Betting It

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In the basement/steam room of The Lucky Twi'lek casino, Noirah, and Kai were rushing down a hall, with the former asking, "Are you sure this will get us to the ship, Master Hundorra?"

He nodded, "Yup. This path leads right to the hanger. Also, don't call me Master, I'm no longer a Jedi."

She sighed, "Fine if you say so." Noirah then took out a comlink and activated it, "Sugi, have you all made it to the ship yet?"

Blaster fire was heard over the com, as Sugi's voice said, "We've run into a bit of a hiccup. StormTroopers are guarding the path to the hanger, but will find a way to get there."

Noriah said, "That's not good." Just then, as they rounded the corner, they were met by the Eighth Brother and his Lightsaber that was spinning, "And that's even worse."

The Eighth Brother stated, "There's nowhere for you to run now."

The two began to back up slightly, with Noirah whispering, "I'll keep him busy here so you can get to the ship."

Kai told her, "That's crazy. You can't just take him alone down here."

"Well, one of us has to be the Jedi around here. Just get to the ship and I'll try and follow." Kai reluctantly nodded, "Alright, now!" Noriah jumped forward and activated her Lightsaber and crossed blades with the Eighth Brother, pushing him back again to the right side of the wall. This allowed Kai to rush past them and continue down the hall. After that, the Eighth Brother managed to add more power to his attack to push Noirah back.

The two now stood off against each other. After a few moments, they both rushed at each other and crossed blades again. Noirah then broke the lock by kicking the Inquisitor in the gut with her left foot. As he slid back, Noirah rushed in to attack. The Eighth Brother held out his left hand to send out a Force Push. Luckily, Noirah used the Force to jump up to the left wall, not only dodging the Force attack but allowing herself to jump up from the wall and right towards the Inquisitor. She attempted to bring her saber down on his head, only for the Eighth Brother to roll forward to dodge, causing her to slash off a pipe on the right wall, which caused some steam to be released into the room. Spinning around, Noirah rushed at the Eighth Brother again, who had gotten back up. She tried to slash him on the left, only for him to move his top blade over to block her sword. After that, she spun around to try and slice into his right side, but this time the Eighth Brother spun his double-bladed Lightsaber around, to bring the bottom blade over to block the slash. He then leaped into the air and used his Lightsaber to slash off several of the pipes in the ceiling. When he landed, he used the Force with his left hand to grab these broken pipes and toss them at Noirah. Using her saber she slashed all the pipes down, but then, using some Force-enhanced speed, the Eighth Brother ducked down and rushed at her. He got right in front of her and came back up, while swinging his bottom saber upward, slashing Noirah in the left eye. She let out a painfilled cry, as her left eye was destroyed, and swung her saber at the Eighth Brothers head in retaliation. However, the Inquisitor step back to dodge, then swung his upper saber at the nearby pipe on his left, which was right next to Noirah. Slicing off the pipe, steam was released, hitting Noirah right in her right eye. Once again the Padawan screamed, as the vision in her right eye began to blur. The Eighth Brother rushed in to attack again. While Noirah raised her saber in time to block his saber strike, he quickly broke the lock, jumped up, and used both his feet to deliver two powerful kicks to her chest, knocking her back and to the floor. As she got up, she blinked her right eye widely to try and clear it. The Eighth Brother just laughed, "One eye gone and the other temporarily out of commission. That's two eyes to half an eye. Advantage me."

Noirah simply stated, "I may only have particle vision in one eye, but since falling to the Dark Side you seem to have forgotten, a Jedi doesn't always need their eyes to see evil, especially when it gives off so much anger, fury, and self-loathing in the Force as you do."

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