A Party, Zygerrian Style

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As the Corvette Blockade Runner began to head towards a landing pad on Zygerria's shipping docks, inside the ship, Dass had just put the Clone Trooper helmet back on, as he passed his Lightsaber to Bomo, who hid it in his shirt, along with his blaster. Dass told him, "Keep that weapon safe. We may need it if things get really messy."

Bomo nodded, "Got it."

Commander Doom was also handing over his pistols to Muk and another Clone, who each put one in their holster while carrying their main weapon. The Clone Commander then got on his comlink and said, "Make sure the ship is ready for a quick escape, boys."

On the bridge of the ship, Slugger replied over the comlink, while nodding to the two Clone Pilots, "Don't worry, sir. Will have everything prepared for the right time."

The group heard the ship land and dock, so Dass turned to them and said, "Okay team, let's make this look good."

They all nodded and got ready; Dass, Muk, Tank, and eight other Clones; four just wielding blasters and four others wielding both blasters and Blast Shields, surrounded Doom and Bomo who put on fake Binder Cuffs. The main ramp of the ship then opened up, allowing the group to walk out, seeing the bustling city and a group of three Zygerrian Guards waiting for them, armed with blasters.

Muk whispered, "Just play it cool, everyone." The group approached the Zygerrians, "I suppose you're the welcoming committee."

One of the Zygerrians nodded, "Yes. Will lead you to our king for the deal to be made."

The group began to make their way through the plaza, seeing Zygerrians and other black-market gangsters, like the Pykes and Black Suns, dragging away slaves of all species, from Twe'leks to Rodians to Humans to Cereans and many others. As they passed and looked on at the brutality, the Clones would occasionally pass vendor stands and discreetly place detonators on the bottom of the tables.

Eventually, the group was brought to the throne room, where the male Zygerrian Atai Molec sat on the throne, petting a Kiros Bird. Upon seeing the group enter, he exclaimed, "Ah, welcome. I see you have brought the newest additions to our slave empire."

Muk nodded, "Yes. We've been ordered to transport them directly to where you're keeping the others to receive payment."

Getting off the throne and releasing his bird to fly around, Atai smugly stated, "That can be arranged for you good little soldiers who have given us so much free labor." He turned to one of the Guards, "Take them to camp five."

The Zygerrian nodded, "Yes sir."

Once again, the group headed out. They eventually made it to an outside holding area, with holding cells for Nosaurians, surrounded by several Zygerrian guards with blasters or Electric Wipes. As the Nosaurians cowered in their cells and huddled together closely, the Clones, Jedi, and Bomo looked on in disgust and horror. For Bomo, his face soon morphed into one of greater horror and immense sadness, as he noticed there were several dead Nosaurians in the cell. His eyes soon fell on the bodies of his dead wife and child. All he could do was let out a scream, "No. NO. NO!" He fell to his knees.

Just then, a Zygerrian Captain with red fur and a robotic left arm walked in, flanked by two more Zygerrian Guards. He laughed, "I see you're admiring my work."

Muk solemnly stated, "You killed them."

Shrugging his shoulders, "Well, some of these slaves were too routy and I had to make an example of them. That's what slaves get for not obeying, but even like this, they can be good slaves. There are certain individuals who like to eat Nosaurain meat as a delicacy. So we can still make a profit here."

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