Unlikely Allies

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As night swept over the planet of New Plympto, Dass was making his way through the forest and panting. While he stopped to catch his breath, he heard a rustling sound come from some nearby bushes. The Jedi Knight quickly spun around and stretched out his left hand and sent a Force Push at the bushes, knocking the hiding Nosaurian, Bomo, out of it. As he rolled to the ground, Dass rushed in and activated his Lightsaber, aiming it near Bomo's neck. The Jedi then asked the recovering Nosaurian, "What are you doing here!?"

Bomo simply replied, "I simply wished to talk."

Dass raised an eyebrow, "Talk?"

He nodded, "Yes. About your current situation and how we may be able to help one another."

The Jedi got a dry laugh, "Ha! A Separatist actually wanting to help instead of causing destruction. Now I've heard everything."

"How many of us Separatists do you actually know?"

He raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Bomo insisted, "Well, you seem to think we're all the bad guys, but how many of us do you know personally?"

"Not too many, but I've seen the horrors your side has committed and you chose to join such a barbaric side."

The Nosaurian angrily shot back, "Do you even know why my people joined them!?" After Dass shook his head, Bomo continued, "Our planet doesn't offer much. We need to trade to survive, but the only thing worth trading from here is our Rikknit Eggs, from the local Rikknit species. For a while, we prospered, but then the Republic not only denied us a seat in the Senate but eventually, they banned the exportation of our Eggs! Without representation in the Senate, we couldn't even protest it! The Separatists offered to buy our Eggs and actually include us in their Confederacy. What were we supposed to do? It seemed like a good deal until you and your Clones came and started killing us!"

Dass deactivated his Lightsaber and helped Bomo up. The Jedi sadly stated, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. Orders came from up top. The Council or the Supreme Chancellor would say, "Go here and do this," and my troops and I went. The war got so big, so out of control, so quickly. W-we thought we were saving something not destroying." He held his head down, "I'm truly sorry for what happened to your people."

Bomo sighed, "You didn't know and if I'm being honest I never bothered to learn why you were fighting either. Not like it matters all that much now. My people and most of the Separatists are no better than before the war, the Republic has been turned into an Empire, and the Jedi have been almost whipped out." Dass's head flashed up, as he stared at the Nosaurian in sad silence. Bomo sadly nodded his head, "Yes, I'm sorry, but you're not the only one who was betrayed by his Troops. According to the Holonet, the entire Grand Army turned on and attacked the Jedi Knights, killing most of them."

Dass could only run his hands through his hair in utter confusion, "I-I just don't understand how our Troops could turn on us. For many of us Jedi the Clones were our friends. I could never imagine Doom, Muk, Slugger, Tank, or anyone else turning on me like that."

Bomo jumped back in, "From what I saw, that Doom fella was struggling and looked like he didn't want to do it."

Eyes flashing in realization, Dass said, "You're right. He was trying to warn me or something. He seemed so scared. And he said, "Not like Tiplar. Not again."

"Who is this Tiplar?"

"She was a Jedi Doom use to serve under."

"I'm guessing something happened to her?"

He nodded, "She was killed at the Battle of Ringo Vinda. Shot by one Clone." He trailed off and put his right hand to his chin, "And I'm starting to think there was more to it than what I and many others were told."

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