A Crazy Day at the Diner

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On the remote desert Outer Rim World of Abafar, business was the same as usual at one of the local diners called Besalisk Anonymous. The cook and owner, the Besalisk Dexter Jettster was in the kitchen, finishing up preparations on a Shawda Club Sandwich. Once done, he placed it on the counter and shouted, "Table two's order is ready, Nora!"

Just then, the waitress, none other than former Jedi Padawan Noirah Na, having let her hair grow out and become curly and messy, came over and said, "You got it." She grabbed the plate and took the food over to the table, giving it to a male Sullustan. After which, she strolled over to a table with a male Human and a female Duros, "What can I get you two?"

Before they could answer, a female Human Imperial Officer came through the doors, flanked by four StormTroopers. The Troopers immediately threw the Human and Duros out of their seats, allowing the Imperial Officer to take the table. As she sat down she said, "Yeah, get me a Yatooni Boska."

The other two patrons got back up, with the Duros protesting, "Hey, we were sitting there!"

Their companion, the Human rushed over and started pulling them back, "No, no. We don't want any trouble."

The Officer smuggly stated, "You should listen to your buddy. The Empire is the rightful owner of this and every other planet. What we say goes."

Noirah began to clutch her datapad harder, "No it doesn't."

The Officer stood up and sneered, "Oh really." After a bit of a stair-off, Noirah sighed and started to step back. This caused the Imperial to smile, "That's what I thou-." She didn't finish, as a frying pan was thrown right into her side.

Turning, everyone saw Dexter having just thrown the pan. The Besalisk said, "You Imperials pushed me out of Coruscant, but I'm not letting you push me or anyone else around here!"

A male Tentical-Faced Alien then shouted, "Yeah! You're already taking all of Abafar's Rhydonium! We're not letting you take anything else." He rushed in and punched a StormTrooper, while a female Rodian tackled another Trooper to the ground.

After a bit of a ruckus and a skirmish, the Imperial forces were tossed out of the bar. As they got up and started to retreat, the Imperial Officer shouted, "You're going to regret not obeying the Empire!" The group began to cheer after the Imperials left.

Sometime later, the diner was closing, with Dexter locking up, and Noirah waiting for him, before the pair began to walk through the town. As they did, Noirah asked with uncertainty, "Dexter, were you sure doing that was a wise idea."

He just laughed, "I've never been that wise. But regardless, I don't regret it. The Empire can't keep pushing people around like that."

"I know. But they could retaliate for this. They are vicious against those who try to resist them, regardless of what their resistance was."

"Well, I'm not scared. I use to know a Jedi you know. And one of the things I learned from him and them is that you can't just let people get hurt and pushed around. It's not right."

She looked down and gave a small sigh, "Yeah. Jedi we're all about that once."

He then pumped his arms, "Besides, old Dexter still has some skill left. Plus, I've got a plan just in case more trouble comes to the diner tomorrow." Turning and seeing her looking down, he placed his two left arms on her shoulder compassionately, "Hey, listen. If you don't want to come in tomorrow it's alright. I know not everyone thinks they can stand against the Empire tomorrow. And it's wrong to force someone to do something against their will. A Jedi taught me that. So if you just want to stay away I understand. It's alright."

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