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"TCH, IT'S YOU AGAIN .." Sting could only chuckle nervously as he was now faced with raven haired Lyam who had a distasteful expression on his face. From behind him, two girls of around the same age popped out. He had learned that their names were Mel and Tia. Tia was more energetic and hyper, she had unmistakable silver hair, and Mel tried to be more proper but she had no filter so she would freely talk her mind in a more monotone than her counterpart who spoke much more loud.

Lyam .. Lyam was very protective. It almost reminded him of himself when he was younger — except the difference between the two of them was that twelve year Sting was more jealous than protective. Although they did blur the lines.

"Let him in, Ly." Mel told the boy as he scoffed, opening up the entrance a little wider for him to fit through.

"What'd you bring today, mister?" Tia was handed a paper bag. Today it was filled with golden strawberries. A rare delicacy. The girl let out a hum as she popped one into her mouth, much to the protest of Mel and Lyam who knew the price on the berries.

Sting waved his hand dismissively. "We grow them ourselves. Eat up."

"Anyways, why aren't you three at school?"

They all stopped bickering for a moment. "Who else would watch Faye?" The male raised a brow as the two girls nodded in agreement.

The blonde let out a sigh. "You guys shouldn't be taking care of her .. Go to school, I'll do it."

"Aren't you a guild master?"

"Of Sabertooth?"

"So why do you have so much free time?"

They each sprung a question on him.

"Yes, yes .. and because .. I'll never not have free time for her." That was in fact a white lie .. considering in his nightmare, they had argued because he hadn't come home .. and even in reality before that, he was always holed in the guild hall.

"You're the reason why she's sick. Because she went to go see you last night." Mel pointed at him accusingly.

"We should have asked Laxus to stay after all." Lyam muttered under his breath.

Frankly, Sting was sure that if Laxus was still here, he would have been struck by lightning on the spot just for being the one responsible for nearly making her cry and for making her sick ..

Laxus was also rather protective of her ..

"He said he was going to come back next week with Mira though." Tia reminded.

The Sabertooth guild master was well aware that he wasn't welcomed by the three of them. That much was clearly noticeable.

"Should I leave then?" He asked.

None of them answered for a moment, but Mel sighed. "She would be sad again. She's sad when you don't come and then sad when you do come .. Why do you effect Faye so much? Why couldn't you have left her alone?"

The ebony haired boy placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, lightly pushing her behind him as he stepped forward. "She was happy with us .. not just us—" He made a gesture. "But the townspeople too. She finally could let go and start something new."

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