A Cold-Hearted Challenge

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The Mantis had just come out of hyperspace and flew toward the icy planet of Ilum. Cal had just entered the living courters, with BD on his shoulder and now wearing a winter fur coat. He joined Cere staring at the planet from the cockpit, as she said, "It's been a long time since I've been here."

Cal nodded, "Yeah. Me too."

Greez noted, "So this is where Jedi get the crystals that power their Lightsabers?"

Cere explained, "'Yes. I still remember my first time coming here. Master Yoda guided me and my fellow Younglings to the entrance to the temple, but after that, we were on our own. Not something I wasn't accustomed to, but that didn't make it any less challenging."

Cal then said, "I was trained by following strict protocols. Prepared for everything, or so I thought."

Turning to him, Cere said, "Maybe that was the lesson, Cal. You can't know everything. You can only trust that you are able to handle whatever you face."

Looking down Cal stated, "Yeah, but sometimes it's quite a struggle."

Putting her hand on his shoulder, Cere told him, "Yes. The life of a Jedi is a big struggle, especially now with the Empire in power, but that is also a test. It's the choice you make during the struggle, whether to keep fighting, to stop or whatever else that makes us who we are."

"I guess it's about time I find out who I am." Shortly after the ship landed on the planet, nearby an icy temple. Cal headed for the door, as it opened and the ramp to connect to the ground unloaded.

As the snow started blowing in from the wind, Cere came over and handed Cal some Lightsaber parts, "Good luck."

Cal gave a laugh, "You know, Master Tapal always told me there was no such thing as luck."

Cere simply replied, "Well, I've learned over the years, especially while I was hiding from the Empire, that not everything Jedi Masters thought was right. Dass believes there is such a thing as luck, and just like anything else we can learn how to use it in conjunction with our own skills and determination to help people."

As Cal headed out the door he said, "Well, let's hope I have enough of all of that to make it through this."

"I believe you do." BD then happily beeped, causing Cere to smile, "And so does BD. Looks like he wants to help you on your quest."

Cal smiled, "And I appreciate it." He and BD soon entered the snow-filled planet and began to head toward the temple. However, it was a slow trek, as a blizzard kept pushing back against them. The wind was so strong it actually knocked BD off of Cal's shoulder, causing Cal to shout, "'BD!" He quickly held out his hand and used the Force to grab BD in mid-air and Force Pull him back to him. With the Droid safety in his arms, he opened his coat a bit, "You'd better stay in here until we get to the temple and out of this storm. BD happily beeped, as Cal put him in his coat. Eventually, they made it to the temple doors, which were frozen shut. Cal took note, "I guess it's been a while since anyone's been here. Makes sense. But still, there's got to be a way in." Noticing the ice on the doors, Cal grabbed onto some and began to climb, "If you can't go through a door, then go over it." While climbing, some snow and ice from the top fell, forcing Cal to press his entire body against the door, so the debris sailed past him and to the ground.

After a bit of climbing, he got to the near top. Turning his head to the left, he noticed a cliff, with a cave. Climbing over to the cliff, he entered the cave and found himself in the temple. Opening his coat again, he let BD out, "Alright, buddy, it's warm and safer in here."

BD hopped out and began looking around and scanning the place, before letting out some beeps. Cal nodded to him, "Yeah. This place use to be beautiful back in the day." Turning around, he and BD walked over to the edge of the cliff. Once there they saw a big crystal hanging above the room below them. Looking down below they saw the chamber room and the frozen entrance to the Kyber Crystal caves. A look of fondness came to Cal's face, "I remember this room. Master Yoda melted that door to let us into the caves."

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