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War rages on! On the Core World of New Plympto, Jedi general Dass Jennir, along with Clone Commander Doom are fighting to stop the Separatists force on the planet. However, with the local Nosaurians having the advantage of their home planet's terrain, has made the battle a long one. The battle still rages on, as our heroes try to push forward.

A massive Republic HAVw A6 Juggernaut (or Clone Turbo Tank, in some circles), was blowing through Separatist forces. Firing off a multitude of missiles that blasted away trees, B1s, Nosaurians, and Separatist Armoured Assault Tanks(AAT). On top of the Juggernaut was Dass, who was deflecting away shots from the B1s and Nosaurians. As this happened, Doom led a troop of six other Clones; one had a Gatling Gun, two were using Blast Shields, and the other three were just regularly equipped. The team managed to gun down five B1s and two Nosaurians, but another B1 managed to shoot and kill one of the regular Clones. After that, a Nosaurian rushed in and tried to use a Force Pike in his right hand to attack the Clones with the Blast Shields. Luckily, one of the Clones blocked the shot with the Shield in his left hand and then shot the Nosaurian in the chest with the blaster in his right hand. However, as the Nosaurian fell to the ground dead, he dropped a grenade that was in his left hand, which donated, killing the Clones with the Blast Shields and a regular Clone nearby. The shockwaves of the explosion also knocked Doom, the Gatling Gun Clone, and the regular Clone to the ground. As they staged up, a group of B1s aimed their blasters at them. Noticing this, Dass jumped off the Juggernaut, using the Force, and got in front of the Clones to deflect away the shots from the Droids. While he managed to kill some with redirected shots, one B1 got a shot through his defenses, nailing the Jedi in the right arm and causing him to stagger back. As the Droids got ready to fire again, Doom and the others received, with the regular Clone grabbing one of the Blast Shields from the ground and leaping in front of Dass, blocking the shots. As Doom and the other Clone rushed in and gunned down more Droids, the Clone with the Shield asked Dass, "Are you okay, General?"

Dass smiled and patted the Clone on the shoulder, "Yes. Thanks to you, Slugger.(OC)"

The Clone nodded and happily replied, "Just doing my job, sir."

More shots from the Juggernaut, which blew up a Separatist Tank, caused the Separatist forces to start a retreat. As they ran, the Gattling Gun Clone gunned down two more B1s and a Nosaurian, while shouting, "Hey, where ya going?! The fun is just starting!"

Dass and Slugger rejoined Doom, with the Jedi commenting, "Well, he's certainly excited today. But that's nothing new."

Doom nodded, "Yeah, Tank(OC) has always been like that." He turned to face the Jedi, "Are you alright, General?"

Nodding back, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to you all."

"You saved us too, so it was the least we could do. Besides," he looked down solemnly, "I don't want to lose another General."

Dass nodded and put a comforting hand on Doom's shoulder, "Yes, I'm sorry what happened to your last Generals, Tiplar and Tiplee."

"Thanks, General."

On another part of the planet, several Multi-Troop Transport (MTT) were leaving a medium-sized dome city, which was being guarded by Separatist Tanks, with the gate closing behind them. Two Clone Scout Troopers observed this from trees through their binocucom. One of them turned to the other and said, "We better report this in, Lever(OC).

Clone Lever shrugged, "Always by the book, huh, Grimm."(OC. Simon came up with the name).

Grimm smugly asked, "You got a better idea?"

"Good point."

Back with Dass and his team, a few captured Nosaurians were being led away by some Clones, while Dass, Doom, and the rest looked over a holo map of the planet being displayed by an R5 Astromech Droid. The Droid was aqua with purple marking lines around it. As the team looked things over, the Droid started beeping, with Dass asking, "What is it, R5-B8(OC)?" After a few more beeps, "A message from our fleet in orbit. Patch it through."

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