Preparations for War

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The Mantis and Halo had both just exited Hyperspace, near Kashyyyk, where three Star Destroyers and one Imperial Light Cruiser were approaching. Seeing this, Noirah, from the Manits, now sporting an eye patch to cover her damaged left eye, said, "Well, it looks like we got here just before the party started."

Cere said, "We better hurry and meet Dass and the others near the city of Kachirho. So we can start coordinating the defense."

The Mantis and the Halo flew into the planet's surface. A few minutes later they landed in a small forest on the outskirts of the city of Kachirho. However, there's weren't the only ships in the area. Nearby was a Blockade Runner and two Hammerhead Corvette Cruisers. Once they landed, the groups disembarked and saw those nearby the other ships, setting up crates and taking out supplies. There was a wide variety of people in the area, several Wookies, including children and elderly, and Clones from Doom's unit, in their green armor, including Slugger, three Pantorans, R5, and IM-6. Seeing all this, Cal stated, "You weren't kidding about having resources and allies."

Noirah then said, "Dass has been busy."

Just then, Dass himself came over saying, "Yes I have." The groups turned to see him coming over with Doom, Tank, Bomo, and three Jedi; one was a Wookie Youngling, another was a male Human with greyish-black hair, and the last one was a male Ho'Din with green skin and a bald head. He smiled upon seeing Noirah and Kai, "Aww, Noirah, Kai. It's good to see you again. I'm glad you came to help."

Kai shook his head, "No." He pointed to Noirah, "She and everyone else came to help. I was forced to come here." He began to walk away with Bryti, "We're going to try and contact a ride to get us out of here before the battle starts."

Noirah looked apologetically to Dass, "Sorry, Dass. I tried to convince him to help to no avail."

Dass told her, "It's okay. Not every Jedi can stick to their beliefs after everything that happened. Luckily, we have many that do." He turned to the Jedi that came over with him, "Which by the way, I should properly introduce you." Pointing to the Wookie, "That's Gungi. He may only be a Youngling, but he's skilled and willing to protect his people." He then pointed to the Human, "That's Jedi Knight Siadem Fote." Pointing to the Ho'Din, "And his partner and fellow Knight Iwo Kulka." He then turned to Cal, "And you must be, Cal. Cere told me about you. Glad you choose to help."

Cal stated, "Well, unlike Kai I can't just hide forever, especially when people need the Jedi to help."

Bomo stepped forward, "Neither can we. I'm Bomo, a Nosaurian. My people suffered greatly because of the Empire and I will do whatever I can to stop them from harming other species the same way."

Doom added, "We all will." He saluted the new Jedi, "Sir and ma'ma. Commander Doom reporting for duty. Loyal to the Jedi and Republic, not this Empire. Most of the Clones here are a part of my unit." He pointed over to a group of four Clones, "But not all of them."

Among the four Clones, two of them were 501st piolets, one was a Wolfpack piolet, and the other was just a regular Wolfpack member. The two 501st members opened up a crate with blasters in it. One of them told the other, "Give me a hand with these, Hawk."

Hawk nodded, "You got it, Broadside."

As the Wolfpack piolet opened another crate of blasters, the regular Wolfpack member came over and said, "Warthog, you can focus on making sure you're ship is ready for a quick escape if need be. I'll handle distributing these too are forces on the beach."

Warthog gave him a thumbs up, "Thanks for that, Wildfire."

Dass explained, "We have many allies as you can see. Pantorans that help escaping Clones either hide or fight the Empire. Our Clones and Wookies at the beach have reprogrammed a bunch of B1 Battle Droids left over from the battle fought here during the Clone Wars, not to mention some of the vehicles." He turned to Sugi's group, "We even have other Bounty Hunters like yourselves."

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