The Battle of Kashyyyk Part 1: Opening Salvos

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In the city of Kachirho, the combined forces of Clones, Wookies, and reprogrammed B1 Battle Droids were beginning to prepare for battle. Groups rushed all over the place, some took up positions in entrenchments with their blasters ready, some set up Repeating Blaster Cannons, and even some B1s had set up six DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droids around the area. Two somewhat scratched-up, but still very functional, AT-TEs even walked onto the scene. One was manned by two Clones, the other by two Wookies, and both had a B1 manning the cannon on top. Overseeing this entire operation were Wookie Chieftain Tarrful, Chewbacca, and Clone Captain Muk. Soon Dass arrived, along with everyone else that had come over from just outside Kachirho's forests. Upon arriving, Dass asked, "What's our status?" Tarrful gave out a roar, and Dass replied, "So there on their way."

Muk took out some holo binoculars and looked through them. Putting them away, he reported, "Yes, sir. The Trandoshans have taken control of the area just past the lagoon and are using it as a staging area to land Imperial troops and more Trandoshans.

Dass took out his own pair of holo binoculars and got a good look at things. On the other side of the lagoon on the islands, the Imperial Light Cruiser, along with several Imperial Transport Ships, had landed and began deploying StormTroopers, Shore Troopers, Trandoshans, KX-series Security Droids, and Combat Assault Tanks. Dass smirked, "That's not too bad."

Just then, an Imperial Assault Carrier flew down and deployed two AT-ATs on the island the Imperial forces were gathering on. Cere turned to Dass and sarcastically said, "You we're saying."

Dass admitted, "Okay, that's going to be a bit challenging."

Doom assured him, "Only four legs. Thats nothing. Everyone to your battle stations!" The nearby troops began to finish their last-minute preparations, as the Jedi all activated their Lightsabers, with Siadem and Iwo both having blue sabers and got ready as well.

Over by the Imperial forces, the male Imperial Officer commanding the forces pulled out a blaster in one hand and a comlink device in the other. He said into it, "Governor Tarkin, our troops are in position."

Tarkin's voice came over the com, "Very good, Captain Ugan. Proceed with the attack, will be sending you air support shortly. Let's test their grit before Lord Vader, the Inquisitors, and the elites make it down there."

Ugan nodded, "Yes sir." He turned off and put the com away, "Charge!" The Imperial troops began to move through the water towards Kachirho.

Seeing them coming, many Wookies let out a battle cry and began to charge out to engage in battle. At the same time, a Clone Piolet, a Wookie, and a Pantoran all got in the cockpit of one of three Republic Gunships, and each took off to join the fry. The three Gunships were joined by several Wookiee Ornithopters. Soon enough both sides began exchanging blaster fire.

StormTroopers gunned down two Clones, while a Trandoshan shot a Wookie. A Dwarf Spider Droid then started rapidly firing to shoot down both a Storm and Shore Trooper. However, rapid fire from the AT-ATs obliterated the Spider Droid, along with some nearby B1s. Another Spider Droid was soon obliterated, as was a Wookie manning a Repeating Blaster Cannon. The Gunships and Ornithopters then came in and started shooting at the AT-ATs, but their blaster bolts had no effect. Soon the AT-ATs returned fire and shot one of the Ornithopters down. Just then, eight TIE Fighters swooped down and fired at the air support as well, blowing up the Gunship being flown by the Wookie, and forcing the other Gunships and the Ornithopters to disperse, with the TIEs in pursuit. All the Jedi began to deflect shots back at the Imperial forces, taking down some StormTroopers, Shore Troopers, and Trandoshans. Dass and Cere even took out their blasters and each shot down two more StromTroopers and Trandoshans. Some B1s then shot down a StormTrooper, only for them to then get mowed down by a StromTrooper with a Gatling Gun. Luckily, Tank came in with his own Gattlign Gun to shoot down the StromTrooper, as well as two Trandoshans. Boil, Trapper, Bric, and El-Les each shot down a StormTrooper, while Doom used his double pistols to gun down one Shore Trooper each. A Wookie manning a Repeating Blaster Cannon then blasted down three Security Droids. However, the AT-ATs then blew the Wookie up along with the Cannon. They then proceed to blast away some more Wookies and B1s. Soon enough, with the exception of the AT-ATs most other Imperial Forces made their way to the beach of Kachiro. Some B1s were firing at a Security Droid, but despite the damage it was taking it kept charging. It got up close and punch two B1s away, punch another one's head off, then grabbed a fourth one and threw it into three more. As it began to approach two more B1s, they began firing at it, Wildfire joined them, and together the three gunned down the Security Droid. The Assult Tanks rolled up from the lagoon soon after and started firing, killing some Wookies and a Clone. Luckily, the two AT-TEs began firing, their front cannons destroyed a Tank each, while the B1s manning the cannons on the back fired shots that hit the ground, causing explosions that either consumed StormTroopers, Shore Troopers, and Trandoshans or sent them flying. Following this, a Wookie and a Clone were shot in the leg and shoulder, respectively, by a pair of StormTroopers. Luckily, before the killing blow could be dealt, Muk came in, using a Blaster Shield to block their shots, saving the Wookie and Clone. He then pulled the Shield back so he could shoot both Troopers in the chest with the blaster in his free hand. After that, he went over to help his fellow Clone up, while another Clone along with a B1 helped the Wookie up. They took the two behind a nearby tree, where IM-6 began to treat them. Two Wookies then shot down a pair of Trandoshans, only for them to get shot and killed by another pair of Trandoshans. A Clone with a Blaster Sheild then rushed out and shot one of the Trandoshans. However, before he could move his Shield back into place for cover, the other Trandosan quickly shot him in the gut. As he fell dead to the floor, a Wookie rolled over, grabbed the Shield, and used it to block the Trandoshan's shots. They then moved the Sheild back so they could return fire, killing the Trandoshan. In the skies above, a TIE Fighter was chasing after two Ornithopters and firing at them. It shot one of them down, but the Wookie rear gunner on the other blasted the TIE down soon after. At the same time, the two Gunships fired missiles which obliterated two more TIEs. However, fire from one of the nearby AT-ATs hit the Gunship being flown by the Pantoran in the side, causing it to spin out of control and crash into the ground. At the same time, Sugi and Bomo each shot a StormTrooper in the chest. After which a pair of Trandoshans came charging in and firing, both managing to shoot the blasters out of Sugi and Bomo's hands. The two then hit them with their shoulders knocking them to the ground. They stood over the pair and aimed their blasters at their heads. However, before they could fire, Sugi used her legs to sweep kick the Trandoshans' legs, causing them to fall over. She then jumped up, pulled out a Vibro Blade, and stabbed the Tarndosahn in the chest, killing them. At the same time, Bomo pulled out a Vibro Blade from his pocket and stabbed the Trandoshan over him in the left leg. The Trandoshan let out a scream and dropped his blaster. Grabbing the dropped blaster with his left hand, Bomo used it to shoot the Trandoshan in the face. Sugi also picked up the blaster of the Trandoshan she killed and used it to shoot a nearby Shore Trooper.

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