Order 66

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Chaos rising! After the Separatist's major defeat at the Battle of Coruscant, Separatist forces are desperate to gain ground on any battlefront. Even on the planet of New Plympto, Separatist forces continue to resist. However, Jedi Knight Dass Jennir, Commander Doom, and their forces continue to work to crush the Separatist forces on the planet!

A Juggernaut was riding through the forest planet in the afternoon, with Dass and his Clones transporting the captured Ninsa, her five fellow Nosaurians, and three B1 Droids. Dass was in the middle of a discussion with Doom's team, with Doom and his four fellow Clones having removed their helmets, revealing Slugger's average Clone face and Tank's shaved head with a small 'X' painted the right top of his head. Doom just finished stating, "Hopefully, we'll be able to take the capital soon."

Dass added, "And end this battle so we can get closer to ending the war."

Slugger jumped in, "The war may actually be ending sooner than you think, sirs." Everyone turned as he explained, "I was just looking at the latest Outer Rim reports and it says that General Kenobi has engaged General Grievous on Utapau."

Muk brought his hand away from his chin to way, "The Separatists have already lost Dooku, so if General Kenobi can manage to kill or capture Grievous, then the entire Separatist leadership and military will collapse, ending the war."

Grimm walked over to him and stated, "Well, not entirely. True without his leadership, many planets will just surrender to the Republic, but a few will undoubtedly still resist, however, it won't last long, because, with the leadership collapse, they will be undermanned and not receive any more reinforcements."

Tank started waving his Gatling Gun around, "And with most battlefronts secure, our forces there can pull out and be redeployed to the few planets still resisting, allowing us to completely overrun them. This war is as good as over!"

Dass reminded him, "Only if Obi-Wan can actually manage to defeat Grievous, but given his track record, I have the hope he will."

Just then, the front half of the Republic vehicle was blasted apart, while the Jedi, Clones, and Prisoners in the back were knocked around to the ground. After a few moments, Ninsa and her troops got up and made a break for it, through the hall to where the front used to be.

As he recovered, Dass turned to Doom, "Doom, check on the wounded, I'll go after them."

Doom and the others put their helmets back on, with the Clone Commander replying, "Yes sir." He then turned to three Clones with Blast Shields, "You three go help the General and will catch up."

The three nodded and headed through the hall with Dass jumping off the damaged vehicle to the ground and pursuing the nine Separatists, firing and gunning down one B1. However, before more could follow, a squad of six Nosaurians and five B1s, led by the Nosaurian Bomo, started firing at the Republic forces, killing one of the Clones. Bomo shouted to Ninsa's team, "Get back to the capital, will cover you." The team nodded and started making a run for it.

Soon a firefight broke out between the groups, with two Nosaurians going down. The Clones blocked some shots with their shields, before gunning down another B1. One of the B1s was wielding a rocket launcher and aimed it at the Clones, firing. Luckily, Dass used the Force to redirect the rocket into the ground, exploding in front of them and creating a smoke screen, which the Clones fired through, killing the B1 with the rocket launcher. Dass then rushed in as the smoke cleared, deflecting some Separatist shots back into a Nosaurians chest, killing him. He then spun to his right to dodge more shots and slash a Nosaurian across the chest. He then came face to face with Bomo, who fired at him.

As the Jedi Knight deflected shots, he said, "I'm guessing you're the leader of this little ambush on our Juggernaut."

Bomo replied, "You guess right, Jedi."

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