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"WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT?" The eighteen year old man, but still boy in her eyes, had asked. Gray Fullbuster and Cana were the two closest people to Faye, in the sense that she talked to them the most and they talked to her the most. She and Erza were also close, but not in a deep sense. But they were friendly toward one another, on the same mutual level of respect.

Faye who was on the railing beside him had stretched her arms out with a glint in her eye. "Doing what?"

"There's a name for you now, you know. Something worse than a fairy .. They call you a succubus."

The younger seventeen year old woman let out a little laugh. She had never made any attempts in sleeping with Gray, or anyone else she was close with within the guild, and although he found her very alluring .. he could never romantically harbor feelings for her. He was sure Natsu and Laxus felt the same way as well.

"It's true isn't it? I guess there shouldn't be a debate anymore on who the fairy queen is. I think Erza rightfully takes that title." She brought her glass of beer up with the male who clinked it against his own as they both took a few chugs.

"You never answered my question." Gray mentioned again to assure that it didn't slip away as they drank.

"I'm just trying to understand .. to find where my perspectives on things are, y'know? Isn't this world so dull? The sunsets, sunrises, oceans, forests, they're all so perpetual. Sure, they're pretty, but they'll always be there. What's the value of it? And the value of a person's life? What's the value of magic and memories and even the people that exist alongside us?"

"What's so great about the world? I'm strong, and I know I am .. but what am I continuously fighting for? For you, Natsu and Erza .. it's the guild, it's your home, your friends and your family—where you grew up. It should be the same for me, but I just don't feel that way."

"I love you all .. but it's not the same kind of love. I find that interesting too, how there's so many different forms, shapes and types of this thing called love. There's desire, lust, infatuation, all of it. I want to uncover everything."

"I want to find emotions and feelings that aren't so constant .. that make me see the value and the worth of a human's lifetime of memories."

"Aren't I crazy? I think I am too." Faye giggled as she spun around.

Gray ran his hand through his hair. "If you keep running ahead .. no one else is going to be able to catch up with you, Faye. Sleeping around, treating your body like an object — you're going to end up by yourself. Even I can't catch up to you now." He placed a hand on her head.

"As long as I know you're all behind me .. I think that's fine. I'll be lonely, but I'll have myself to try and understand and sympathize."

"I wonder .. how far will my body and my beauty take me? How far are others willing to go for lust? From there, I'll find more questions that I want answers to."

He didn't know when it had all begun. This complexity of hers as though she were a bystander in her own life, spectating — as though she were the sky. Intervening when she so wished and thought it was fit to her own goal.

"Hey. If you're ever too far ahead. Just stop for a little while .. we'll get to you."

She didn't doubt him, even for a second as she smiled. "I know."

"IF YOU KNEW .. THEN WHY DID YOU KEEP LETTING ME GO?" The cerulean haired woman that now had the appearance of a twenty one year old but should have been twenty eight by her records, spoke to the male who had grown much more than just 'quite a bit'.

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