The Battle of Kashyyyk Part 2: Defense in the Back

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The Battle of Kashyyyk raged, and with the arrival of Darth Vader, the three Inquisitors, the 501st, and the Purge Troopers, it only got more difficult. The Empire forces began to press the attack, with the Second Sister spinning her double-bladed Lightsaber around rapidly to deflect shots fired by six Wookies. Some of the shots hit and killed two Wookies. Then the four Purge Troopers with blasters behind her started opening fire, killing two more. The Second Sister then leaped at the remaining two and sliced them both in the chest with her saber. At the same time, the Eighth Brother began to spin his double-bladed Lightsaber around rapidly, allowing him to fly in the air, avoiding shots fired by four B1s. He then stopped his blade from spinning, so that he descended down at the Droids, slicing one in half with the top half of his blade. After which, he leaped back up, kicked one B1 away, and slashed the other two down with a whirlwind from his sword. The Ninth Sister, meanwhile, had just used her left shoulder to tackle away three B1s. She then activated her double-bladed saber just in time to deflect some incoming shots from two other B1s back into the Droids, killing them. A Clone and a Wookie then started firing at her, but once again she just blocked the shots by spinning her blades. While continuing to block, she rushed at the pair, quickly slicing the Clone across the chest and stabbing the Wookie in the stomach with her top blade. Both fell dead to the ground afterward. Then a pair of Purge Troopers with Electro Staffs rushed into battle, one stabbing a Wookie and the other a B1, both in the chest, killing them. Another Wookie came charging in, firing at the pair. However, they just spun their Staffs around to block, before one of them stabbed the Wookie in the chest and killed them when they got close. Vader also joined the battle, igniting his Lightsaber and deflecting shots fired by Clones, Wookies, and B1s. After a bit of deflecting, he outstretched his free left hand to use the Force to Push back a Wookie, a pair of B1s, and a Clone with a Blaster Shield. He then turned to his right and deflected more shots back into a Clone and Wookie, killing them. Once again stretching out his free left hand, he used the Force to start choking another nearby Clone, while also lifting them into the air. As he did this, two Wookies and a B1 rushed at him, shooting and trying to stop him. However, Vader just used the saber in his right hand to deflect the shots, killing the two B1s, while still holding the Clone. He then turned and slashed down one of the Wookies and cut the other one's Bowcaster in half. After which, he finished choking the Clone and let his dead body drop to the ground, just as the Wookie punch him in the face, knocking him back an inch. The Wookie then tried to grab him by the arms, only for Vader to shake his arms to break the hold, then use both hands to wield his saber and stab the Wookie in the chest.

Seeing the carnage, Dass shouted, "We've got to stop them!" The other six Jedi nodded and all of them rushed into the battle.

Cere rushed at the Second Sister, only for two Purge Troopers with blasters to get in her way and fire. She quickly moved her Lightsaber over to block, deflecting a shot back into one. Using her left hand she used the Force to summon a nearby blaster from the ground to her hand, using it to shoot down the other Purge Trooper. Unfortunately, the Second Sister used her own left hand to pull the blaster from Cere's hand, using the Force. She held the blaster up to herself and quickly sliced it in half with her sword in her other hand. After which, she used the Force to leap at Cere, and swing her saber down to attack, but Cere raised her saber up vertically to block. As the two were in the saber lock, the Second Sister sneered, "We meet again, Master!"

Cere could only respond, "Trilla."

At the same time, Vader was charging at three Clones and a B1 being led by Doom, all of them firing at the Sith Lord. However, the Sith just kept deflecting their shots, before getting in close and swiftly slashing two Clones across the chest. As they fell dead to the ground, he quickly turned and hacked the B1 to pieces. He then used his left hand to lift the other Clone up with the Force and throw him into Doom, knocking both Clones to the ground. Another B1 came at Vader from behind and fired, only for the Sith to swing his saber behind his back, without even turning around, and deflect the shot back into the B1s chest. Now Standing over Doom and the other Clone on the ground, he raised his blade to deliver the finishing strike. However, when he swung down, Dass leaped over and block with his Lightsaber. Holding the attack back, and allowing a pair of Wookies to grab Doom and the other Clone and get them to safety. Dass told the Sith, "You won't hurt anyone else while I'm here!"

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