No. No. No!"

Dass stopped petting R5 and fell into further sorrow, "I can't believe it. After all, we Jedi and Clones did to stop Zygerria's slavery during the Clone Wars, now the Republic-turned Empire is actively working with them."

Getting up with determination, Bomo simply stated, "We have to help my family and my people."

Doom jumped in, "We agree, but how."

R5 began to beep rapidly, as IM-6 translated, "We may have to wait on that. R5 is detecting three Clones approaching. Probably a scouting or patrolling party."

The group peered through the bushes to see Captain Muk, Slugger, and Tank approaching. Dass's eyes then lit up, as he turned to the others, "I've got an idea." He whispered it to the others, who nodded afterward, with Doom putting his helmet back on.

When Muk, Slugger, and Tank passed the bushes, Dass, Doom, and Bomo jumped out and grabbed them, pulling them back into the bushes where struggling could be heard.

Later, as the sun rose over New Plympto, two Clones of Doom's Legion, were standing guard over the down ramp of a CR90 Corvette Blockade Runner, nearby a Clone base. They then noticed, Muk, Slugger, Ttank, and another Clone approaching, with Doom and Bomo in binder cuffs in between their team. The two saluted Muk and asked, "Sir, what's going on?"

Muk told them, "We were ambushed by these fools, but we subdued them. We think they know where the Jedi is, so we're going to interrogate them on the ship on the way to Zygerria where we will give them to the Zygerrians afterward. Get the ship ready for takeoff."

The two nodded, "Sir yes sir." They then headed up the ramp, with Muk and the others following shortly after. A few moments later, R5 and IM-6 appeared from behind a tree and sped up the ramp before it came up for the ship to take off.

As the ship made its way out of the atmosphere of New Plympto, Doom and Bomo were led to a cell, where they were locked behind Ray Shields. As the two Clones previously guarding the ramp took positions to guard the cell, Doom gave a nod to Muk who returned it. After which, Slugger began to rub his right arm, with Muk asking, "What's wrong, trooper?"

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