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"HOW COME YOU AGED OVERNIGHT?" Faye was barely able to crack her eyes open. Maybe it was because of the new bed or just the change in weather that her body wasn't used to .. but unlike her usual self that was able to wake up without a problem, the woman seemed to struggle to get up more that morning.

But when she was finally able to keep her eyes open, she turned over to her side and saw Sting who was drowsy, blinking in and out of consciousness.

"G'morning .." He mumbled throwing his arm around her, dragging her in closer. The woman squirmed a bit as she didn't want to be overheated by his body heat, but it was to no avail. "You were sleepwalking again .." Sting said as he ducked his head into the crook of her neck and the pillow.

"Ah. That's a problem." She dully noted.

The man nodded incoherently, placing a kiss against her nape.

"I just need this stubborn stain to die so I can have the inheritance .. then I'll build a school here." Faye snapped her fingers and the curtains pulled themselves tightly together to block out the light.

Sting cracked one eye open. "A school?"

The woman nodded. "Anna, Lucy's ancestor, she and I were talking about it and we decided to build a school, a large one. I'm planning on asking Hisui to fund it and have it recognized and open to commoners, nobility, mages and normal people alike."

"Fair opportunities .. That's all I want for these children."

"For the school to be the home of founding relationships that'll last a lifetime. A haven that will blanket all of the students." Even though Faye amassed much wealth that was continuing to grow, albeit not as nearly fast as before .. she needed more because there were deep rooted problems that could only be solved by money.

Money might not be able to buy happiness all the time .. but it could buy opportunities.

With the generational fortune of the Blainn family .. Faye would have enough money to do whatever she so planned.

After a while of being woken up and falling back asleep in the arms of the apricot scented woman and listening to her plans in the future as he always did, she finally was awake enough to stir.

He let out a groan of annoyance, clinging onto her waist.

Faye cupped his cheeks in her hands as his eyes finally opened up all the way. "Your hands are cold .." He commented.

The woman smiled as goosebumps arose on his skin, his body jolting when that same coldness entered the stillness of his abdomen. Sting grabbed her wrists gently. "First thing in the morning?" He raised a brow. His shirt was pulled over his head as Faye climbed onto his torso, pressing him down deeper into the mattress with the hand that forced down his chest.

Sting let out a sigh. It was so deep that she sunk a little as well.

"All of these .. are from the war, aren't they?"

Faye spoke slowly as her voice quivered a bit. Inadvertently, he avoided her gaze.

"Something like this, is also only natural, Faye." The way he said those words .. it reminded him of herself after her travels with Selene. Someone who was questioning and chased after the wisps of their latching sanity.

She softened and he chuckled. "Maybe I should get injured more often .. considering it's the only way you finally let yourself be vulnerable." His knuckle brushed against her rosy cheeks.

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