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FAYE LAID TANGLED IN THE SHEETS BARREN BODIED. She rubbed her eyes and stared at the note that was folded by her nightstand, breathing out a sigh. The woman was so deeply and utterly shitfaced. Her hair was disheveled, mascara was smudged and even her skin, it had purple marks all over.

The mage decided to hit the private bath rooms.

Fairy Hill was the expensive dormitory that most of the females in Fairy Tail resided in. She herself was one of these people.

When she had gotten into the steamed room, her eyes opened a bit wider. "Mornin' sunshine." The brunette grinned, holding up a bottle of beer. It was still nine in the morning .. her drinking habits had no end to them.

"Looks like you had a good night."

"You could say that." Faye winked.

Her shoulders sank in relief as the water soothed her tense muscles and terrible ache in her back. "Y'know I limped all the way here. I thought I wouldn't make it."

Cana let out a hearty laugh. "Wish I could say the same, but I'm afraid not."

Faye had her back turned to the card-mage who had begun washing her shoulders and spine, the hard to reach areas. "Want me to hook you up with someone? I'm sure I can find a guy." The S-Class mage prompted. Even though she couldn't see the reply, she could already predict that the alcoholic shook her head.

"Suit yourself."

Sting's nose scrunched in distaste as the woman approached. Not because she smelled like alcohol, he was already used to the lingering scent. "You have someone else's smell on you."

He could already guess who.

The guy she was with last night.

"Oh I'm sure." The little Dragon Slayer eyed the bruises on her neck that she so painfully obviously tried to hide, but it was so dark it leered through the powder.

"Are you angry? You seem like it. Your magic power is leaking out everywhere." Her seafoam eyes stared at his alabaster aura that protruded from his skin as he clenched the menu. Although at this point, he shouldn't have really needed it.

"Men who can't control their tempers are the worst." Faye remarked plainly with a sly smile on her face. In that instant, his outburst had stopped.

She grinned even wider.

"You .. you cheater!" It might've been manipulation, but she didn't feel guilty in the slightest.

The mage stuck her tongue out playfully. "Hey, I'll be free this weekend though."

He immediately perked up. "Huh? Why?" Sting tried to not be intrigued or look hopeful, but really, his body language gave everything away. She seemed so dandy.

"The S-Class trials!" Faye looked rather happy, ecstatic even, kicking her feet back and forth so much that it continued to bump his own.

No one had successfully passed the trials in several years after Faye herself. Of course, it got harder every year because they had to fight the current S-Class mages, and those mages would continue to grow in power.

But that could go the same for the applicants.

Sting of all people knew how big of a deal Faye was, especially to be stronger than Natsu Dragneel, his idol.

Eventually, he'd surpass her — when he could begin using his brain.

Of course, sometimes brute strength did work. But it was hard against people who watched you grow up and knew your habits.

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