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EVENTUALLY THE ANGER DISSIPATED AND FAYE WAS LEFT GIGGLING AS MEN SURROUNDED HER, RECOGNIZING HER FROM THE ARTICLES. She had even found Loke who had his arm around another woman, winking at her as he made eye contact with his guild mate.

Someone else that was a surprise was when she'd spotted Hibiki. "Here all by yourself? Did you and Jenny break up again?" Faye slid into the seat beside him, watching him take a sip of the rum, tracing his finger around the rim.

It wasn't uncommon for the two to break up and get back together. Since the Grand Magic Games, they'd split twice. Usually it was public and messy but everyone had gotten so used to it.

And also .. Hibiki was known to have multiple girlfriends at the same time.

"Didn't expect to see a beautiful fairy here. Did you and the Sabertooth guild master not work out?" He traced her jaw with his fingertips, gently taking a lock of her blue hair that appeared navy in the dimmed lights.

The woman chuckled a bit. "We were never official. But you know me."

"Can I get another one on the rocks for her?" The brunette had ended up asking the barkeep as he nodded.

The Blue Pegasus member placed his chin on the palm of his hand, staring at the woman, eyeing her up and down. "You're as free spirited as ever. Maybe I should be more like you and finally let Jenny go. We've been seeing other people anyways."

But he quickly corrected himself. "Well I'm not seeing anyone at the moment of course."

Faye giggled lightly, pinching his cheek. "Who do you think I am to fall for that lie?"

It was after the whole Oracion Seis incident that the two of them had begun sleeping together just out of boredom or convenience. It wasn't anything serious or even special.

"I'm just looking for a little fun tonight, not anything further than that."

Hibiki's hand rested on her back. "If that's what you wanted .. You know I'm the right person."

EVEN THOUGH HE LAID IN HER BED THAT NIGHT, SURROUNDED BY HER COMFORTING SCENT .. Sting couldn't find sleep, nor could it find him. The thing that irked him even more was that he knew somehow that she would keep her word because despite everything .. he still trusted her.

Everything? There wasn't an everything between them. It's not like they had been through thick and thin together. For her, he was just some guy.

To him .. she was the sky.

She was the sky in the world he lived in. The one he always looked up to. The one that would always be there, looking down on him.

Some part of him just knew that she wouldn't come back that night ..

But he was wrong this time.

Faye stumbled through the doorway of her home, kicking off her shoes. Hibiki made sure that she didn't drink too much, and she was grateful for that. The woman took off his coat and placed it on her rack, entering the kitchen to pop open the fridge and find something to eat.

"Did you have fun?" Sting leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. She didn't even bother to spare him a glance. "I did. Did you have fun waiting?"

"So you knew I would."

"Of course I did."

His eyes narrowed at the hickey that seemed to peek out from her messily thrown on top. It was clear her halter neck wasn't tied the same way as it was before .. and he had even noticed that her belt that was around the waistband of her skirt was messily put back on as the buckle wasn't clasped all the way. "Then what don't you know?" He had finally asked.

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