Bringer of Doom

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On New Plympto, the native Nosaurians were in the heat of battle, being led by Rootrock, Momo, and Ninsa, but it wasn't going well. The trio was leading twelve other Nosaurains, against a squad of thirty Clones, led by Commander Doom, who had deployed from two nearby Gunships. Ten of the Clones had Blast Shields, which were blocking shots from the Nosaurians. The Clones then pulled their Shields back and used the blasters in their other hands to shoot at the Nosaurians, killing three of them. Doom then rushed in and gunned down another two with his two pistols. Both Bomo and Ninsa shot a Clone in the chest before they could return their Shields. Wielding a Force Pyke, Rootrock rushed in and dodge some shots, before getting in close to a Clone with a Shield and used the weapon to knock the Blast Shield out of Clone's hands, before killing him with a stab to the chest. He then spun the Pyke around to block some shots from a charging Clone, before pulling out a pistol from his left pocket and shooting the Clone in the chest with it. Doom then shot the pistol out of Rootrock's hand, forcing the Nosaurian to retreat. Another Nosaurian, wielding a knife then charged in, only to get shot quickly by a Clone.

Rootrock began to shout, as he blocked more shots from Doom, "Fall back! Fall back!" The Nosaurians began to retreat and fire, killing another three Clones, one with a Shield. However, a Nosaurian was gunned down during the retreat, as well. The Nosaurians took cover behind some trees, which were getting scorched by the shots of the Clones. After a few shots, the remaining eight Nosaurians jumped out and started firing, killing three more Clones, but two more Nosaurians were killed before they could jump back behind cover. Luckily, the other six made it back in time. Unfortunately, they were pinned down, as Doom and his team moved in.

Bomo could only sigh, "I guess this is the end."

Just then, Dass's voice came over Bomo's com, "Oh, I wouldn't say that."

The Nosaurians' eyes widened, with Bomo asking, "Dass?"

The Jedi replied, a smile evident over his voice, "The one and only."

Ninsa stated, "He actually came back."

Dass stated, "Yes I did. And I know what's wrong with the Clones, and I've got a plan for it. The bad news is, my entrance isn't going to be the best."

The group looked up and saw in the sky, Dass's Jedi Starfighter, smoking in the back and being shot at by three V-Wings. A shot from one of them took out the Starfighter's right side, causing it to start spinning out of control. Dass, from the cockpit, told R5, "Buddy, it's time to bail out." Using the Force. Dass blasted his cockpit screen right off, and leaped out, while R5 ejected. The Starfighter proceeded to crash into the forest a little ways ahead of the battle. As he plummeted towards the ground, Dass extended out his hand, sending a Force Push towards the ground in between the two fighting factions, softening his descent and knocking away five Clones. Upon landing, he instantly activated his Lightsaber and started deflecting shots, nailing two Clones in the shoulders with deflected shots. Another Clone got the same treatment, only hit in the left leg. R5, using the rockets in his legs, landing on the battlefield, after his ejection. He was right behind Doom and used his Electroshock probe to shock Doom unconscious. Dass then rushed in at three Clones, one of which had a Shield. Using Force-enhanced speed, he dodged their shots, before getting in close, spin-kicking the Shield out of the Clone's hand and then Force Pushing him into another Clone. Dass then blocked the shots of the other Clone that rushed in. When the Clone got close, Dass sliced his blaster in two and Force Pushed him into a tree on his right. As the five remaining Clones with Shields started firing at him, Dass spun to his left behind a tree, sliced the bottom of the tree with his saber, and then used the Force to fling the tree at the Clones, who blocked with their Shields. However, the force still sent them back away and knocked them out. When the last four Clones started firing at him, Dass spun into the air and deflected the shots back, hitting one Clone in the shoulder and another in the leg. When he landed he Force Pushed another Clone back. Then with a quick motion of his sword deflect a shot into the last Clone's leg. With all the Clones incapacitated, Dass deactivated his saber and rushed over to Doom, picking him up, along with his pistols.

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