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"I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND THAT BRIBING ME WON'T SCORE YOU ANY POINTS." The sapphire haired woman muffledly spoke as her mouth was filled with food that was being chewed. It was a slow morning. She'd gotten up and her bones felt unbelievably heavy. The tart she'd been chewing had finally gone down smoothly with a gulp of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Sting watched with his chin resting on the palm of his hand. "You're over analyzing it. Can't a guy just bring breakfast?"

"Not if they're Sting Eucliffe." Faye scoffed.

It was to her surprise that Lyam and Sting were coexisting in the morning by the time she'd gone downstairs. No snarky remarks, no harsh insults .. just quietness. It made her rather happy. Maybe they finally grew on each other.

"Also, I took the day off today. Looks like you're going to be stuck with me all day." He chuckled.

The woman had a scowl on her face before rolling her eyes. "You've been taking quite a few days of absences .. Isn't that irresponsible?" She raised a brow.

Sting shot her a charming smile, but she herself was a charming person, so those types of things didn't work on her very often. But of course, she wasn't immune.

"I'm just easing them into my eventual resignation." The man shrugged his shoulders casually. "Careful with what you say. This mug might slip out of my hand and come flying at you if you keep going on about silly delusions." Faye hummed, cautioning him. Sting would need to heed her several warnings. After many realizations, he knew that she wasn't joking in the slightest.

Sting tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. It alarmed her that he'd gotten so close without any prior realization. The woman jumped when his finger grazed against her skin. "Eat some more." He plopped another tart onto her plate.

The mage's turquoise orbs didn't seem to be amused, instead they were skeptical. "You're being extra pushy today." It wasn't just her being over excessive .. but a mere fact.

Sting raised his hands up in surrender. "Sorry."

Faye didn't say anything after that and merely began preparing the children for school.

"ARE YOU NOT RETURNING TO FAIRY TAIL?" The man walked behind her in attempts to keep up while people kept getting in his way to greet her. She was a popular face within the village because obviously, she was the person who ran it all at such an incredibly young age. But the woman was dutiful and kept her responsibilities well, despite having built her town off of a bunch of cheat codes thanks to Mest.

Esma's family were also a big help.

"They know that I'll come running if they ever need me. For now this place needs me more. I started it .. so I want to see it through." She did a little twirl as her arms spread out, gesturing to all of the stores and the busy streets.

"It's amazing really. Without having to worry about excessive taxing and affordable costs of living .. everyone gets along so well. They're more motivated too." Faye smiled. Even as the population grew, her bank account would be able to keep up without a doubt. That was because a few wonderful connections she had with the council and royals lowered her taxes nearly down to the ground. Considering she'd helped save the world and the kingdom, they didn't have a second thought in giving her a hand.

"I guess the only downside is me and my age. It makes a lot of people afraid to live here."

It only made sense. No matter how much they did, Fairy Tail still had a reputation for being reckless and destructive, but they were well loved. Faye was still a young adult, it was only fair that people wouldn't trust someone of that age to manage a whole town by herself, but there she was.

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